Installing the Nintex Process Discovery Server

You can run PD installation via CLI or UI. When you run a silent installation, you run it through the CLI with predefined parameters and skip the configurations during the installation.

The following sections describe steps to install Discovery Server  and databases on a single server. For guidelines for a silent installation, refer to Silent Installation of Discovery Server.

In this section

Step 1: Verify Server Requirements

Step 2: Open Network Ports

Step 3: Nintex Process Discovery Database Engine

Step 4: (optional) Update RabbitMQ Permissions

Step 5: Copy Installation Files to Local Folder

Step 6: Run Nintex Process Discovery Server Setup Wizard

Step 7: Installation Package Contents

Step 8: Set Install Folder Location

Step 9: Add License

Step 10: (optional) Install Nintex Process Discovery License After Installation

Step 11: Configuring TLS Discovery Server

Step 12: Verify Installation

Troubleshooting Discovery Server Installation - Logs