Step 12: Verify Installation

Verify the Discovery Server installation by checking that you can connect to the following components:

If you're connecting remotely to the Discovery Server or if you defined the server's FQDN when you installed it, enter the FQDN of the server instead of localhost in the URLs in the following steps:

  1. Connect to RabbitMQ Management Plugin:

  2. From a web browser on the Discovery Server, enter the following URL:

    http://{FQDN of Server}:15672

    Log in to RabbbitMQ using the username admin and the default password Kryon2022!

  3. Connect to Nintex Process Discovery Console:

    1. From a web browser on the Discovery Server, enter the following URL: localhost/console

    2. Login with the following username and password:

      Username: Pdconsole

      Default temporary password: Pd123456! (if you changed the password in step 4, use the newly created password)

  4. Connect to SEQ: From a web browser on the Discovery Server, enter the following URL: http://localhost/seq

  5. Connect to Process Discovery User Management Tool:

    1. Open an incognito window in Chrome Enter the following URL: localhost/auth/admin//console/#/realms/

    2. Login with the following username and password

      Username: authadmin

      Default temporary password: Kryon123! (you may be asked to change the password. If you do, be sure to write is down)

If you have connected successfully to the above, you're done installing the server!

Next Steps

Install the Discovery Robots