Nintex Apps release notes
Note: Skuid NLX is now Nintex Apps.
Nintex Apps release (v17.8.0.0) 2025.02.05
Model Properties:
In the Fields to Order Records property, you no longer need to type the name of the field. A new point-and-click field selector and sort builder has streamlined this process. For more information, see the Create and Configure Models help topic.
Previous releases

Page Designer Migration Utility:
A new utility helps existing users easily migrate from using the Composer to using the new Page Designer. For more information, see the Page Designer Migration Utility help topic.
Improved drag-and-drop Index functionality:
The new color indicators show you where you can and cannot place components. For more information, see the Index help topic.
Action Flows zoom:
You can now zoom in and out on the Action Flows builder canvas. For more information, see the Action Flows help topic.
Form field section empty states:
When you drop the Form component on the canvas, sections are now available in the component's empty state, allowing you to add fields directly to a section and add columns. This feature makes it easier to see where you can drag and drop fields and get to the section from the canvas. For more information, see the Form help topic.

Page Designer:
Breadcrumbs at the top of the Page Designer now help navigate back to the page's app.
Display Logic:
It's now easier to create a one-off statement for a component. Within the Display logic properties section, you can now choose to create a new statement or use an existing one.
A new icon makes it easier to jump to the action flow canvas and edit an action flow connected to a component.
A new All pages tab in the Apps window allows you to search across apps for a specific page.
A new setting in the clone page modal allows you to select an app to clone the page to. This feature enables you to more easily reuse a page across apps.

General improvements and bug fixes.

If you're new to Nintex Apps, consider reviewing our quick start guides:
Get Started with Nintex Apps covers the basic concepts you’ll need to understand to use Apps.
Quick Start: Step-by-Step walks you through the process of creating an app, implementing Automation Cloud and Apps features in a page, and publishing an app.
Transition to Nintex branding
The Admin interface and error pages now reflect Nintex's visual style, including new primary colors, icons, logos, and typeface. New sites will also be provisioned with a domain instead of
Terminology alignment with Nintex Workflow
Updated terminology creates consistency across the newly integrated experience:
The new Composer experience is now the Page Designer.
Data source types are now connectors.
Data sources are now connections.
Other terminology updates can be reviewed here.
Main navigation enhancements
Navigation icons for Settings, Search, and Help now create a more streamlined layout, providing additional space for Nintex Workflow features.
New Page Designer available
The Page Designer — our new build experience — is now available. It includes enhanced builder tools, like canvas rendering, and makes it easier to cross-reference page resources by centralizing feature areas such as actions and display logic. For existing customers, the Composer — our previous build experience — is still available, and older pages will initially open in it. There are no current plans to sunset the Composer for existing customers, but we encourage builders to build new pages in the Page Designer for enhanced functionality, ease of use, and continued support.
For more information on the Page Designer and its features, see the Page Designer topic.
One of the biggest changes with the Page Designer is the enhanced Index. For more information, see the Index topic.
Nintex Workflow workflow connector
You can now leverage Nintex Workflow workflows and tasks in your solutions. This feature is available as an add-on or upgrade to your Nintex Apps license.
For more information on the Workflow connector and using it in App pages, see the Workflow connector topic.
Nintex Data
Expand your database capabilities with Nintex Data. Available as an add-on or upgrade to your Nintex Apps license.
- For instructions on using the Nintex Data connector in Apps, see the Nintex Data connector topic.
- For information about how to edit tables in the Nintex Data Console within Apps, see the Tables topic.

Updated the Help>Community link in NLX and SFX to point to the Nintex Community instead of the retired Skuid Community.
Updated release notes links in the SFX and NLX Admin experiences to point to the new Nintex hosted documentation sites
Internal tooling improvements
Fixed an issue were setting a DSO condition based on the User Attribute of Username was not working as expected.
Back end tooling improvements
(SFX Only) Fixed an issue in SFX Lighting where charts would sometimes show as blank with errors in console
New REST datasource development
PLIN-5628, PLIN-5271, PLIN-5648, PLIN-5839, PLIN-5897, PLIN-5900, PLIN-5942
New Composer (Page Designer) development
CORE-4999, CORE-5458
Dependency upgrades
CORE-5193, PLIN-5612, PLIN-5632, PLIN-5741
Future feature development
PLIN-5801, PLIN-5826, PLIN-5844, PLIN-5866, PLIN-5928, PLIN-5941

New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
For Chat component, formatting, flexibility, and stability improvements.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Dependency upgrades
Security enhancements
Fixed new Composer issues with tab and wizard components not saving correctly after a reorder change is made.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
For Chat component, enhanced support for REST models
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Dependency upgrades
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Moved Chat component and OpenAI data source out of beta.
Ensured multi-picklist "Include filter" property defaults to off.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Fixed Design System Studio issue where code editor panel would not update when tabs were changed. Also fixed issue where code components within a modal could lose their data if opened and closed more than once.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
In the Ink icon library, added new icons: workflows, upgrade, expand-alt, and contract-alt.
Fixed Composer issue where some Chat component properties would not update.
For XML parser, recognize standard property names independent of their case.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Fixed Composer issue where UI-only fields were not shown in field-picker for display logic conditions.
Internal codebase improvements
Fix Design System Studio issue where adding an API name to a variable would cause errors when trying to update components using the variable.
N/A: resolved in CORE-5459
Fix New Composer issue where browser reported unsaved changes even when none were made.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Fixed an issue where sometimes selecting an OData object in the composer would result in an error.
Fixed an unreleased issue where HTML tags were appearing in the runtime for a navigation component with Allow HTML Enabled.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Dependency upgrades
Backend service improvements
Internal tooling improvements
New REST data source development
Backend dependency updates
Improved performance for creating picklist and multi-picklist fields in Skuid DB.
Dependency upgrades
Backend dependency updates
On SFX, fixed Pages list issue where users without "Modify Metadata Through Metadata API Functions" permission in Salesforce would see errors
Backend dependency updates
Dependency upgrades
Internal codebase improvements
Internal codebase improvements
On SFX, fixed SFX Data Service Configuration in Salesforce where the selected JWT signing certificate was not shown by default, and the Certificate Public key could be truncated.
Fixed unreleased Skuid Database issue where the user was unable to create a new field via the CSV import process.
Internal tooling improvements
Internal codebase improvements
On SFX, fixed issue where Hyperforce Salesforce sites were unable to connect to SQL-based data sources.
Dependency upgrades
Internal codebase improvements
Backend dependency updates
Dependency upgrades
Dependency upgrades
Dependency upgrades
Dependency upgrades
Fixed unreleased Skuid Database issue where reference tables containing reference fields would not render in the Data tab.
Updated the Help Community link in NLX and SFX to point to Nintex Community instead of the retired Skuid Community.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development

New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
Security enhancement
Fixed unreleased Skuid Database issue where reference tables containing reference fields would not render in the Data tab.
Improved performance for creating picklist and multi-picklist fields in Skuid DB.
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
Fixed Composer issue where some Chat component properties would not update.
Moved Chat component and OpenAI data source out of beta.
N/A: resolved in CORE-5459
Fixed Design System Studio issue where adding an API name to a variable would cause errors when trying to update components using the variable.
Fixed Composer issue where UI-only fields were not shown in field-picker for display logic conditions.
Internal codebase improvements
Fixed unreleased Skuid Database issue where the user was unable to create a new field via the CSV import process.
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development

Dependency upgrades
Internal tooling improvements
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
Release Management
Ensure multi-picklist "Include filter" property defaults to being off
Move Chat component and OpenAI data source out of beta
For Chat component, enhanced support for REST models
For Chat component, formatting, flexibility and stability improvements
New Composer development
Future feature development

New REST data source development
Dependency upgrades
Fixed issue with Skuid DB Console where search was duplicated when managing Access Control
New REST data source development
Fixed unreleased issue
New Composer development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
Fixed an issue in the Design System Console where cloning a design system would generate an error when the user navigates to it.
Dependency upgrades
On NLX, the certificate generation algorithm was improved to generate valid certificates regardless of the Site Name. Previously some sites would not be able to connect to external data sources due to non alpha-numeric characters in the site name.
New REST data source development
Security enhancements
Security enhancements
Fix composer issue where Responsive Grid Divisions were missing the reorder buttons
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
Internal tooling improvements
New Composer development
Internal tooling improvements
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
Internal tooling improvements
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
Backend dependency updates
New REST data source development
Update page name uniqueness logic in SFX to allow pages to have the same name in different modules
Fixed issue when previewing a page with parameters, where the Page Parameters modal was not supporting type ahead.
Fixed an issue in the Composer where Search was not working as expected for Actions and Snippets
Fixed an issue in Design System where the Data Grid Mode property Accordion was showing a Beta tag, even though the feature is no longer in Beta.
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
Fixed an issue in DB Console where text duplicates itself when navigating away and back.
Fixed an issue in Design System Studio by removing three invalid nested components properties the Table component: “Row (Table Header Row)”, “Row (Table Body Row)”, and “Row (Table Footer Row)”
New Composer development
New Composer development
Fixed an issue in composer where Save/Cancel buttons were not always enabled correctly when opening Component Properties tab
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
Fixed an issue in the composer where the Action Sequences and Javascript tabs where the empty state was being presented incorrectly
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
Fix appearance of trust policy example shown when AWS role is used as an authentication method
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
Fix issue in Lightning design system where checkbox appeared pushed down and to right of where expected
Fix composer issue where unique id’s on Form and Page Include components were not being saved after clearing and setting new values.
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
Fixed runtime issue where opening a Drawer in a Table with a fixed height will cover up the Table header
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
Dependency upgrades
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New REST data source development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
New Composer development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development

Prepare codebase for packaging
CORE-5269New REST data source development
PLIN-4794New REST data source development
PLIN-5219New REST data source development
PLIN-5226New REST data source development
PLIN-5249New REST data source development
PLIN-5307New REST data source development
PLIN-5416New REST data source development
PLIN-5426New REST data source development
PLIN-5443New REST data source development
PLIN-5450New REST data source development
PLIN-5452New REST data source development
PLIN-5454New REST data source development
PLIN-5462New REST data source development
PLIN-5469New REST data source development
PLIN-5477New REST data source development
PLIN-5480New REST data source development
PLIN-5482New REST data source development
PLIN-5485New REST data source development
PLIN-5491New REST data source development
PLIN-5578New REST data source development
PLIN-5582New REST data source development
CORE-5349Fix issue in Lightning design system where checkbox appeared pushed down and to right of where expected
CORE-5357Fix appearance of trust policy example shown when AWS role is used as an authentication method
PLIN-5446Dependency upgrades
PLIN-5447Dependency upgrades
PLIN-5541Dependency upgrades
PLIN-5552Changes to facilitate load testing
PLIN-5553Changes to facilitate load testing
When renaming a model condition, ensure actions that use the condition reflect the updated label
CORE-5360When renaming a model condition, ensure actions that use the condition reflect the updated label
CORE-5284Internal developer setup script improvements
CORE-5297Internal code refactoring
CORE-5299Improve unexpected scrollbar appearances in the Design System Studio, particularly for color pickers and Chat component code blocks
PLIN-5386Improve NLX registration experience on mobile
CORE-5300Fix Table component issue where adjusting styles on mass action buttons would cause an additional, empty button to appear at runtime
CORE-5322Fix reference field issue where lookup filters in the Form component would not properly filter Record Type values
CORE-5295Fix NLX issue where icons for the find/replace panel in the XML editor would not appear
CORE-5306Fix menu selection issue where end users could not select certain elements, like search inputs, when a select menu was open
CORE-5136Fix inconsistent action sequence label issue for sequences created before EU3 that were event-triggered
CORE-5266Fix Form component issue issue where boolean fields with label displayed on right displayed as "false" if component does not allow HTML
CORE-5195Fix Design System Studio issue where the color selection dropdown would not display typeahead options
CORE-5245Fix Design System Studio issue where the color selection dropdown options would show color ID values instead of their labels
CORE-5234Fix Design System Studio issue where spacing variables would display incorrect names/values and display JavaScript errors in the console
CORE-5307Fix Design System Studio issue where filtering for color variants with "+" or "-" symbols would not work as expected
CORE-5321Fix design system static resource issue where design systems would be stored as undefinedDESIGNSYSTEM instead of their actual names
CORE-5236Fix dependent page issue where action sequences could not be reordered in the Composer
CORE-5302Fix condition issue where expected operators would not appear for field types
CORE-5285Fix Calendar issue where event source actions were broken in the Composer
CORE-5270Fix autocomplete/combobox issue where user dropdown selections were not captured when a component was in read with inline edit mode
CORE-5294Fix authentication provider issue where additional token request body parameters were not being sent properly at runtime, which notably affected Sharepoint data sources
CORE-5232Fix aggregate model issue where client-side conditions would not properly update the model
CORE-5254Fix "Run component action" issue where Form component actions would not appear if the component was in a modal that had not yet been opened in the Composer browser window
CORE-5227Adjust combobox field input behaviors for existing field values so that all menu options appear on focus and when clicked. Previously, combobox inputs would filter based the existing field value—meaning users would first have to delete that value to see the full list of options.
CORE-5224Centralize and improve “Size and scrolling” properties and streamline flex properties for a variety of components in current Composer as well as New Composer
New REST data source development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new REST data source:
CORE-5314 PLIN-4786 PLIN-5182 PLIN-5265 PLIN-5306 PLIN-5307 PLIN-5377 PLIN-5402 PLIN-5403 PLIN-5461 PLIN-5478 PLIN-5483
New Composer developmentThe following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new Composer experience:
CORE-4444 CORE-4708 CORE-4779 CORE-4792 CORE-4793 CORE-4794 CORE-4795 CORE-4804 CORE-4944 CORE-5006 CORE-5068 CORE-5112 CORE-5114 CORE-5123 CORE-5144 CORE-5199 CORE-5204 CORE-5206 CORE-5210 CORE-5228 CORE-5229 CORE-5233 CORE-5244 CORE-5246 CORE-5249 CORE-5250 CORE-5253 CORE-5274 CORE-5275 CORE-5278 CORE-5279 CORE-5280 CORE-5281 CORE-5286 CORE-5291 CORE-5293 CORE-5304 CORE-5318 CORE-5323
PLIN-5441Internal NLX administration improvements
PLIN-5372Internal feature improvements related to app URLs on NLX
PLIN-5373Internal feature improvements related to app URLs on NLX
CORE-5256Internal deployment script updates
PLIN-5149Internal config adjustments to support future microservices
CORE-5306Fix menu selection issue where end users could not select certain elements, like search inputs, when a select menu was open
PLIN-5397Fix issue with NLX new user registration where Create button would enable even if the user email were blank
CORE-5136Fix inconsistent action sequence label issue for sequences created before EU3 that were event-triggered
CORE-5195Fix Design System Studio issue where the color selection dropdown would not display typeahead options
CORE-5245Fix Design System Studio issue where the color selection dropdown options would show color ID values instead of their labels
CORE-5234Fix Design System Studio issue where spacing variables would display incorrect names/values and display JavaScript errors in the console
CORE-5236Fix dependent page issue where action sequences could not be reordered in the Composer
CORE-5285Fix Calendar issue where event source actions were broken in the Composer
CORE-5270Fix autocomplete/combobox issue where user dropdown selections were not captured when a component was in read with inline edit mode
CORE-5294Fix authentication provider issue where additional token request body parameters were not being sent properly at runtime, which notably affected Sharepoint data sources
CORE-5232Fix aggregate model issue where client-side conditions would not properly update the model
CORE-5254Fix "Run component action" issue where Form component actions would not appear if the component was in a modal that had not yet been opened in the Composer browser window
CORE-5227Adjust combobox field input behaviors for existing field values so that all menu options appear on focus and when clicked. Previously, combobox inputs would filter based the existing field value—meaning users would first have to delete that value to see the full list of options.
New REST data source development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new REST data source:
PLIN-5043 PLIN-5055 PLIN-5265 PLIN-5315 PLIN-5369 PLIN-5377 PLIN-5385 PLIN-5402 PLIN-5406
New Composer developmentThe following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new Composer experience:
CORE-5114 CORE-5159
Edinburgh Update 4 (
CORE-4946On Skuid SFX, implement the JsonAccess annotation to correct unexpected behaviors arising from serialization logic—notably Skuid model saves—that would cause "Apex object cannot be serialized" errors.
CORE-4967Added HTML support in the following component properties through use of related "Allow HTML" toggle properties:
- Button: Button label
- Button Group: Label, when displayed as a menu
- Wizard: Step labels
- Header: Title and subtitle
- Message Area: Title, as well as description
- Search: In each return object's header display name and display template
- Toast (from the Show toast action): Message to display
- Deck: Title
- Table: Title, as well as column headers
- List: Title
Fix Header component issue where its buttons were not respecting record context after their first use, resulting in experiences where editing one record would unexpectedly update all records
CORE-5052Update labeling to reflect pilot status of new Composer
CORE-5061Hyphenate "Vertical top-level navigation" in the Design System Studio
CORE-5076Add “Beta” tag to Chat component and OpenAI data source type
CORE-5078On SFX, adjust styles of components within Lightning Experience to account for Salesforce CSS updates
CORE-5090Fix sub-navigation item issue where merge variables were not being processed properly for URLs within the item's Go to URL action
CORE-5094Codebase and internal process enhancements to better avoid APIs noted as distorted by Salesforce
CORE-5095Fix issue with nested properties not properly updating the selected area
CORE-5096Resolve design system file inconsistencies that appear when downloading the file from Skuid's admin interface versus retrieving it via the CLI, which began after recent updates to streamline that file's format
CORE-5097OpenAI data source (for use with Chat component) development
CORE-5098Fix model regression where the child relationships sub-tab would not appear within the model fields tab
CORE-5100Fix issue where “Warn users if page has unsaved changes” page property would unexpectedly revert to “Yes” even when set to “No,” which affected by standard page edits and v1-v2 page migrations
CORE-5102Fix Pages list issue where the Preview option would cause errors when pages required parameters—not opening the modal for setting those parameters and ultimately not previewing the page
CORE-5103Ensure OpenAI data source functions with the API Keys authentication option
CORE-5105Adjust streamlined action sequence triggering behavior to account for issues surrounding what were previously event-triggered sequences
CORE-5106CDN deployment config updates
CORE-5107Security-related dependency upgrades
CORE-5108Add proper permissions for new Composer experience to Skuid Page Builder permission set
CORE-5115Fix Composer issue where model fields and conditions were being unexpectedly removed when the builder selected the model within the model list
CORE-5117Fix Chart component regression where series interactions were unavailable—instead appearing as an unusable text field within the Properties pane
CORE-5119Ensure consistency between SFX and NLX API calls for the OpenAI data source type
CORE-5120Migrate to a newer, non-deprecated third-party library for some UI elements
CORE-5125Upgrade timezone-related dependencies
CORE-5126Internal file size logging improvements
CORE-5127Fix Salesforce mobile issue where, in addition to the native mobile date picker, Skuid's date picker would sometimes unexpectedly appear and sometimes remain even after picking a date
CORE-5128Code base modularization
CORE-5131JS API additions to better test pages when loaded as included pages
CORE-5132Ensure Chat components configured for model rows display new rows as expected when their models are requeried
CORE-5134Fix issue where Skuid's mass update modal would not function properly with number and currency fields—causing a call stack error
CORE-5135Security-related dependency upgrades
CORE-5138Ensure that UI-only picklist fields marked as required auto-select the first picklist entry, which is the current behavior for non-UI-only fields
CORE-5145Fix Form issue where the component would attempt to render fields that were not in the component's model. Notably this issue could occur when, due to user permissions, fields were removed from the model to prevent unauthorized access, but the component would still attempt to render those removed fields.
CORE-5149Fix issue where "Hide label" property (A Form-exclusive property) appeared on Table component fields
CORE-5150Fix issue with UI-only filters where the inability to retrieve condition logic caused "getField is not a function" errors—particularly for date fields
CORE-5155Remove unused SFX labels from source control files
CORE-5158Fix Composer issue where the “Custom field renderer” property rendered as a text input instead of a combobox
CORE-5159Adjust process for renaming page revisions to utilize a modal for improved UX
CORE-5161Fix new row creation regression where fields on the new row that were displayed as comboboxes would have their values cleared out when the row was saved
CORE-5167Fix issue with "Last/Next n <unit>" related date property values, where number values were reset to 1 in the page XML instead of the entered number value whenever the date range value was changed. For example, if a user had selected “Next n weeks” and set N to 5, then changed to “Last n weeks”, the 5 would remain in the Composer but would be saved in XML as 1.
CORE-5169Internal code refactoring to address linting issues
CORE-5174Remove unnecessary content from exported design system JSON files
CORE-5175Refactoring of chat data source actions for future development
CORE-5176Fix issue where setting a field’s label position to "Right of Input" on checkbox fields broke HTML rendering in labels
CORE-5182For Navigation and Vertical Navigation components in the DSS, add the ability to set font family—and improve the display and grouping of various text properties
CORE-5191Upgrade Mustache and Moment libraries in API v1 to address security concerns
CORE-5201Fix Vertical Navigation issue where navigation items with the default "Go to URL" action would not respect design system styles, and instead always appeared as blue
CORE-5202Fix Calendar component style issue where the changing the “Default color” value for an event on a Calendar in the Design System Studio would not properly update the color
CORE-5223Add "col" scope to Table column headers to improve accessibility for screen reader tools like JAWS
CORE-5239Fix issue where the "Allow HTML" property would cause console errors in the Composer
CORE-5248Non-customer facing metadata API changes to facilitate build deployments
PLIN-5354Fix issue in Skuid Database where the CSV import view would not scroll, preventing users from seeing all fields that may be imported for CSV files with many columns
New REST data source development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new REST data source:
PLIN-4923 PLIN-4928 PLIN-4994 PLIN-4996 PLIN-5043 PLIN-5170 PLIN-5173 PLIN-5186 PLIN-5194 PLIN-5197 PLIN-5211 PLIN-5225 PLIN-5255 PLIN-5268 PLIN-5270 PLIN-5285 PLIN-5288 PLIN-5292 PLIN-5301 PLIN-5310 PLIN-5314 PLIN-5350 PLIN-5360 PLIN-5362 PLIN-5363 PLIN-5370 PLIN-5375
New Composer developmentThe following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new Composer experience:
CORE-5081 CORE-5083 CORE-5084 CORE-5089 CORE-5058 CORE-5060 CORE-5062 CORE-5074 CORE-5099 CORE-5104 CORE-5109 CORE-5110 CORE-5111 CORE-5113 CORE-5114 CORE-5123 CORE-5124 CORE-5137 CORE-5143 CORE-5147 CORE-5152 CORE-5153 CORE-5165 CORE-5168 CORE-5170 CORE-5171 CORE-5172 CORE-5173 CORE-5179 CORE-5181 CORE-4355 CORE-4377 CORE-4475 CORE-4541 CORE-4621 CORE-4660 CORE-4803 CORE-4807 CORE-4826 CORE-4844 CORE-4884 CORE-4885 CORE-4923 CORE-4930 CORE-4943 CORE-4965 CORE-5036 CORE-5207 CORE-5211 CORE-5212 CORE-5213 CORE-5214 CORE-5215 CORE-5217 CORE-5221 CORE-5231 CORE-5240 CORE-5241
Future feature developmentThe following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
CORE-3499 PLIN-4683 PLIN-4748 PLIN-5062 PLIN-5126
AWS authentication proxy updates
The following tickets represent code changes made to the AWS authentication proxy service:
- PLIN-5229: Internal documentation updates
- PLIN-5300: Dependency upgrades related to AWS authentication features
- PLIN-5304: Dependency upgrades related to AWS authentication features
- PLIN-5312: Deployment configuration updates related to AWS authentication features
- PLIN-5313: Update method for session management related to AWS authentication features

Feature updates
Action sequences: Streamlined and enhanced
Action sequences provide a centralized place to create lists of actions in your Skuid page. Previously, there were three separate types: reusable, event-triggered, and hotkey-triggered. But what if you've drafted the perfect event-triggered sequence—only to realize you need it activated by a hotkey as well? Have you ever needed to duplicate your reusable sequence used on multiple buttons in order to also make it responsive to events? And what's with all these types to keep up with?
No longer! With EU3, all action sequences can be triggered however you want. Each sequence is now reusable, as well as event and hotkey triggerable by adjusting settings within the newly added Event and Hotkey tabs.
"But what about my old action sequences?" Don't worry! Everything has migrated to this new format. Your event-triggered sequences appear as normal sequences with the Events tab populated appropriately, with hotkey-triggered sequences receiving the same treatment.
This is just a hint of the kind of enhancements coming in our new Composer, but more on that in our Pilot features section…
Simpler design system files, better for source control
Source control helps organizations facilitate change management, while keeping a record of how assets and metadata have changed over time. While much of Skuid's metadata (which can be retrieved via our CLI tools) is in plain text and source control-friendly, design systems haven't been.
With EU3, we're changing the way design system assets are formed when retrieved via the CLI—allowing them to more easily be stored and diffed in your source control system of choice. Previously design systems were returned as ZIP files, with additional boilerplate and metadata that made source control for these files difficult.
Now, design systems are returned as JSON files with only the necessary information stored within it in a consistent order. You can expect much smaller files (around 5k lines shorter in some test cases) and easier diffing because of the deterministic nature.
HTML support for more labels and titles
This feature is coming soon to early access.
Skuid components are the building blocks of your Skuid pages, but HTML elements are the building blocks of the web—and they offer a lot of customization options you may need for more advanced styling needs. We've steadily increased the component areas where HTML can be used in Skuid, and with this release we're opening up even more.
Some properties previously allowed HTML to render by default. To better safeguard unintended HTML use, we'll be adding Allow HTML properties in these areas. To prevent breaking behaviors for existing components, we'll assume any components with that property unset will have it checked with this update. But any new components added to the page will default Allow HTML to off.
API key authentication method
Many products handle authentication through API keys, which they expect to be passed along in each request to service endpoints. While it’s been possible to access these services in Skuid through its Common request headers or Common request body data, doing so meant potentially exposing your API key to end users who were savvy enough to look at their network traffic.
Worry no longer about those network request sleuths, our newAPI key authentication methodallows you to store encrypted API keys and securely inject them into requests server-side—meaning end users never see those credentials.
Pilot features
Pilot features are not yet intended for prime time production use, but they are available to select customers to gather feedback as we prepare them for a broader audience.
To request access to features listed below, contact
Chat component
There haven't been any transformational technological advancements related to artificial intelligence in the last year, right? No large, language-related models to make Skuid models of? New ways to use natural speech to produce new workflows and content?
Well just in case there have been, we're working on a Chat component that enables you to connect to your chosen AI language model of choice. Additionally you can use it for old-fashioned, human-to-human communication as well, like Salesforce's Chatter functionality.
REST Data Source Console and actions
We've been overhauling how builders can build and test their REST data sources. With EU3, we're ready to launch a closed pilot for this new experience.
With these REST data source enhancements, you can look forward to:
- REST Data Source Console: A centralized workspace to manage requests and objects in the data source—no more replicating endpoints on each and every page
- REST data source actions: The addition of data source actions allows you to trigger server logic with Skuid actions in mind. This feature replaces the need for one-off GET or POST actions on your Skuid models, and incorporates your work into Skuid's Action Framework
This experience is under heavy development, and we look forward to your feedback.
New Composer
Drum roll please: There's a new Composer coming! But this is no mere visual refresh—though we think it looks fresher too. Some major ideas we're developing in this experience include:
- More visual development with enhanced canvas rendering: Skuid's a powerful tool for the citizen developer and the code-wrangling pro, but we want the new Composer to more closely reflect what you're building without constantly refreshing page previews. Look forward to live style updates and other canvas rendering options
- Vertical layout: We'll be moving the Elements and Properties pane to the sides of the Composer, allowing for more vertical canvas space—alongside other sizing changes so the most important elements are highlighted while non-essential elements stay out of the way.
- Redesigned index: The index is the wayfinder of your Skuid page, and we've adjusted its capabilities to allow for faster drag-and-drop page creation and navigation.
- Consolidation, centralization, and bi-directionality: Skuid pages have a lot of moving parts, and they all depend on each other. Models connected to components, which trigger actions, but only when they render because all their display logic rules are true… It can be a lot to handle—and a lot to navigate.
With the new Composer experience, we're offering more wayfinding tools and more links between common areas. Go from a component to its model's properties instantly, see everywhere an action is used, and more.
We've also got a lot of modularity and reusability improvements to come for your page logic. What exactly, you may ask? Join the pilot to find out!
This new Composer experience represents a major paradigm shift in Skuid development, and we want your help in making it the best it can be.Contact us to join the closed pilot phase!
Heads up!
Vertical top-level navigation works now, but you may see differences
Previously, Vertical top-level navigation stylingproperties were not properly applied to the uppermost navigation items. With this change, these properties are now properly applied.
You may see a difference in how your Navigation components render. If so, verify the proper settings are applied in the Vertical top-level navigation properties as well as the Top level navigation item section of the Vertical Navigation component's style variants.
Included tickets
CORE-5191Upgrade Mustache and Moment libraries in API v1 to address security concerns
CORE-5052Update labeling to reflect pilot status of new Composer
PLIN-5254Skuid NLX registration page internal improvements
PLIN-5290Skuid NLX registration page API upgrades
CORE-4946On Skuid SFX, implement the JsonAccess annotation to correct unexpected behaviors arising from serialization logic—notably Skuid model saves—that would cause "Apex object cannot be serialized" errors.
CORE-5085On Skuid SFX, fix issue that caused Skuid Page (LWC) Lightning component to have load failures
PLIN-4001On Skuid NLX, update branding and options available at Help > Resources
PLIN-5222On Skuid NLX, fix issue where deleting all files and then uploading a new file still displaying the Files screen empty state
PLIN-4295On Skuid NLX, fix admin UI issue where the Settings navigation item could no longer be opened as a new tab
PLIN-5181On Skuid NLX, ensure file requests to inactivate sites receive a proper 402 response
PLIN-5358On Skuid NLX, adjust generated site domain name logic
PLIN-5232On Skuid NLX, adjust backend save location for style-related files
PLIN-5114On Skuid NLX user import, fail imports that contain invalid "Type" user record values
PLIN-5293Necessary empty space changes for internal development
PLIN-5289Internal tooling improvements
PLIN-5272Internal support tool improvements related to customer domain searches
PLIN-4588Improvements to internal tooling related to internal/external site management
PLIN-4911Improve authentication used for Skuid NLX registration page
CORE-5061Hyphenate "Vertical top-level navigation" in the Design System Studio
PLIN-5269For Skuid Database, automatically clean up any CSV files uploaded during an abandoned data import process
PLIN-5243For Skuid Database, adjust backend save location for uploaded CSV files
CORE-5182For Navigation and Vertical Navigation components in the DSS, add the ability to set font family—and improve the display and grouping of various text properties
CORE-5090Fix sub-navigation item issue where merge variables were not being processed properly for URLs within the item's Go to URL action
CORE-5127Fix Salesforce mobile issue where, in addition to the native mobile date picker, Skuid's date picker would sometimes unexpectedly appear and sometimes remain even after picking a date
CORE-5161Fix new row creation regression where fields on the new row that were displayed as comboboxes would have their values cleared out when the row was saved
CORE-5150Fix issue with UI-only filters where the inability to retrieve condition logic caused "getField is not a function" errors—particularly for date fields
CORE-5167Fix issue with "Last/Next n <unit>" related date property values, where number values were reset to 1 in the page XML instead of the entered number value whenever the date range value was changed. For example, if a user had selected “Next n weeks” and set N to 5, then changed to “Last n weeks”, the 5 would remain in the Composer but would be saved in XML as 1.
CORE-5100Fix issue where “Warn users if page has unsaved changes” page property would unexpectedly revert to “Yes” even when set to “No,” which affected by standard page edits and v1-v2 page migrations
CORE-5134Fix issue where Skuid's mass update modal would not function properly with number and currency fields—causing a call stack error
CORE-5176Fix issue where setting a field’s label position to "Right of Input" on checkbox fields broke HTML rendering in labels
CORE-5149Fix issue where "Hide label" property (A Form-exclusive property) appeared on Table component fields
PLIN-5001Fix issue for data sources utilizing the "Separate authentication URL" authentication method, where the header and request body properties were not rendering properly—cuasing 500 errors after creation
CORE-5044Fix Header component issue where its buttons were not respecting record context after their first use, resulting in experiences where editing one record would unexpectedly update all records
CORE-5145Fix Form issue where the component would attempt to render fields that were not in the component's model. Notably this issue could occur when, due to user permissions, fields were removed from the model to prevent unauthorized access, but the component would still attempt to render those removed fields.
CORE-5158Fix Composer issue where the “Custom field renderer” property rendered as a text input instead of a combobox
CORE-5202Fix Calendar component style issue where the changing the “Default color” value for an event on a Calendar in the Design System Studio would not properly update the color
CORE-5138Ensure that UI-only picklist fields marked as required auto-select the first picklist entry, which is the current behavior for non-UI-only fields
PLIN-4283Enhancements to Skuid NLX app URL options
PLIN-5187Dependency upgrades
CORE-5128Code base modularization
CORE-5223Add "col" scope to Table column headers to improve accessibility for screen reader tools like JAWS
PLIN-4910Enable use of API key authentication in v1 pages
Template service updatesThe following tickets represent code changes made to the NLX service enabling template installation:
- PLIN-5309: Dependency upgrades
- DEVOPS-1677: Deployment tooling configuration changes
- APPS-1691: Remove outdated templates
New REST data source development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new REST data source:
PLIN-4923, PLIN-5127, PLIN-5175, PLIN-5177, PLIN-5179, PLIN-5194, PLIN-5197, PLIN-5211, PLIN-5216, PLIN-5235, PLIN-5267, PLIN-5303, PLIN-5225
New Composer developmentThe following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new Composer experience:
CORE-4475, CORE-4803, CORE-4923, CORE-5036, CORE-5062, CORE-5084, CORE-5099, CORE-5104, CORE-5109, CORE-5110, CORE-5111
Future feature developmentThe following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
PLIN-4927, PLIN-5146, PLIN-4885
Tickets for prior early access releases are also represented below.
New Composer developmentThe following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new Composer experience:
CORE-4929, CORE-4539, CORE-4994, CORE-5012, CORE-5083, CORE-5009, CORE-4911, CORE-4854, CORE-5022, CORE-4860, CORE-4961, CORE-4853, CORE-5066, CORE-4863, CORE-5018, CORE-4913, CORE-4927, CORE-4864, CORE-4896, CORE-4935, CORE-4962, CORE-4975, CORE-4960, CORE-4963, CORE-4895, CORE-4897, CORE-4924, CORE-4997, CORE-4996, CORE-3622, CORE-4889, CORE-4891, CORE-4887, CORE-4865, CORE-4822, CORE-4819, CORE-4958, CORE-4783, CORE-4888, CORE-4892, CORE-4823, CORE-4824, CORE-4959, CORE-4806, CORE-4873, CORE-4807, CORE-4884, CORE-4808, CORE-4787, CORE-4907, CORE-4977, CORE-4558, CORE-4541, CORE-4768, CORE-5081, CORE-4857, CORE-4850, CORE-4879, CORE-4995, CORE-4914, CORE-4903, CORE-4954, CORE-4904, CORE-4902, CORE-5089, CORE-4559, CORE-4475, CORE-4386, CORE-4622, CORE-5032
New REST data source development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new REST data source:
PLIN-4794, PLIN-4733, PLIN-5051, APPS-2348, PLIN-5115, PLIN-4956, PLIN-4873, PLIN-4967, PLIN-4789, PLIN-5042, PLIN-5082, PLIN-4924, PLIN-4415, PLIN-4414, PLIN-5049, PLIN-4996, PLIN-4825, PLIN-4783, PLIN-4905, PLIN-4799, PLIN-4788, PLIN-4854, PLIN-5048
CORE-4871When Skuid LWC is activated, enable Aura-related features to be used within the Skuid Page (Aura) component
CORE-4899Upgrade build dependencies
CORE-4883Updates to allow the Skuid Page (LWC) component to run properly in Lightning communities on Skuid SFX
CORE-5052Update labeling to reflect pilot status of new Composer
CORE-4874Update analytics tooling
CORE-5096Resolve design system file inconsistencies that appear when downloading the file from Skuid's admin interface versus retrieving it via the CLI, which began after recent updates to streamline that file's format
PLIN-4804Remove SSL options that erroneously display for Microsoft SQL Server during data source configuration
CORE-5088Packaging tasks for Skuid NLX
CORE-5069OpenAI data source (for use with Chat component) development
CORE-5097OpenAI data source (for use with Chat component) development
APPS-2340On SQL data sources, ensure the permission summary at the top of the access control page displays proper access summary
Previously, some permission changes would not trigger an update, instead displaying "No access" even when access was granted. Now the summary properly updates to reflect granted permissions, particularly for "Full access" scenarios
CORE-4950On Skuid SFX, ensure LWC feature labels can be found when Skuid is installed as managed package
CORE-5082On Skuid SFX, enable Skuid LWC to run with the "Relaxed CSP" Salesforce setting
CORE-4941On Skuid SFX, cache the chosen Lightning render mode (Aura or LWC) for improved load times
CORE-4869On Skuid SFX, add Skuid LWC section in Org Preferences
APPS-2352On Skuid SFX, add necessary backend support for API key authentication method
APPS-2350On Skuid NLX, add necessary backend support for API key authentication method
CORE-5078On SFX, adjust styles of components within Lightning Experience to account for Salesforce CSS updates
CORE-4727Move component merge variables (like {{searchValue}}) out of beta
CORE-5059Internal-only XML additions
CORE-5014Internal refactoring
PLIN-4907Internal codebase adjustments for feature flags
CORE-4678In the Design System Studio, utilize enhanced color picker for brand colors
PLIN-4959In the Database Console, fix issue where the field searchbar and the mass actions for deleting and editing rows were not appearing
CORE-5027In the Chat component, support rich text
PLIN-4692Improve UI indicators for an internal beta feature
CORE-5013Improve loading message indicators for Chat component
CORE-4909Improve Composer performance for large pages, particularly by adjusting page index logic
PLIN-4300Generate code coverage reports on NLX
APPS-2356For SQL data sources, ensure selected SSL options persist across page refreshes, and that certificate information is properly erased when options are changed on-screen
CORE-5023Fix v1->v2 migration issue where <span> HTML elements, particularly in v1 Queues, would cause "There was an error running the migration" errors—failing the migration itself. Now migrations complete as expected.
CORE-5051Fix Table issue where drawers wouldn't display if end users hid the Table's leftmost column
PLIN-4903Fix Skuid NLX permission set issue where adding a condition to a site permission set with the "Configure site" permission would not register as a change—preventing the Save button from enabling as expected
CORE-5091Fix SFX issue where some data source types were not appearing
CORE-4947Fix regression where fields displayed as buttons groups collapsed to minimum width instead of expanding to fill their given space
CORE-4948Fix regression where button groups—particularly for picklist fields displayed as button groups—failed to respect width specified for button variants in a given design system
CORE-5077Fix record type ID lookups for reference fields that display as picklists—which previously had an issue where those picklists would appear as blank even after choosing a value
CORE-4991Fix Properties pane issue where, after setting its properties in the Advanced tab, focus would unexpectedly shift from the Text component's canvas input back to the Advanced tab properties after a short delay in typing
CORE-5102Fix Pages list issue where the Preview option would cause errors when pages required parameters—not opening the modal for setting those parameters and ultimately not previewing the page
PLIN-5090Fix NLX issue where search bars would collapse into the page's filters on data source, app, page, and design system admin pages
CORE-5040Fix navigation item issue where "Sub-navigation item" carets would appear even though there were no sub-navigation items
Previously, deleting sub-navigation items in the Composer would not appropriately update the page XML. This resulted in "Sub-navigation item" carets appearing on these navigation items even though there were no longer sub-navigation items. This affected both top-level and sub-level navigation items.
Now, page XML is updated appropriately and navigation items do not show a caret unless there truly is a sub-item.
CORE-5015Fix multipicklist issue where displayed values were not updated properly when picklist entries were changed
CORE-5098Fix model regression where the child relationships sub-tab would not appear within the model fields tab
CORE-5095Fix issue with nested properties not properly updating the selected area
CORE-4916Fix issue where the Tab Container component would switch between tab and accordion views at unexpected breakpoints when the browser window was resized
CORE-4984Fix issue where the some hover state style settings (border radius and background color) for Vertical Navigation items were not being applied correctly at runtime—despite previewing correctly in the Design System Studio
CORE-4918Fix issue where the "Merge field" field picker, used for setting context conditions, would incorrectly point to the current component's model instead of the "parent" component's model—producing incorrect context conditions
CORE-4870Fix issue where Responsive Grids with a main axis of "Column" would display at unexpected heights at runtime due to incorrect CSS
CORE-5049Fix issue where newly added actions appear to remain as "Save model" actions, even when set to other action types. While only a label issue, and navigating away and back to an action list would resolve the issue, this misleading action list rendering behavior has been corrected.
PLIN-4955Fix issue where illustrations used in Skuid Database would incorrectly render with a black background
CORE-5034Fix issue where icon selectors were not displaying icons
CORE-4901Fix issue where Geochart components would appear not to reflect model changes, sometimes rendering before model load operations completed
CORE-4900Fix issue where display logic rules (particularly render conditions) were not enforced as expected on Geochart components
CORE-4890Fix issue where Chatter components do not properly render input areas within Skuid Page (Aura) components when Skuid LWC is enabled
CORE-4969Fix issue where Carousel components with slides containing nested Carousels would display incorrect slide count numbering + reimplement ability to remove slides in manually sourced Carousels
CORE-4915Fix issue where buttons couldn’t be deleted in the Composer once more than one existed in a button group unless the Composer was refreshed
CORE-4992Fix Form field issue where the "Horizontal alignment" property was not respected for boolean fields in edit mode—defaulting to "Left" alignment instead
CORE-5050Fix Form component issue with date/time fields where browser focus would unexpectedly shift from edit mode before end users could complete time entry—requiring users to double click the field to re-enter edit mode
CORE-5047Fix Form column issue where "Align self" properties were not respected—resulting in columns that were always set to flex-start
CORE-4931Fix EU2 regression where the implied context condition of Id = Id was no longer applied and had to be manually specified, causing unexpected results in context-driven components like Decks
CORE-4978Fix Edinburgh Update 2 on SFX runtime issue where sometimes icons would not render or would disappear when navigating back and forth between Lightning tabs
CORE-4880Fix Edinburgh Update 1 issue where metadata overrides that changed Number fields into Picklist fields were not respected in Edit Mode, notably when metadata caching was not enabled for the data source
CORE-5029Fix Design System Studio issue where the Chat component's avatar element would not disappear when previewing the element without the avatar
CORE-4942Fix design system issue where Spacing variables had a blank unit of measurement (instead of 'px' or 'rem' options)
CORE-4952Fix date/time field validation behavior on mobile devices, which previously caused incorrect "Must match required format: [date]" errors
CORE-5115Fix Composer issue where model fields and conditions were being unexpectedly removed when the builder selected the model within the model list
CORE-4940Fix Composer issue where horizontal scrolling was not possible in Tab Set components in the canvas
CORE-5117Fix Chart component regression where series interactions were unavailable—instead appearing as an unusable text field within the Properties pane
CORE-4682Fix Calendar component issue where the view option picklist wasn't rebuilding after a Month or List view was deleted, preventing the creation of a new view. Also improve disabled entries logic to accurately display the selectable Month/List entries. Additionally, some future feature work.
CORE-4919Fix "problem initializing component" error that appeared when attempting to create an event in the Calendar component on mobile devices
CORE-4938Ensure v2 components properly listen for user time zone changes
Previously custom time zone handling through snippets would not propagate as expected in v2 components—particularly the Calendar. For users migrating from v1, this meant snippets were no longer working on otherwise-identical v2 pages.
Now we've improved how the user's current time zone is retrieved and the event subscription logic used by components to ensure these changes are accounted for at runtime
CORE-5005Ensure the "lang" HTML attribute applied to Skuid pages uses hyphens instead of underscores to specify the language subtag.
Previously these attributes would with underscores: "lang=en_US" Now they appear with hyphens: "lang=en-US"
CORE-4937Ensure that internal methods used to reparent nested components properly clean up and remove the reparented component from the previous parent
CORE-5024Ensure switch toggles can be toggled on/off using the keyboard (Selecting them with Tab and toggling them with Spacebar)
CORE-4933Ensure style variant conditions update the visual appearance of components
Previously style variant conditions would sometimes not properly update the styling of components, particularly when changing values in edit mode. This fix adjusts conditional class assignment, ensuring variants are better applied when expected
CORE-5103Ensure OpenAI data source functions with the API Keys authentication option
CORE-4917Ensure initial sections on Accordion components are assigned a unique Id
CORE-4973Ensure exported design system files only contain updatable properties within the file
CORE-4932Ensure existing Lightning preview methods continue to function with LWC enabled
CORE-5004Ensure aria-label values for pagination buttons (page number, previous, next) contain properly updated alternative text and are available to accessibility tools
CORE-4949Ensure "# of decimal places" property for Table summaries properly respects field metadata when "Use field metadata" is checked
PLIN-5101Enable API key authentication for v1 runtime
CORE-5087Disable Skuid Page (LWC) component usage in LWR sites to avoid errors until functionality is completed
CORE-4893Core adjustments necessary to support improved sidebar and canvas rendering for Skuid Database
CORE-5094Codebase and internal process enhancements to better avoid APIs noted as distorted by Salesforce
CORE-5053Chat component development
CORE-5031Chat component development
CORE-5080Chat component development
CORE-4985Chat component development
PLIN-4830Adjusting behavior of site instance banner on early access sites to better indicate environment
CORE-5105Adjust streamlined action sequence triggering behavior to account for issues surrounding what were previously event-triggered sequences
CORE-4926Adjust Drawer chevron icon rendering so that it doesn't appear extra wide if the drawer contains a Table component
CORE-5017Adjust design system file format to fix issue where Skuid pages appeared blank in the Composer—which affected builders with large design system files
CORE-4970Adjust Composer component rendering logic for internal testing
PLIN-4925Address some spacing issues on Skuid NLX's admin screens
CORE-5086Additional work to disable Skuid LWC in LWR while generating passing builds
CORE-5028Additional design system style properties for the Chat component
CORE-4967Added HTML support in the following component properties through use of related "Allow HTML" toggle properties:
- Button: Button label
- Button Group: Label, when displayed as a menu
- Wizard: Step labels
- Header: Title and subtitle
- Message Area: Title, as well as description
- Search: In each return object's header display name and display template
- Toast (from the Show toast action): Message to display
- Deck: Title
- Table: Title, as well as column headers
- List: Title
Add “Beta” tag to Chat component and OpenAI data source type
CORE-5108Add proper permissions for new Composer experience to Skuid Page Builder permission set
CORE-4701Add interaction functionality to all field types
CORE-5079Add appropriate implements so the Skuid Aura component can be used when Lightning Locker is disabled
CORE-4951Add "Copy to clipboard" and "Evaluate formula fields on model" actions

Feature updates
Several Skuid NLX beta features are now generally available!
Custom domainsCustom domains, previously released as a beta feature, allow your Skuid site to be accessible from any domain name you own. We've been hard at work incorporating user feedback, and this feature has graduated to generally available
Contact your Skuid representative to use this feature.
Single sign-on (SSO) enhancements
SSO has been possible through the SAML protocol on Skuid NLX, and several feature enhancements to Skuid NLX's SSO user provisioning features are now GA:
- Update a user's Skuid attributes (like email or locale) based on the user's SAML attributes from your identity provider.
- Automatically reactivate previously deactivated Skuid users if they login from an IdP. This is useful particularly for subscription management, ensuring you can safely deactivate users without accidentally locking out your active Skuid users.
In SSO use cases, it's not uncommon to store more detailed user information in the identity provider and then pass that information along to service providers as SAML Attributes. These attributes can now be mapped to session variables to be used in Skuid applications, primarily for data source object conditions on SQL data sources. But we've also implemented improvements to use these variables in:
- Render conditions
- Model conditions
- Merge expressions through the $Session global merge variable
Interactions support for all field types
Interactions allow certain lists of actions to run based on how the end user interacts with an element.
Previously, interactions could be set on various components—like Decks and Images—but only on template fields in Form and Table components. Now, this Action Framework feature can be applied to all field types.
With this update, click interactions can only be be configured for template fields within components set to read-only mode. This reserves click interactions for field editing. Existing interactions not matching this criteria will be retained, but new ones cannot be made.
New Action Framework actions
Expand/collapse drawers and sections with actions
Several Skuid components feature expandable/collapsible portions that respond to end user clicks. Drawers appear in Table and List components as context containers for rows—allowing additional details to be described in components within those drawers. Similarly, Accordion components allow for segmenting a page's elements into easily discoverable sections, which users can freely open and close. These drawers and sections appear in other components as well—including Lists and Filter Sets.
Previously, it was not possible to expand and collapse these UI elements without hacky workarounds. It's not uncommon to require one part of the page to expand in reaction to a user's actions elsewhere—or to collapse a section of the page when the user's completed all necessary actions within it.
With Edinburgh Update 2, we've incorporated more builder control over these expandable/collapsible drawers and sections through the Run component action.
For more information on individual component actions:
Copy to clipboardIt's a common UI paradigm to allow users to copy text with the click of a button—perhaps a link, email address, or a templated piece of text. Skuid builders have built clever JavaScript solutions, but code no more!
With the Copy text to clipboard action, you can send specific strings or field data (using merge syntax) to the user's clipboard.
Evaluate formula fields on model
Formulas are a powerful part of Skuid's toolkit, and many UIs use formula fields alongside data fields. To have more tailored control and ensure formula fields remain in sync with actions elsewhere on the page, the Evaluate formula fields on model action can be used to reevaluate formulas on a specific row, any rows in context, or all rows in the model.
Skuid NLX now available through the AWS Marketplace
Skuid NLX, our complete app development web platform, can now be acquired through the AWS Marketplace. This integration expands our free trial capabilities and allows your company to use the NLX Site Manager to organize and create sites for your organizations.
If you're commonly building with AWS products and haven't tried Skuid yet, check out our AWS Marketplace listing!
CLI and deployment improvements
We've fixed various issues and made several general improvements to our CLI experience for Skuid NLX—both in our backend services and the CLI's code. Larger sites can be deployed, deployments happen faster, and they function more seamlessly even when custom domains are enabled.
Ensure you are using the latest version of the skuid CLI by following our installation instructions.
NLX performance improvements
We've continued to make improvements to our backend technologies on Skuid NLX for scaling, management, and efficiency. As this update rolls out to early access and production environments, you may notice improved performance in your sites.
Banners for early access environments
Skuid NLX early access environments now have a banner indicating that they are, indeed, early access!
We encourage all users to try out new features as soon as they can, as well as testing that their deployed applications work well with forthcoming features. These banners are intended to make it easier to spot the difference between early access and production environments—while also displaying pertinent information for support screenshots.
Beta features
Beta features represent valuable Skuid additions that we offer to cutting-edge builders for feedback before we mark them as generally available.
Pilot features
Pilot features are not yet intended for prime time production use, but they are available to select customers to gather feedback as we prepare them for a broader audience.
To request access to features listed below, contact
NLX Site Manager
AWS Marketplace customers can leverage the NLX Site Manager to organize their NLX sites, creating sites for development, testing, and production purposes.
Heads up!
skuid CLI versions older than 0.6 no longer supported
With the GA release of skuid CLI 0.6 during Edinburgh Update 1 last quarter, we published notice that older versions of the CLI would not be supported after Edinburgh Update 2's release.
That time has come. We encourage all CLI users to upgrade to a 0.6 release. Issues from older CLI versions will no longer be addressed.
In case you missed it
These useful features made their way into Skuid in recent releases before this update.
Improved image properties
As part of CORE-4470, we made improvements the Image component's properties, as well as related Image background properties of various container components (Page, Wrapper, Grid, etc)
Improved help text for Model and Merge model properties
The Alternative text property is always visible and supports merge syntax
Default Image source is now "URL"
Image source property:
- Always shows the "URL" and “Attachment” options
- NLX – Shows the "File" option
- SFX – Shows the "Static Resource" option
When "Attachment" is the Image source:
- The "Model" property is shown and is required
- The "Image field" property is shown
Other streamlined properties:
- Removed unnecessary Data source type, and Data source properties
- Image URL supports merge syntax, and is only visible when the Image source is "URL"
- Resource name is only visible when Image source is "Static resource"
- File Path (within ZIP Static Resources) is only visible when Image source is "Static resource" and Resource name is a ZIP file
- File name is only visible when Image source is "File"
Removed unneeded "Insert fields" button
In CORE-4732, we removed the extra "Insert fields" button since one now exists within the code editor when a related model is available
Set a custom amount of visible rows in multi-row components
Previously, you could only choose certain amounts of visible rows for Table, List, and Deck components. In CORE-4553 we added the ability to set a custom amount of visible row amounts.
This is particularly useful for Deck components, which could display a lot of empty space depending on the amount of rows shown.
Included tickets
CORE-5023Fix v1->v2 migration issue where <span> HTML elements, particularly in v1 Queues, would cause "There was an error running the migration" errors—failing the migration itself. Now migrations complete as expected.
CORE-5024Ensure switch toggles can be toggled on/off using the keyboard (Selecting them with Tab and toggling them with Spacebar)
CORE-5034Fix issue where icon selectors were not displaying icons
CORE-5040Fix navigation item issue where "Sub-navigation item" carets would appear even though there were no sub-navigation items
Previously, deleting sub-navigation items in the Composer would not appropriately update the page XML. This resulted in "Sub-navigation item" carets appearing on these navigation items even though there were no longer sub-navigation items. This affected both top-level and sub-level navigation items.
Now, page XML is updated appropriately and navigation items do not show a caret unless there truly is a sub-item.
CORE-5047Fix Form column issue where "Align self" properties were not respected—resulting in columns that were always set to flex-start
PLIN-5053Dependency upgrades
PLIN-5092On Skuid NLX, adjust new "Site deactivated" screens to ensure consistent behavior across all environments when redeployed
Future feature developmentThe following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
APPS-2348 APPS-2350 CORE-4386 PLIN-4783 PLIN-5002
CORE-4978Fix Edinburgh Update 2 on SFX runtime issue where sometimes icons would not render or would disappear when navigating back and forth between Lightning tabs
CORE-4984Fix issue where the some hover state style settings (border radius and background color) for Vertical Navigation items were not being applied correctly at runtime—despite previewing correctly in the Design System Studio
CORE-4991Fix Properties pane issue where, after setting its properties in the Advanced tab, focus would unexpectedly shift from the Text component's canvas input back to the Advanced tab properties after a short delay in typing
CORE-4992Fix Form field issue where the "Horizontal alignment" property was not respected for boolean fields in edit mode—defaulting to "Left" alignment instead
CORE-5004Ensure aria-label values for pagination buttons (page number, previous, next) contain properly updated alternative text and are available to accessibility tools
CORE-5005Ensure the "lang" HTML attribute applied to Skuid pages uses hyphens instead of underscores to specify the language subtag.
Previously these attributes would with underscores: "lang=en_US" Now they appear with hyphens: "lang=en-US"
CORE-5015Fix multipicklist issue where displayed values were not updated properly when picklist entries were changed
CORE-5017Adjust design system file format to fix issue where Skuid pages appeared blank in the Composer—which affected builders with large design system files
CORE-5024Ensure switch toggles can be toggled on/off using the keyboard (Selecting them with Tab and toggling them with Spacebar)
PLIN-4393Dependency upgrades
Future feature developmentThe following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
APPS-2348, APPS-2349, APPS-2352, PLIN-5040
APPS-2356For SQL data sources, ensure selected SSL options persist across page refreshes, and that certificate information is properly erased when options are changed on-screen
CORE-4682Fix Calendar component issue where the view option picklist wasn't rebuilding after a Month or List view was deleted, preventing the creation of a new view. Also improve disabled entries logic to accurately display the selectable Month/List entries. Additionally, some future feature work.
CORE-4918Fix issue where the "Merge field" field picker, used for setting context conditions, would incorrectly point to the current component's model instead of the "parent" component's model—producing incorrect context conditions
CORE-4926Adjust Drawer chevron icon rendering so that it doesn't appear extra wide if the drawer contains a Table component
CORE-4940Fix Composer issue where horizontal scrolling was not possible in Tab Set components in the canvas
CORE-4942Fix design system issue where Spacing variables had a blank unit of measurement (instead of 'px' or 'rem' options)
CORE-4947Fix regression where fields displayed as buttons groups collapsed to minimum width instead of expanding to fill their given space
CORE-4948Fix regression where button groups—particularly for picklist fields displayed as button groups—failed to respect width specified for button variants in a given design system
CORE-4949Ensure "# of decimal places" property for Table summaries properly respects field metadata when "Use field metadata" is checked
CORE-4951Add "Copy to clipboard" and "Evaluate formula fields on model" actions
CORE-4952Fix date/time field validation behavior on mobile devices, which previously caused incorrect "Must match required format: [date]" errors
CORE-4969Fix issue where Carousel components with slides containing nested Carousels would display incorrect slide count numbering + reimplement ability to remove slides in manually sourced Carousels
CORE-4970Adjust Composer component rendering logic for internal testing
PLIN-3790Fix Skuid NLX CLI issue where environment variables and site permission sets were unexpectedly retrieved when retrieved app-specific metadata.
Now this metadata is not retrieved when retrieving a specific app. Environment variables will be retrieved only if the specified app contains a data source utilizing an environment variable.
PLIN-4404On Skuid NLX, fix issue where data source object permissions on app permission sets would not update based on deployed CLI metadata
PLIN-4595On Skuid NLX, update maximum file size limit to account for larger deployments
PLIN-4814For Skuid's backend services, ensure header and parameter values can be updated without re-specifying the value source
PLIN-4880On Skuid NLX, update backend service responses to not display masked values (*****) when a property has no value on the backend
This release also includes the following tickets:
PLIN-4900 PLIN-4903 PLIN-4925 PLIN-4959
The following tickets represent future feature work: CORE-4787, PLIN-4769, PLIN-4776, PLIN-4792, PLIN-4819, PLIN-4820, PLIN-4854, PLIN-4873
v16.2.5.0 - Edinburgh U2 GA release
APPS-2333On Skuid NLX when working with custom domains, provide UI feedback if DNS entry is removed after initial setup
APPS-2340On SQL data sources, ensure the permission summary at the top of the access control page displays proper access summary
Previously, some permission changes would not trigger an update, instead displaying "No access" even when access was granted. Now the summary properly updates to reflect granted permissions, particularly for "Full access" scenarios
CORE-3641Reserve Click interactions on Template-type fields for editing field values
CORE-3736Fix issue where using the Undo button in the Design System Studio would not update the previews of any affected components
CORE-3737Fix issue in Design System Studio where datepicker style variant previews do not show correct color for weekend days
CORE-3771Fix field picker issue where clicking the picker on child relationship template fields displayed fields from the parent model instead of the child relationship
CORE-3794Add actions for expanding/collapsing drawers in Tables and Lists and sections in Accordions and Filter Sets
CORE-4470Improvements to user experience of properties in the Image Component and in Image background properties of various container components (Page, Wrapper, Grid, etc)
- Improved help text for Model and Merge model properties
- The Alternative text property is always visible and supports merge syntax
- Default Image source is now “URL”
- Image source property:
- Always shows the “URL” and “Attachment” options
- NLX – Shows the “File” option
- SFX – Shows the “Static Resource” option
When “Attachment” is the Image source:
- The “Model” property is shown and is required
- The “Image field” property is shown
Other streamlined properties:
- Removed unnecessary Data source type, and Data source properties
- Image URL supports merge syntax, and is only visible when the Image source is “URL”
- Resource name is only visible when Image source is “Static resource”
- File Path (within ZIP Static Resources) is only visible when Image source is “Static resource” andResource name is a ZIP file
- File name is only visible when Image source is “File”
Changed the “Visible rows” property for Deck, Table, and List components to be a “type ahead control” to allow for custom numbers of items to display (e.g. show 12 Deck Cards in 3 rows of 4)
CORE-4608With Salesforce's beta release of Lightning Web Security (LWS) for Aura components, we found some errors would surface for our own Aura components (the Skuid Page and Skuid Page Assignment Lightning components). We've proactively updated our components so they will function as expected when LWS for Aura components reaches general availability on Salesforce.
CORE-4614Fix Composer preview issue where using certain URL parameters would not display queried results appropriately—particularly for RecordTypeId parameters on the Case object in Salesforce
CORE-4655Fix Composer issue where rearranging fields within Form and Table components would sometimes duplicate the fields instead of changing their location
CORE-4657Update {{startDate}}, {{endDate}}, and {{allDay}} merge variables to provide more consistent values in on-click and update event actions
CORE-4674For data sources using the "Client credentials" OAuth grant type, support sending specified scopes within network request headers
CORE-4685Ensure custom headers with "Sticky" property enabled are sticky in Aura contexts (Salesforce Lightning)
Previously the "Sticky" property for Skuid page headers would have no effect in Aura contexts, and the header would scroll out of view as the user navigated the page.
Now, an enabled "Sticky" property on a page header will cause it to remain affixed to the top of page area allowed by Lightning Experience.
CORE-4699Add "Copy to clipboard" and "Evaluate formula fields on model" actions
CORE-4701Add interaction functionality to all field types
CORE-4711For REST models, utilize the custom template request when making sample requests
CORE-4714Fix read with inline-edit mode picklist rendering issue in Safari
Previously when editing picklist fields set to "read with inline-edit" mode at runtime in Safari, clicking the dropdown to display picklist values would return the field to Read mode instead of displaying available picklist items. Now the picklist items appear as expected.
CORE-4716Internal build process improvements
CORE-4719Internal code improvements
CORE-4725Improvements for Skuid LWC functionality, particularly around URL handling and rendering certain UI elements
CORE-4726On Skuid SFX, create scaffolding and user-facing option for toggling Skuid LWC functionality, as well as internal refactoring of some Salesforce data source type code
CORE-4727Move component merge variables (like {{searchValue}}) out of beta
CORE-4728Fix issue where Skuid builders without "Customize application" could not update timestamps used for caching—requiring users manually clear their cache to see updates
Previously, Skuid stored certain timestamps in custom settings that could only be updated by those with the "Customize application" Salesforce permission.
While this is permission is commonly granted to Skuid builders, those without that permission would attempt to preview their changes and—since the timestamp had not been updated because they didn't have the proper permissions—their cache would not clear, and an older version of the page would appear. This resulted in some users being able to see the updated page, and other users needing to manually clear their cache to see the updated page.
Now, timestamps are handled so that even those without the "Customize application" permission can update them, properly clearing the cache for other users.
CORE-4729Fix regression where button groups could not be deleted—only buttons within them or the entire Button Set component
CORE-4731Fix regression where navigation item labels were not properly updated in the XML and did not render at runtime
CORE-4732In the Composer, remove extra "Insert fields" button since one now exists within the code editor when a related model is available
CORE-4733Visual defect in the Composer: The number of the condition is missing is condition type is “Viewport width” or “Snippet returns true.”
CORE-4734Ensure "false" boolean values appear properly when displayed checkbox-returning picklists outside of Edit mode
CORE-4735Fix Design System Studio issue where style variant preview of sliding panel would block the properties pane—preventing the user from making edits
CORE-4736Fix action sequences issue where model conditions were not used to populate field values for rows created later in a sequence
CORE-4737Fix issue where "Button Icon position" values were not appearing in the dropdown menu within the Properties pane
CORE-4738Fix inability to override Vertical Navigation item styles via JSS in the Design System Studio
CORE-4739Fix Wizard issue where step indicators would only appear when using buttons within the Wizard's attached button group
Previously step indicators would only render if at least one button within the Wizard's attached button group was configured. This prevented Wizard component utilizing custom step navigation buttons from displaying step indicators.
Now, step indicators appear as expected based on the number of available steps and whether or not the "Show step indicators" property is enabled.
CORE-4741On Skuid NLX, address issues with template properties within Text component's not properly saving empty-space content
CORE-4742Template fields in Forms missing the “Hide label” property
CORE-4743Fix bug where action sequence input values were not properly passed to "Show/hide menu" actions within the action sequence
CORE-4744Fix v1-v2 migration utility issue where "Run snippet" actions were erroneously turned into "Multi" type actions after conversion
CORE-4750Address a memory leak that can occur when editing large pages
CORE-4752Fix v1 to v2 migration utility issue where Wrapper components would break migration in newer releases
CORE-4755Internal code improvements
CORE-4761Fix Table Settings modal issue where setting pagination would break when end users navigated to a previous page
CORE-4762Internal refactors to improve loading of v2 resources
CORE-4763Ensure that display logic condition numbering updates gracefully when conditions are removed
CORE-4765Text inside the Horizontal Alignment property for Forms was invisible
CORE-4766Fix Table issue where fields marked as read-only on the component would become editable after saving the Table’s model
CORE-4767Reference Field Filter Conditions are no longer filtering related records in Field components
CORE-4771Fix Form reference field issue, where the Form's field would remain blank even after selecting a value in certain scenarios.
This issue occurred in scenarios where the Form was dealing with a newly created record, typically in a previous Wizard step, and the Form was displayed in Edit mode. After selecting a new value, the Form would not update properly to display the selected field—even though the data had been updated.
Now, the Form field displays updates as expected.
CORE-4772Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar in the middle section of the Design System Studio
CORE-4774X Axis on Bubble charts is ignoring the minimum range value
CORE-4778In design systems based on the Lightning design system, prevent unwanted scrollbars on Table fields in edit mode
CORE-4781Unnecessary required value error for From fields Unique ID properties in the Composer
CORE-4782Addressed internal builder defect
CORE-4786Fix aggregate model regression where date field values returned from Salesforce were evaluated as the incorrect data type
CORE-4788“No fields are marked as filterable for search” error sometimes encountered on SQL models
CORE-4797Adjust metadata retrieval for Salesforce content document features to address “Access to entity denied” errors
CORE-4798Show/Hide component action breaks the page when it references a component that does not exist
CORE-4800V2 Table Filter based on a Salesforce Dependent Picklist shows no values
CORE-4802Incorporate additional aggregate model logic to better ensure date field values returned from Salesforce are evaluated as the correct data type, even when metadata caching is disabled
CORE-4811Wrapper with height strategy "Fit to content" shows scrollbar if it contains a Deck component with a hidden footer
CORE-4812Error loading the Vertical Navigation component when source is “Salesforce tabs for current app”
CORE-4813Fix Composer issue that prevented more than 1 model from being added to a page
CORE-4816Adjust Accordion icon display behavior
CORE-4817Fix pagination label issue that caused "Infinity rows" to display instead of "All rows"
CORE-4827Fix bug where errors occurring inside modals were displayed behind those modals when they were part of an included page—even when the modal’s “Display errors” property indicated errors should appear in the modal. Now errors appear where expected.
CORE-4832Ensure certain container components that have nested items have two of those items by default (Carousel, Tab Container, Tab Set)
CORE-4838Internal refactoring of component code
CORE-4841Fix Composer bug where components could not be added to page regions within dependent pages
CORE-4842Improve performance by adjusting "global" event subscriptions to use a new page-level API (instead of window or document scope) that intelligently unsubscribes unneeded event subscriptions
CORE-4847Within Forms in read with inline-edit mode, activate the field's Edit icon hover state not only when users hover directly over that icon, but when they hover over any part of the field
CORE-4849Fix "Create new page" modal rendering issue discovered by automated testing
CORE-4856Fix v1 Table issue where headers would not align with columns while scrolling
CORE-4869On Skuid SFX, add Skuid LWC section in Org Preferences
CORE-4870Fix issue where Responsive Grids with a main axis of "Column" would display at unexpected heights at runtime due to incorrect CSS
CORE-4871When Skuid LWC is activated, enable Aura-related features to be used within the Skuid Page (Aura) component
CORE-4874Update analytics tooling
CORE-4876Fix feature parameter deployment for Salesforce-related features
CORE-4880Fix Edinburgh Update 1 issue where metadata overrides that changed Number fields into Picklist fields were not respected in Edit Mode, notably when metadata caching was not enabled for the data source
CORE-4883Updates to allow the Skuid Page (LWC) component to run properly in Lightning communities on Skuid SFX
CORE-4886Deployment script preparations for Edinburgh Update 2 release
CORE-4890Fix issue where Chatter components do not properly render input areas within Skuid Page (Aura) components when Skuid LWC is enabled
CORE-4893Core adjustments necessary to support improved sidebar and canvas rendering for Skuid Database
CORE-4900Fix issue where display logic rules (particularly render conditions) were not enforced as expected on Geochart components
CORE-4901Fix issue where Geochart components would appear not to reflect model changes, sometimes rendering before model load operations completed
CORE-4909Improve Composer performance for large pages, particularly by adjusting page index logic
CORE-4915Fix issue where buttons couldn’t be deleted in the Composer once more than one existed in a button group unless the Composer was refreshed
CORE-4916Fix issue where the Tab Container component would switch between tab and accordion views at unexpected breakpoints when the browser window was resized
CORE-4917Ensure initial sections on Accordion components are assigned a unique Id
CORE-4919Fix "problem initializing component" error that appeared when attempting to create an event in the Calendar component on mobile devices
CORE-4931Fix EU2 regression where the implied context condition of Id = Id was no longer applied and had to be manually specified, causing unexpected results in context-driven components like Decks
CORE-4932Ensure existing Lightning preview methods continue to function with LWC enabled
CORE-4933Ensure style variant conditions update the visual appearance of components
Previously style variant conditions would sometimes not properly update the styling of components, particularly when changing values in edit mode. This fix adjusts conditional class assignment, ensuring variants are better applied when expected
CORE-4937Ensure that internal methods used to reparent nested components properly clean up and remove the reparented component from the previous parent
CORE-4938Ensure v2 components properly listen for user time zone changes
Previously custom time zone handling through snippets would not propagate as expected in v2 components—particularly the Calendar. For users migrating from v1, this meant snippets were no longer working on otherwise-identical v2 pages.
Now we've improved how the user's current time zone is retrieved and the event subscription logic used by components to ensure these changes are accounted for at runtime
CORE-4941On Skuid SFX, cache the chosen Lightning render mode (Aura or LWC) for improved load times
CORE-4950On Skuid SFX, ensure LWC feature labels can be found when Skuid is installed as managed package
CORE-4955Remove internal files related to Skuid LWC functionality that prevented successful deployments
CORE-4957Revert future feature code
CORE-4976Adjust Accordion icon display behavior
PLIN-4410Remove unused third-party plugin
PLIN-4477Move NLX session variables out of beta
PLIN-4504Add banner indicating NLX environment type to admin and builder workspaces
PLIN-4511Fix Skuid Database issue where marking fields "read-only" from the Fields tab would result in fields still being editable in the Data tab
PLIN-4525In Skuid Database, fix regression in CSV import process where data type mismatch checks were not properly interrupting the import process
PLIN-4576On Skuid NLX, fix a content type issue during the certificate uploading experience that caused an "Invalid request payload input" error
PLIN-4601Backend adjustments for proxy features
PLIN-4639In the Database Console, ensure the Permissions UI correctly switches as you navigate from object to object
PLIN-4692Improve UI indicators for an internal beta feature
PLIN-4722On Skuid NLX, remove unexpected scrollbars from admin UI
PLIN-4726Adjusting runtime behavior of site instance banner
PLIN-4804Remove SSL options that erroneously display for Microsoft SQL Server during data source configuration
PLIN-4830Adjusting behavior of site instance banner on early access sites to better indicate environment
Future feature developmentThe following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
CORE-3608, CORE-3725, CORE-3726, CORE-4438, CORE-4467, CORE-4483, CORE-4493, CORE-4531, CORE-4543, CORE-4561, CORE-4620, CORE-4628, CORE-4652, CORE-4662, CORE-4677, CORE-4703, CORE-4709, CORE-4721, CORE-4722, CORE-4723, CORE-4724, CORE-4751, CORE-4753, CORE-4760, CORE-4769, CORE-4780, CORE-4784, CORE-4785, CORE-4787, CORE-4790, CORE-4791, CORE-4806, CORE-4809, CORE-4810, CORE-4815, CORE-4820, CORE-4822, CORE-4825, CORE-4829, CORE-4830, CORE-4831, CORE-4833, CORE-4834, CORE-4846, CORE-4850, CORE-4851, CORE-4852, CORE-4857, CORE-4859, CORE-4861, CORE-4867, CORE-4872, CORE-4879, PLIN-4411, PLIN-4412, PLIN-4413, PLIN-4414, PLIN-4417, PLIN-4422, PLIN-4627, PLIN-4740, PLIN-4766, PLIN-4788, PLIN-4789, PLIN-4799, PLIN-4854
v16.2.5.0 - Edinburgh U2 GA release (Backend services)
CORE-4893Core adjustments necessary to support improved sidebar and canvas rendering for Skuid Database
PLIN-2758On Skuid NLX, fix issue where environment variables settings would appear to have unsaved changes when they did not
PLIN-4111Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in global merge syntax
PLIN-4183On SQL data sources, fix error where Advanced permissioning would sometimes incorrectly display as Basic—even when field-level permissions had been set
PLIN-4300Generate code coverage reports on NLX
PLIN-4395Upgrade dependencies
PLIN-4397Upgrade dependencies
PLIN-4477Move NLX session variables out of beta
PLIN-4536Move NLX SAML provisioning improvements out of beta
PLIN-4561Remove custom domains beta tag
PLIN-4652Improve Skuid NLX email address validation to support additional valid characters, like apostrophes (') and plus signs (+)
PLIN-4653On Skuid NLX, adjust validation behavior for email fields in the user detail screen
PLIN-4692Improve UI indicators for an internal beta feature
PLIN-4712Resolve issues with the NLX proxy and Salesforce data source authentication handling
PLIN-4722On Skuid NLX, remove unexpected scrollbars from admin UI
PLIN-4767Internal documentation update
PLIN-4814For Skuid's backend services, ensure header and parameter values can be updated without re-specifying the value source
PLIN-4869Backend adjustments for feature flags
Future feature developmentThe following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
CORE-4846, PLIN-4411, PLIN-4412, PLIN-4413, PLIN-4414, PLIN-4415, PLIN-4416, PLIN-4417, PLIN-4547, PLIN-4624, PLIN-4732, PLIN-4740, PLIN-4741, PLIN-4745, PLIN-4755, PLIN-4760, PLIN-4762, PLIN-4766, PLIN-4780, PLIN-4785, PLIN-4788, PLIN-4791, PLIN-4796, PLIN-4799, PLIN-4809, PLIN-4812, PLIN-4817, PLIN-4841, PLIN-4899

Streamlined single sign-on setup
(NLX only)
As part of this alliterative update, we've taken a look at how to make setting up single sign-on (SSO) on an NLX site faster so you can spend more time building apps and less time worrying how to authenticate your users.
- We now display Skuid's Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL and Service Provider Entity ID values when you begin setup. No more placeholder values in one place or the other, just copy, paste, go.
- We've updated our identity provider connection detail screens, better grouping related information and streamlining the page for easier maintenance.
New label properties for Forms
- Label position: Previously field labels could appear on top of fields or to the left through a Form component property, but checkbox inputs commonly need their labels on the right side—like when adjusting preferences or checking the ever-present "I have read and agree to the terms and conditions."
With this new property, you can incorporate this common UI practice into your apps. Label position can be set to above the field or to the right of it. Available on Checkbox and Switch field types.
- Hide label: This property allows field labels to be totally hidden from the user interface while still being available to screen reader technologies.
skuid CLI 0.6 is GA!
(NLX feature with SFX impact)
skuid CLI—the command line interface for retrieving and deploying Skuid NLX metadata—is seeing some notable changes in its 0.6 release, which is now generally available.
You can use these features using the latest 0.6 release of skuid CLI:
flag: This flag allows you to retrieve only the metadata that's been modified since a certain timestamp. That means you retrieve only what you've recently updated for sandbox-to-production deployments, which means your apps get deployed faster.# Retrieve metadata updated since May 22nd, 2023skuid retrieve --since "2023-05-22"
flag: There are special constraints for working with Skuid Database in skuid CLI: skuid CLI won't redeploy existing databases to avoid overwriting schema, and it won't deploy more databases than a site's allotted limit.While these safeguards can stop problematic deployments, most deployments do not rely on Skuid Database metadata. Using
allows deployments to proceed, acknowledging that skuid CLI can ignore Skuid Database for the current deployment.skuid deploy --ignore-skuid-db
Improved logging and error handling, with options for more details and outputting logs to files
No longer compatible with SFX: The skuid CLI now focuses on Skuid NLX environments, and previous Salesforce-related commands are no longer supported.
For Skuid SFX, use our skuid-sfdx plugin for Salesforce's command line interface.
Increased stability
Heads up!skuid CLI versions prior to 0.6.x will not be supported after Edinburgh Update 2 later this year. This will allow us to focus on further enhancements and optimizations both for the CLI and NLX's backend.
Beta features
Custom domains improvements
(NLX only)
Adding a custom domain reinforces your branding and makes your Skuid site easier to navigate to. We've been making refinements during its beta period and are releasing several user experience enhancements in Edinburgh Update 1.
To utilize our custom domain features while they are in beta, contact
Other updates
Heads Up! Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported
We're officially concluding support for Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) in Edinburgh Update 1, even at runtime. This allows us to continue to improve Skuid's UI toolkit with modern web platform enhancements, but we can no longer guarantee Skuid will work as expected during build time or runtime for IE11.
With the conclusion of official support for IE11, we encourage all builders—and their users—to upgrade to a modern browser for continued Skuid functionality.
Included tickets
CORE-4766Fix Table issue where fields marked as read-only on the component would become editable after saving the Table’s model
CORE-4767Reference Field Filter Conditions are no longer filtering related records in Field components
CORE-4771Fix Form reference field issue, where the Form's field would remain blank even after selecting a value in certain scenarios.
This issue occurred in scenarios where the Form was dealing with a newly created record, typically in a previous Wizard step, and the Form was displayed in Edit mode. After selecting a new value, the Form would not update properly to display the selected field—even though the data had been updated.
Now, the Form field displays updates as expected.
CORE-4802Incorporate additional aggregate model logic to better ensure date field values returned from Salesforce are evaluated as the correct data type, even when metadata caching is disabled
CORE-4827Fix bug where errors occurring inside modals were displayed behind those modals when they were part of an included page—even when the modal’s “Display errors” property indicated errors should appear in the modal. Now errors appear where expected.
CORE-4849Fix "Create new page" modal rendering issue discovered by automated testing
CORE-4856Fix v1 Table issue where headers would not align with columns while scrolling
PLIN-4345Improve Skuid NLX app deployment for skuid CLI, particularly when attempting to retrieve/deploy using the name of an app that does not exist in the target site
PLIN-4398Backend dependency upgrades
PLIN-4528In Skuid NLX’s custom domains UI, update "Domain base" to "Base domain"
PLIN-4568Fix Skuid NLX custom domains issue where “Remove” button briefly appeared when viewing custom domain settings
PLIN-4570Update internal endpoint documentation
PLIN-4629On Skuid NLX, ensure manually created users are assigned the site’s time zone and locale by default
PLIN-4669For Skuid NLX, alphabetize contents of app metadata files
PLIN-4685Backend service updates related to proxy handling
Future feature developmentThe following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
CORE-4791, CORE-4820
CORE-4772Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar in the middle section of the Design System Studio
CORE-4774X Axis on Bubble charts is ignoring the minimum range value
CORE-4781Unnecessary required value error for From fields Unique ID properties in the Composer
CORE-4797Adjust metadata retrieval for Salesforce content document features to address “Access to entity denied” errors
CORE-4800V2 Table Filter based on a Salesforce Dependent Picklist shows no values
CORE-4811Wrapper with height strategy "Fit to content" shows scrollbar if it contains a Deck component with a hidden footer
CORE-4813Fix Composer issue that prevented more than 1 model from being added to a page
CORE-4817Fix pagination label issue that caused "Infinity rows" to display instead of "All rows"
CORE-4841Fix Composer bug where components could not be added to page regions within dependent pages
PLIN-4396Upgrade dependencies
PLIN-4574To better support SSO setup and configuration on Skuid NLX, allow Skuid service provider metadata to be accessed while not authenticated
PLIN-4600Backend process improvements
PLIN-4601Backend adjustments for proxy features
PLIN-4716Backend process improvements
Future feature developmentThe following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
CORE-3608, CORE-4467
v16.1.6.1 - Backend services update
PLIN-4737For Skuid NLX, fix 400 error that can occur during free trial registration from the AWS Marketplace
CORE-4813Fix Composer issue that prevented more than 1 model from being added to a page
CORE-4817Fix pagination label issue that caused "Infinity rows" to display instead of "All rows"
CORE-4841Fix Composer bug where components could not be added to page regions within dependent pages
APPS-2342For Skuid NLX custom domains, improve handling of cached SSL records
CORE-4470Improvements to user experience of properties in the Image Component and in Image background properties of various container components (Page, Wrapper, Grid, etc)
- Improved help text for Model and Merge model properties
- The Alternative text property is always visible and supports merge syntax
- Default Image source is now “URL”
- Image source property:
- Always shows the “URL” and “Attachment” options
- NLX – Shows the “File” option
- SFX – Shows the “Static Resource” option
When “Attachment” is the Image source:
- The “Model” property is shown and is required
- The “Image field” property is shown
Other streamlined properties:
- Removed unnecessary Data source type, and Data source properties
- Image URL supports merge syntax, and is only visible when the Image source is “URL”
- Resource name is only visible when Image source is “Static resource”
- File Path (within ZIP Static Resources) is only visible when Image source is “Static resource” and *Resource name is a ZIP file
- File name is only visible when Image source is “File”
Changed the “Visible rows” property for Deck, Table, and List components to be a “type ahead control” to allow for custom numbers of items to display (e.g. show 12 Deck Cards in 3 rows of 4)
CORE-4685Ensure custom headers with "Sticky" property enabled are sticky in Aura contexts (Salesforce Lightning)
Previously the "Sticky" property for Skuid page headers would have no effect in Aura contexts, and the header would scroll out of view as the user navigated the page.
Now, an enabled "Sticky" property on a page header will cause it to remain affixed to the top of page area allowed by Lightning Experience.
CORE-4719Internal code improvements
CORE-4733Visual defect in the Composer: The number of the condition is missing is condition type is “Viewport width” or “Snippet returns true.”
CORE-4742Template fields in Forms missing the “Hide label” property
CORE-4765Text inside the Horizontal Alignment property for Forms was invisible
CORE-4782Addressed internal builder defect
CORE-4786Fix aggregate model regression where date field values returned from Salesforce were evaluated as the incorrect data type
CORE-4788“No fields are marked as filterable for search” error sometimes encountered on SQL models
CORE-4798Show/Hide component action breaks the page when it references a component that does not exist
PLIN-4316For Skuid NLX and skuid cli, fix issues relating to duplicate key errors in some deployments
PLIN-4543On Skuid NLX, add "None" option to SSO certificate options to make it more clear when certificates are not being used
PLIN-4599For Skuid NLX, implement backend adjustments to handle deleted custom domains
PLIN-4639In the Database Console, ensure the Permissions UI correctly switches as you navigate from object to object
PLIN-4664Fix Database Console where where Access control tab was blank after switching objects
Future feature developmentThe following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
CORE-3608, CORE-3725, CORE-4483, CORE-4493, CORE-4531, CORE-4628, CORE-4652, CORE-4677, CORE-4703, CORE-4723, CORE-4769
CORE-4655Fix Composer issue where rearranging fields within Form and Table components would sometimes duplicate the fields instead of changing their location
CORE-4674For data sources using the “Client credentials” OAuth grant type, support sending specified scopes within network request headers
CORE-4736Fix action sequences issue where model conditions were not used to populate field values for rows created later in a sequence
CORE-4744Fix v1-v2 migration utility issue where “Run snippet” actions were erroneously turned into “Multi” type actions after conversion
CORE-4761Fix Table Settings modal issue where setting pagination would break when end users navigated to a previous page
PLIN-4410Remove unused third-party plugin
PLIN-4511Fix Skuid Database issue where marking fields “read-only” from the Fields tab would result in fields still being editable in the Data tab
PLIN-4616On Skuid NLX for site permission set custom registration pages, adjust Save/Cancel buttons to improve consistency and ease of saving changes
PLIN-4617Fix issue on Skuid NLX site permission set custom registration page settings where, after using custom Skuid pages, the Save button would not enable after reselecting “default pages” for registration
CORE-4786Fix aggregate model regression where date field values returned from Salesforce were evaluated as the incorrect data type
APPS-2134Fix page crash when creating page packs containing 300+ pages through the Add All button
APPS-2302Make skuid CLI compatible with custom domain NLX sites
APPS-2304Adjust page API version selector when creating new Skuid page to account for future feature development
APPS-2310Add ability to unpack page packs when no other pages exist in the Skuid environment
APPS-2311UI updates for Skuid NLX custom domains
APPS-2328On Skuid NLX, update custom user registration template pages to use the v2 page API
APPS-2333On Skuid NLX when working with custom domains, provide UI feedback if DNS entry is removed after initial setup
APPS-2334Backend logic for checking DNS records for custom domains on Skuid NLX
APPS-2335Enable page dependency features for all Skuid NLX sites
APPS-2341In Skuid NLX, ensure that user registration emails sent from sites using a custom domain have their verification URLs point to that custom domain
CORE-3433Upgrade Salesforce API from version 48 to version 57
CORE-3545Prevent invalid values in reference fields
CORE-3611Internal code structure improvements
CORE-3736Fix issue where using the Undo button in the Design System Studio would not update the previews of any affected components
CORE-3737Fix issue in Design System Studio where datepicker style variant previews do not show correct color for weekend days
CORE-3744Responsive Grid vertical alignment improvements for "fit to content" + minimum heights
Previously, Responsive Grids set to have vertical alignment, with a minimum height, and the "Fit to content" height strategy would only consider the contents of the divisions—instead of the full minimum height of the component—when determining vertical alignment.
Now, Responsive Grids properly consider the minimum height when applying vertical alignment to their divisions.
CORE-3876Improve rendering speed for Deck components, particularly for high record counts
In v16.0.3 this ticket also represents work to adjust how Skuid handles HTML encoding, which has effects particularly in Text components.
CORE-4419Fix issue where Go to URL actions in a Chart series would not accept some Chart context-related merge variables
CORE-4472Fix issue where mass actions displayed as menus or comboboxes were always deactivated
CORE-4486Fix issue where reference fields were not properly to showing updates in edit mode—even when models were refreshed and contained accurate data
CORE-4548Fix Chart bug where context was not properly set after drilling down, returning to the main chart, and then drilling down into a new value
Clicking into a Chart component segment sets the context, which can be used to display filtered drilldown information. Before this fix, returning to the main chart and then drilling down into another value would not properly set the context—instead using the previous drilldown’s values. With this fix, drilldowns work as expected.
CORE-4549On Skuid SFX, fix issue where users without Skuid licenses were not being redirected to standard Salesforce
CORE-4577Fix issue where having one denied data source would prevent any permitted data sources from querying. Now permitted data sources can query, even if an unpermitted one is used within a page.
CORE-4582Internal codebase improvements
CORE-4584Fix CKEditor rendering in Form and Table components set to Edit mode within Tab Sets
CORE-4586Re-add missing runtime export options for Chart components
CORE-4588Deployment-related internal config updates
CORE-4590Allow enable conditions and style variant conditions on global actions for Table components
CORE-4592Fix Edinburgh early access issue where “Required” validations were incorrectly enforced
CORE-4593Fix Edinburgh early access issue where “Required” validations would sometimes run incorrectly if users pressed the Tab key to proceed to the next field
CORE-4594Add Calendar component merge variable functionality to event on-click actions and event update actions
CORE-4596Adjust Calendar component behavior to query for additional events within the selected time frame
Previously, model record query limits could unexpectedly cause a Calendar sourcing its events from that model to not display all the event records for a given time frame.
To continue allowing for record limits while also not leaving end users confused about why certain events would not appear, the Calendar component now intelligently queries for records until all events within selected time frame are displayed.
CORE-4597Fix bug where the Calendar component’s "+n more" view modal displayed the previous date
CORE-4599Fix issue where Calendar components were not providing actions for “Run component action” picklist
CORE-4600On Skuid SFX, fix issue where tooltip text wouldn't fade on pages deployed in Lightning with the Skuid Page Lightning component
CORE-4601Fix issue where the Composer would not recognize setting a previously-configured margin property back to "None" as a change, meaning it was not possible to save the page unless another change was made. Now the Composer recognizes the change, and enables the Save button, as expected.
CORE-4604Add “Label placement” property to fields displayed as switches or checkboxes, allowing for labels to display to the right of these inputs
CORE-4605Add “Hide label” property for Form fields
CORE-4606Fix Table field issue where "Required" checkbox was not a visible property in the Composer
CORE-4607On Skuid SFX in Lightning experience, fix lookup filters for polymorphic fields (e.g. OwnerId on the Case object)
Previously when selecting a value for a polymorphic reference field, an error stating a field doesn't exist would appear—even with properly configured lookup filters. This fix ensures that reference field works as expected.
CORE-4608With Salesforce's beta release of Lightning Web Security (LWS) for Aura components, we found some errors would surface for our own Aura components (the Skuid Page and Skuid Page Assignment Lightning components). We've proactively updated our components so they will function as expected when LWS for Aura components reaches general availability on Salesforce.
CORE-4609Internal improvements for future features
CORE-4610Fix issue where mass action buttons would unexpectedly remain enabled after running—even when no rows were selected
CORE-4611Fix issue where reference field searches would not return expected records on some objects (such as the Case object in Salesforce) due to search value and record value/label discrepancies
CORE-4612Fix rendering issue with picklist fields within sliding panels that are activated within Page Include components
CORE-4613Fix issue where "required" validations were incorrectly running on optional picklist fields
CORE-4614Fix Composer preview issue where using certain URL parameters would not display queried results appropriately—particularly for RecordTypeId parameters on the Case object in Salesforce
CORE-4616Internal build process improvements
CORE-4617Adjust internal sharing rules for Skuid custom objects for dev/QA purposes
CORE-4618Internal codebase improvements
CORE-4619Fix issue where included page model conditions would ignore Page Include query parameters for identically named parameters in the container page
With an included page and a container page, if the container page has a URL parameter that shares the same name as a Page Include query string parameter, the Page Include's query string would win out—since it more specifically applied to the included page's use.
However a bug appeared where model conditions would ignore the identically named Page Include query parameter and use the value of the container page's parameter instead.
This fix returns the model condition behavior to the previous expected process—where Page Include query strings win out even when identically named.
CORE-4623On the Search component, fix issue where the field picker for setting Return Objects would not function
CORE-4624Fix where builders previously could not disable the "Skip entry criteria" property for existing "Submit for Approval" Salesforce data source actions. Now builders can enable/disable this property as expected.
CORE-4627Adjust appearance of Search component in the Composer canvas to more accurately reflect its runtime appearance
CORE-4630Set “Sanitize field values” property to default off for Table components
CORE-4633Fix issue where Responsive Grid components would not reflect layout property changes within the canvas
CORE-4635Fix Design System Studio display issue when using JSS to extend variants with code
CORE-4637Fix bug where iterating over an empty REST data array using merge syntax displays "[object][Object]" instead of nothing
CORE-4638Fix rendering issue for updated reference fields for PostgreSQL.
Previously, selecting a reference field value in a component attached to a PostgreSQL model would “blank out” the field, even though the value was updated. Now, reference fields update and render as expected.
CORE-4640Internal test fixes
CORE-4641Allow "Export Table data" component action to run even if the Table component is hidden
CORE-4642Fix "Unpack pages from page pack" issue where setting the filter to "Last modified by me" would not not allow the filter to be set to "Last modified by any" afterwards
CORE-4643Update component pack editor UI styles
CORE-4644Fix bug where pencil icons would appear on button fields within a Form when changed into read/edit mode via a component action
CORE-4646Improve row creation logic to prevent looping errors, which were apparent when working with models on data source objects that contained an "Id" field
CORE-4649Fix issue where new font families could not be added to design systems
CORE-4650In the Wizard component, fix issue where enable messages for step buttons would not display in the expected area if the Wizard was below other components
CORE-4651Allow hotkeys to be set without a selected modifier key
CORE-4653When working within Sliding Panels and Table drawers in the Composer, fix issue where Responsive Grid divisions would disappear from view (though remain in the XML) when components were dragged into them
CORE-4654In Table components, add interaction functionality to child relationship fields
CORE-4657Update {{startDate}}, {{endDate}}, and {{allDay}} merge variables to provide more consistent values in on-click and update event actions
CORE-4658In v2 Page Include components, allow the use of merge syntax within the "Skuid page" property
CORE-4659Pass context into conditional rendering snippets
CORE-4661On Firefox, fix issue where multiple authentication popups would appear for pages using Salesforce data sources
CORE-4666Fix large gap that temporarily appeared between properties in Properties pane and add height properties to Tab Set component
CORE-4667Backend code structure improvements
CORE-4668On Skuid NLX, fix data source object regression where it was not possible to mass edit more than 25 field permissions at a time
CORE-4669In the Design System Studio, ensure changes to Sliding Panel style variants are properly reflected in their preview
CORE-4670On the Deck component, fix issue where "Required field" error message would only appear on the first card in the Deck component. Now, these error messages appear on the appropriate card.
CORE-4673Fix issue where clicking outside of sliding panels triggered by Table row actions would not close them
CORE-4675In the v2 Page API Migration Utility, fix component targeting behavior
CORE-4676Fix Carousel issue where nested components were not properly displaying UI-only model data
CORE-4684Fix issue for donut-style Chart components where merge variables were not displaying properly without other content
Previously, when merge variables were the only value for a donut-style Chart component’s content template, no value would be displayed. The workaround was to use some empty space character, which would then cause the value to display as expected. Now, workarounds are not needed and merge variables display as expected, even if they are the only value in the template.
CORE-4686In Page Include components, improve merge variable handling for URL parameters—ensuring that using the "Load new page" action will properly update the Page Include even if the only change is a URL parameter value from a merge variable
CORE-4687Internal code utility method improvements
CORE-4695Internal code improvements
CORE-4696Fix issue where running the "Navigate to Step" component action would display all Wizard steps on the page instead of the steps for the chosen Wizard. Now, only the expected steps appear.
CORE-4697Fix issue where Autocomplete filters using model rows as options would not properly filter results based on user input
CORE-4698Ensure context is properly handled when updating a Page Include with the "Load new page" component action
Before this ticket, some areas of Skuid NLX's admin interface experience display errors, particularly around data source permissions. These errors are now resolved with no change or loss to saved data.
CORE-4702Fix OAuth authentication request errors, which particularly affected ServiceNow connections
CORE-4705Internal code improvements
CORE-4707Update error message for Author Apex permission requirement to remove reference to “profile,” since that permission can also be assigned through permission sets
CORE-4711For REST models, utilize the custom template request when making sample requests
CORE-4714Fix read with inline-edit mode picklist rendering issue in Safari
Previously when editing picklist fields set to "read with inline-edit" mode at runtime in Safari, clicking the dropdown to display picklist values would return the field to Read mode instead of displaying available picklist items. Now the picklist items appear as expected.
CORE-4715Internal code improvements
CORE-4716Internal build process improvements
CORE-4717Internal config adjustments to support deployment of newer SFX releases
CORE-4719Internal code improvements
CORE-4729Fix regression where button groups could not be deleted—only buttons within them or the entire Button Set component
CORE-4731Fix regression where navigation item labels were not properly updated in the XML and did not render at runtime
CORE-4732In the Composer, remove extra "Insert fields" button since one now exists within the code editor when a related model is available
CORE-4734Ensure "false" boolean values appear properly when displayed checkbox-returning picklists outside of Edit mode
CORE-4735Fix Design System Studio issue where style variant preview of sliding panel would block the properties pane—preventing the user from making edits
CORE-4737Fix issue where "Button Icon position" values were not appearing in the dropdown menu within the Properties pane
CORE-4738Fix inability to override Vertical Navigation item styles via JSS in the Design System Studio
CORE-4739Fix Wizard issue where step indicators would only appear when using buttons within the Wizard's attached button group
Previously step indicators would only render if at least one button within the Wizard's attached button group was configured. This prevented Wizard component utilizing custom step navigation buttons from displaying step indicators.
Now, step indicators appear as expected based on the number of available steps and whether or not the "Show step indicators" property is enabled.
CORE-4741On Skuid NLX, address issues with template properties within Text component's not properly saving empty-space content
CORE-4743Fix bug where action sequence input values were not properly passed to "Show/hide menu" actions within the action sequence
CORE-4750Address a memory leak that can occur when editing large pages
CORE-4752Fix v1 to v2 migration utility issue where Wrapper components would break migration in newer releases
CORE-4755Internal code improvements
PLIN-2146On Skuid NLX, add support for colons (:), forward slashes(/), and spaces within SAML attribute names
PLIN-3723Internal improvements to CSV import within Skuid Database
PLIN-3780On Skuid SFX, update OData data source detail screen to match updated NLX UI
PLIN-3796Microservice upgrades
PLIN-4036In Skuid Database data import, support additional date formats
PLIN-4050For Skuid Database, add option to import CSV files without column headers—using the first row as data
PLIN-4110Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in render conditions
PLIN-4158Improve error handling for Skuid Database when site permission access is not granted in the Database Console as well as the Composer
PLIN-4187Fix error in Skuid Database where creating a "required" reference field would cause the Database Console to freeze
PLIN-4218On Skuid NLX, implement frontend experience for using session variables in model conditions
PLIN-4222For Skuid Database CSV import, disable the Import Records button until all necessary field mapping settings are configured
PLIN-4248On Skuid NLX, fix issue where Database Console would not load if data source object conditions could result in an error
In instances where the Skuid builder was working in a database that had a data source object condition that could result in an error—like checking a session variable when the builder had logged in via username/password—the Database Console would not load.
Now, a proper error is displayed and the builder can continue working within the Database Console.
PLIN-4252On Skuid SFX, fix issue where adding the first picklist entry value for a picklist field on a data source object would not properly populate the "Position" property
PLIN-4260Internal administrative tooling bug fixes
PLIN-4267On Skuid NLX in Database Console, fix bug in Currency field creation where "Decimal places" toggle does not properly enable—and only displays as read-only after creation
PLIN-4277Adjust page API version query to account for future feature development
PLIN-4323Fix issue where cancelling the creation of a new condition in Database Console doesn't update the UI to remove the condition
PLIN-4325In Skuid Database data import, support additional date formats
PLIN-4348CI/CD Improvements
PLIN-4381In Skuid NLX, add backend logic for “Case-sensitive” identity mapping in SSO
PLIN-4383In Skuid Database, fix error that appeared when configuring default values for picklist fields at the same time as other field configurations
PLIN-4403Fix Skuid Database issue where creating new picklist/multipicklist fields seemed to erase default value settings on previously creating picklist/multipicklist fields
PLIN-4410Remove unused third-party plugin
PLIN-4448On NLX sites with session variables enabled for an IdP, fix issue where session variable options would not populate when configuring conditions in Skuid Database
PLIN-4451Experience improvements to Skuid NLX’s single sign-on experiences, including identity provider connection creation and detail screens
PLIN-4452Adjust streaming behavior for Microsoft SQL data sources
PLIN-4453Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in render/enable/style conditions
PLIN-4469Microservice improvements to support applying customer subscription updates
PLIN-4476Enable session variables for all Skuid NLX sites, and create feature flag scaffolding for a future feature
PLIN-4502Fix regression where AWS data source authentication provider setup screens show an incorrect example trust policy
PLIN-4505UI text improvements to support early access environments
PLIN-4510In Skuid Database CSV import, fix import properties sidebar not reappearing after creating a new field for imported CSV columns
PLIN-4519On Skuid NLX when working with custom domains, fix issue where builders could not remove or update an invalid custom domain within the UI
PLIN-4525In Skuid Database, fix regression in CSV import process where data type mismatch checks were not properly interrupting the import process
PLIN-4527Backend adjustments for custom domains on Skuid NLX
PLIN-4559On Skuid NLX, fix error in early access environments that prevented data source objects from being deleted
PLIN-4563On Skuid NLX when working with custom domains, don't validate DNS records when a custom domain hasn't been set
PLIN-4566On Skuid NLX when working with custom domains, address issues with timestamps and duplicate text
PLIN-4576On Skuid NLX, fix a content type issue during the certificate uploading experience that caused an "Invalid request payload input" error
PLIN-4614Improvements to Skuid NLX custom user registration pages: Allow user creation with capital letters
PLIN-4615Improvements to Skuid NLX custom user registration pages: Fix ability to disable custom registration pages after they are enabled
Future feature developmentThe following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
APPS-2162, CORE-3496, CORE-3583, CORE-3588, CORE-3594, CORE-3630, CORE-3633, CORE-3682, CORE-3702, CORE-3724, CORE-3849, CORE-3856, CORE-4373, CORE-4411, CORE-4413, CORE-4468, CORE-4483, CORE-4492, CORE-4497, CORE-4499, CORE-4501, CORE-4516, CORE-4518, CORE-4520, CORE-4522, CORE-4524, CORE-4530, CORE-4531, CORE-4540, CORE-4589, CORE-4625, CORE-4629, CORE-4647, CORE-4662, CORE-4665, CORE-4671, CORE-4672, CORE-4709, CORE-4710, CORE-4712, CORE-4721, CORE-4722, CORE-4751, CORE-4753, PLIN-4420

Major features
Client-side validation additions:
Validate based on length as defined in the field's metadata: Now, you can display a specific runtime error when users exceed the maximum number of allowed characters. This is determined by the data source orfield metadata overrides.
Set custom error messages for required fields. Whether or not a field is required is defined by metadata (the data source itself requires the field) or by Skuid's own Required model field property.
Previously, these required fields were not as configurable, displaying a standard error message when fields were left blank. With this new feature, you can set custom messages that better guide your users.
Calendar component enhancements
Improved handling of Unassigned groups: The grouping feature on Skuid's Calendar component allows for views to be divided based on a field value from an event source. If that field did not have a value, the event would display in the Unassigned category.
Previously this category was always visible and not configurable. But in Edinburgh it's possible to both relabel this category and to select how (always, never, if values exist) where it should be shown (top, bottom, or alphabetically)
Runtime improvements: We also made a variety of improvements to the component in Dubai Update 2 and Dubai Update 3. In case you missed them:
Improved time zone handling:
Clicking "+n more events" on a day previously would sometimes display the previous day's events
Expanding single date events (like tasks) which should not be able to expand/contract
Event creation showing an error in the modal even though it was successful before closing the modal
Save button disabled state when creating/editing an event in the modal
Single date event sources should now always render on the same date no matter the timezone/locale
Start/end date should now always render on the same date no matter the timezone/locale
Start/end datetime should adapt to the org locale setting as expected
Start/end datetime should render based on timezone properly for users at runtime.
As an example: In America/New_York an event is created for 11am. In Australia/Sydney it should be represented at 3am the next day.
now provide date values instead of datetime (which are available throughstartDateTime
) -
"View more events" buttons now work in Salesforce Lightning
Calendar day view now better scales to the page and properly displays hourly divisions
Use Apex to provide authentication values in data sources: (SFX only) Apex, Salesforce's server-side programming language, can now be used to return values used in authentication requests from Skuid's proxy.
For instance, some authentication tokens may be longer than 256 characters or saved in a different secret store than Skuid. With this feature, you can write an Apex class that retrieves and returns these values as a string and use it with the
merge variable. -
Sanitize fields values for CSV export on Table component: When exporting data it's often best to sanitize field values of characters that, when imported to another program, can cause unintended consequences. These are often characters that activate logic or formula functions. Some instances are accidental, some are malicious, and this feature helps better protect users when it occurs.
While this feature has previously been available on Skuid Database, with Edinburgh we've added the ability to sanitize field values to all Table components on both Skuid NLX and Skuid SFX.
Released in beta
Beta features represent valuable Skuid additions that we offer to cutting-edge builders for feedback before we mark them as generally available.
SSO user provisioning enhancements: (NLX only) Single sign-on (SSO) has been possible through the SAML protocol on Skuid NLX, but Edinburgh brings feature enhancements to Skuid NLX's single sign-on (SSO) user provisioning features:
- It's now possible to have a user's Skuid attributes (like email or locale) update based on the user's SAML attributes from your identity provider.
- Automatically reactivate previously deactivated Skuid users if they login from an IdP. This is useful particularly for subscription management, ensuring you can safely deactivate users without accidentally locking out your active Skuid users.
Skuid Database schema import/export with skuid CLI: (NLX only) It's now possible to retrieve and deploy Skuid Database schema, or metadata structure, from one Skuid site to another— or redeploy it the current environment if needed.
This is used to move the structure of a Skuid Database from one environment (like a sandbox site) to another (like a production site).
While it's not very common to have the same data within a sandbox and production site, it's possible to use this feature in tandem with the CSV Export/Import feature of Skuid Database to move both the schema and data from one Skuid site to another.
Released in pilot
Pilot features are not yet intended for prime time production use, but they are available to select customers to gather feedback as we prepare them for a broader audience.
To request access to features listed below, contact
Custom domains: (NLX only) This long-requested branding feature is being released in pilot for Edinburgh. With this it's possible to have your Skuid NLX site listed entirely under your own web domain. If your goal is to provide a public portal for your Skuid implementation or private label your Skuid apps, try using custom domains to reinforce your brand.
Session variables: (NLX only) In single sign-on use cases, it's not uncommon to store more detailed user information in the identity provider and then pass that information along to service providers as SAML Attributes. These attributes can now be mapped to session variables to be used in Skuid applications, primarily for data source object conditions on SQL data sources.
Note:Session variables are only accessible during a user session to avoid any security concerns surrounding storing SAML attributes.
Other updates
- Apply margin to all sides of a component: Previously builders had to set margins for components for each side individually. With this update, it's now possible to set a consistent margin value for all sides at once.
- On the Table component, global actions now have enable conditions and style variant conditions.
- Continued improvements to our backend technologies on Skuid NLX for scaling, management, and performance
On Skuid SFX, we've updated property labels and default values related to Salesforce Classic header and sidebar:
- "Show salesforce header" is now "Show Salesforce Classic header"
- "Show salesforce sidebar" is now "Show Salesforce Classic sidebar"
- Both properties are now unchecked by default
- In Skuid NLX, we now display a count of both active and inactive users for app permission sets and indicate which users are inactive from a permission set's detail screen. We've also improved dependency checks related to permission sets and users.
Breaking changes
As of 16.0.3, <script>
tags are no longer executed from within Text components containing HTML. This was never a supported behavior, and it will now no longer occur.
For proper snippet execution, all JavaScript must be stored in a supported resource type. Snippets can be triggered using Skuid's event subscription framework or by using the Action Framework.
Included tickets (Hotfix)
PLIN-4522For PostgreSQL data sources, fix error where searching fails for related field values
APPS-2134Fix page crash when creating page packs containing 300+ pages through the Add All button
APPS-2322Fix two errors regarding custom user signup pages in Skuid NLX:
- Using a blank value for allowed email domains disabled all email domains
- If a custom sign up page URL used an underscore or dash, it was inaccessible
On the Deck component, fix issue where "Required field" error message would only appear on the first card in the Deck component. Now, these error messages appear on the appropriate card.
CORE-4684Fix issue for donut-style Chart components where merge variables were not displaying properly without other content
Previously, when merge variables were the only value for a donut-style Chart component’s content template, no value would be displayed. The workaround was to use some empty space character, which would then cause the value to display as expected. Now, workarounds are not needed and merge variables display as expected, even if they are the only value in the template.
CORE-4686In Page Include components, improve merge variable handling for URL parameters—ensuring that using the "Load new page" action will properly update the Page Include even if the only change is a URL parameter value from a merge variable
CORE-4698Ensure context is properly handled when updating a Page Include with the "Load new page" component action
Before this ticket, some areas of Skuid NLX's admin interface experience display errors, particularly around data source permissions. These errors are now resolved with no change or loss to saved data.
PLIN-3643Microservice security improvements
PLIN-4110Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in render conditions
PLIN-4111Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in global merge syntax
PLIN-4136Implement API for session variable usage at runtime on Skuid NLX
PLIN-4140For skuid CLI retrievals, retrieve component packs as ZIP files since Skuid requires component packs be uploaded as ZIP files
PLIN-4218On Skuid NLX, implement frontend experience for using session variables in model conditions
PLIN-4219On Skuid NLX, implement runtime experience for evaluating the use of session variables in model conditions
PLIN-4220Resolve CLI error when deploying certain types of Skuid pages
PLIN-4246Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in render/enable/style conditions
PLIN-4247Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in render conditions
PLIN-4248On Skuid NLX, fix issue where Database Console would not load if data source object conditions could result in an error
In instances where the Skuid builder was working in a database that had a data source object condition that could result in an error—like checking a session variable when the builder had logged in via username/password—the Database Console would not load.
Now, a proper error is displayed and the builder can continue working within the Database Console.
PLIN-4293Internal logging improvements
PLIN-4312On Skuid NLX, allow CLI deployments to run when Skuid Database exists with user acknowledgement
PLIN-4384Internal documentation updates
PLIN-4453Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in render/enable/style conditions
PLIN-4461On Skuid NLX, fix error where users were unable to update their personal settings when a custom domain was enabled
PLIN-4467On Skuid NLX, fix issue caught in early access where attempting to configure data source object permissions on app permission sets would result in a frozen page after configuring the first object
PLIN-4498Skuid can now perform searches on case-sensitive columns names on PostgreSQL data sources
Previously, Skuid would search on Postgres columns passing in unquoted columns—which meant column names were always assumed by Postgres to be lower case. In practice, this meant searches on columns that used uppercase letters would not work, since they were being seen as lowercase by PostgreSQL:
Quoting an identifier also makes it case-sensitive, whereas unquoted names are always folded to lower case. For example, the identifiers FOO, foo, and "foo" are considered the same by PostgreSQL, but "Foo" and "FOO" are different from these three and each other.
— PostgreSQL docs, 4.1.1. Identifiers and Key Words
Now, Skuid wraps column names in double quotes (") to ensure case-sensitivity is respected.
CORE-4686In Page Include components, improve merge variable handling for URL parameters—ensuring that using the "Load new page" action will properly update the Page Include even if the only change is a URL parameter value from a merge variable
CORE-4698Ensure context is properly handled when updating a Page Include with the "Load new page" component action
Before this ticket, some areas of Skuid NLX's admin interface experience display errors, particularly around data source permissions. These errors are now resolved with no change or loss to saved data.
PLIN-4448On NLX sites with session variables enabled for an IdP, fix issue where session variable options would not populate when configuring conditions in Skuid Database
PLIN-4372Adjust error logging for Skuid NLX
PLIN-4371To prevent unintended SSO access on Skuid NLX, disallow logins based on email when multiple users share the same email
PLIN-4350Build tooling improvements
PLIN-4339Backend code cleanup related to single sign-on enhancements
PLIN-4267On Skuid NLX in Database Console, fix bug in Currency field creation where "Decimal places" toggle does not properly enable—and only displays as read-only after creation
PLIN-4222For Skuid Database CSV import, disable the Import Records button until all necessary field mapping settings are configured
PLIN-4202For SSO in Skuid NLX, set the IdP name identifier format default value to "Unspecified" instead of blank
PLIN-4177For upcoming skuid CLI updates, fix metadata deployment server errors
PLIN-4050For Skuid Database, add option to import CSV files without column headers—using the first row as data
PLIN-4033On Skuid NLX, fix documentation link in the user signup area of the site permission set detail screen
PLIN-3522During Skuid NLX CLI retrievals, adjust metadata returned for app permission sets
CORE-4668On Skuid NLX, fix data source object regression where it was not possible to mass edit more than 25 field permissions at a time
CORE-4661On Firefox, fix issue where multiple authentication popups would appear for pages using Salesforce data sources
CORE-4658In v2 Page Include components, allow the use of merge syntax within the "Skuid page" property
CORE-4654In Table components, add interaction functionality to child relationship fields
CORE-4653When working within Sliding Panels and Table drawers in the Composer, fix issue where Responsive Grid divisions would disappear from view (though remain in the XML) when components were dragged into them
CORE-4650In the Wizard component, fix issue where enable messages for step buttons would not display in the expected area if the Wizard was below other components
CORE-4648Internal developer tooling improvements
CORE-4644Fix bug where pencil icons would appear on button fields within a Form when changed into read/edit mode via a component action
CORE-4641Allow "Export Table data" component action to run even if the Table component is hidden
CORE-4627Adjust appearance of Search component in the Composer canvas to more accurately reflect its runtime appearance
APPS-2291For custom domains in Skuid NLX, ensure verification codes sent to new users redirect them to the proper domain
APPS-2143On Skuid NLX within the app detail screen, improve querying of pages that are not yet assigned URLs
APPS-2066In Skuid NLX, improve page-related endpoints for enhanced performance in app detail pages
APPS-2305On Skuid NLX, update segments of SSO code to account for custom domains
APPS-2313When editing picklist field options on a data source object, ensure proper error appears when attempting to constrain field values to picklist entries when the field already contains values outside the listed entries
APPS-2320In Skuid NLX, fix "Could not perform this query because no value could be found for merge variable 'id'" error that would briefly appear when canceling the creation of a new data source
CORE-4577Fix issue where having one denied data source would prevent any permitted data sources from querying. Now permitted data sources can query, even if an unpermitted one is used within a page.
CORE-4635Fix Design System Studio display issue when using JSS to extend variants with code
CORE-4637Fix bug where iterating over an empty REST data array using merge syntax displays "[object][Object]" instead of nothing
CORE-4642Fix "Unpack pages from page pack" issue where setting the filter to "Last modified by me" would not not allow the filter to be set to "Last modified by any" afterwards
CORE-4649Fix issue where new font families could not be added to design systems
CORE-4651Allow hotkeys to be set without a selected modifier key
DEVOPS-1677 ^^^^^^^^^
Backend pipeline improvements
PLIN-3844When skuid CLI retrieves a data source object, ensure that object's picklist entries are retrieved as well
PLIN-4027Ensure that picklist entry order for data source objects is respected at runtime
PLIN-4036In Skuid Database data import, support additional date formats
PLIN-4182On Skuid NLX, improve dependency deployment logic for site deployments using skuid CLI
PLIN-4207For Skuid Database, ensure picklist entries are included in metadata retrieval using skuid CLI
PLIN-4211On Skuid Database, handle differing date and datetime formats at the field level to better support CSV imports
PLIN-4232On Skuid NLX login history, streamline SAML details for logins preformed through SSO
PLIN-4253Improve backend sorting code for objects in Skuid NLX's admin UI
PLIN-4296For SSO user properties, ensure Portal subscription type only appears as an option when properly activated
PLIN-4298Session variable copy improvements
PLIN-4308Improve handling of escaped characters within URIs in data source proxy
PLIN-4314In Skuid NLX, fix issue where builders cannot save changes made in the Authentication tab of a data source's detail page
PLIN-4318When deploying a site definition with skuid CLI to NLX, ensure that a Skuid Database data source is created if it’s included in the definition—even if it is not associated with an app
PLIN-4331Ensure deactivated picklist entries on data source objects do not appear in runtime
PLIN-4348CI/CD Improvements
PLIN-4349CI/CD Improvements
CORE-4640Internal test fixes
CORE-4646Improve row creation logic to prevent looping errors, which were apparent when working with models on data source objects that contained an "Id" field
PLIN-4323Fix issue where cancelling the creation of a new condition in Database Console doesn't update the UI to remove the condition
APPS-2306Internal administration tool improvements
APPS-2307Internal administration tool improvements
APPS-2310Add ability to unpack page packs when no other pages exist in the Skuid environment
CORE-3545Prevent invalid values in reference fields
CORE-3744Responsive Grid vertical alignment improvements for "fit to content" + minimum heights
Previously, Responsive Grids set to have vertical alignment, with a minimum height, and the "Fit to content" height strategy would only consider the contents of the divisions—instead of the full minimum height of the component—when determining vertical alignment.
Now, Responsive Grids properly consider the minimum height when applying vertical alignment to their divisions.
CORE-3876Improve rendering speed for Deck components, particularly for high record counts
CORE-4601Fix issue where the Composer would not recognize setting a previously-configured margin property back to "None" as a change, meaning it was not possible to save the page unless another change was made. Now the Composer recognizes the change, and enables the Save button, as expected.
CORE-4610Fix issue where mass action buttons would unexpectedly remain enabled after running—even when no rows were selected
CORE-4623On the Search component, fix issue where the field picker for setting Return Objects would not function
CORE-4624Fix where builders previously could not disable the "Skip entry criteria" property for existing "Submit for Approval" Salesforce data source actions. Now builders can enable/disable this property as expected.
CORE-4630Set “Sanitize field values” property to default off for Table components
CORE-4638Fix rendering issue for updated reference fields for PostgreSQL.
Previously, selecting a reference field value in a component attached to a PostgreSQL model would “blank out” the field, even though the value was updated. Now, reference fields update and render as expected.
PLIN-3780On Skuid SFX, update OData data source detail screen to match updated NLX UI
PLIN-4086Dependency upgrade to better support user creation
PLIN-4121Improve login screen logic to better secure existing usernames against unauthorized detection
PLIN-4258Internal administration tool improvements
PLIN-4265Internal administration tool improvements
PLIN-4294On Skuid NLX, implement unique authenticated user tracking for use on subscriptions page
PLIN-4299On Skuid NLX, add a case insensitive duplicate check for the page search API endpoint
PLIN-4327On Skuid NLX, fix rendering issue for app detail screens which showed [object][Object] beside pages without URLs
Edinburgh GA release (
APPS-1626Performance-related improvements to app detail page structure and its "Create page" experience on Skuid NLX
APPS-1981Improve page name validation experience when creating a new Skuid page
APPS-2236APPS-2236 In Skuid NLX on the Pages screen, fix issue where the "Clear filter" button would seemingly clear filters, but those filters would be reapplied on page refresh
APPS-2244In Skuid NLX, fix bug where clicking Help > About would not refresh the screen if the builder was already in a Settings screen tab
APPS-2301Internal administrative tooling updates
APPS-2304Adjust page API version selector when creating new Skuid page to account for future feature development
CORE-3713Add navigation items as a stylable element in the Design System Studio
CORE-3752Internal codebase configuration file adjustments
CORE-3823In the Composer, add the ability to sync any design system changes without having to refresh the browser window
CORE-3847Fix Calendar component height issues, where bottoms rows unexpectedly expanded to fill the whole page
CORE-3874Hide character length properties for Salesforce rich text fields—which do not support max character/length properties
CORE-3891Update {{startDate}} and {{endDate}} Calendar merge variables to properly return date values instead of datetime values—which are still available via {{startDateTime}} and {{endDateTime}}
CORE-3895Update “Spacing” label to “Margins,” and allow margin spacing values to be applied to all sides—or set individually
CORE-3899On Skuid SFX, update property labels and default values related to Salesforce header and sidebar:
- "Show salesforce header" is now "Show Salesforce Classic header"
- "Show salesforce sidebar" "Show Salesforce Classic sidebar"
- Both properties are now unchecked by default
Fix issue where dragging a button from a Button Set component into a Wizard component would result in the button appearing in both components—even though it was removed from the original Button Set component
CORE-3924Fix Composer issue where interacting with a filter in the canvas—but not making changes to that filter—would sometimes cause the Save button to enable as if there were changes to the page
CORE-3925Improve condition detection on models used as inputs within action sequences
Previously, when using a model as input for an action sequence, invoking that action sequence and trying to select a model condition to update would display inaccurate condition options. While this was not universal, this change ensures more accurate condition options appear when invoking an action sequence that updates an input model’s conditions.
CORE-3926Improve scrolling behaviors for the Page Index when there are deeply nested components
CORE-3927Fix issue in Calendar component's Week view where setting the end time to 12AM causes the component to freeze with JavaScript errors
CORE-4344Add feature for sanitizing field values on export for Table components
CORE-4346Prevent editing of a principal page’s Masthead component from within its dependent pages
CORE-4351Adjust custom formula function boilerplate template
DSC-3386Add link to page's design system in the Composer
CORE-4362Allow the deletion of a step that was previously the first step in a Wizard component without having to refresh the Composer
CORE-4372CORE-4372 Internal optimizations for deployment sizes
CORE-4378Implement the ability to set style variant conditions for navigation items
CORE-4379Internal developer tool improvements
CORE-4382In Skuid NLX, fix issue where changing data source access would sometimes not enable the Save button
CORE-4384In the Design System Studio, fix issue where "More Options" menu for style variants appears offset incorrectly
CORE-4387In the Design System Studio, ensure "Background Color" property applies to navigation item style variants
CORE-4388Adjust Wizard component action copy to use "layout" instead of "direction"
CORE-4392Fix "cannot access Symbol(PageContext)" console error in Composer
CORE-4393Fix issue where top-level items in the Horizontal Navigation component would not display the proper style variant for those items
CORE-4394Fix early access issue where Calendar views were temporarily not configurable
CORE-4395Fix positioning of dropdown caret in Table component's Visible Rows property
CORE-4399Fix issue in Table components set to read with inline-edit where an edited row outside of the browser's viewport would cause the Save button to shift focus to that out-of-sight row instead of saving
CORE-4406Update navigation item icon
CORE-4414Fix issue where sliding panels restrict the size of modals, making them too small
CORE-4415Remove unneeded field selector from Channel property in "Publish event" actions and event-triggered action sequences
CORE-4416Make the hover behavior for v1 disabled buttons consistent, ensuring tooltips display and cursor changes display as expected
CORE-4417Allows open/close drawer action to work regardless of visibility of drawer icons, as it previously would fail if “Show drawer icon” was disabled
CORE-4419Fix issue where Go to URL actions in a Chart series would not accept some Chart context-related merge variables
CORE-4420Add visibility options for Calendar component’s “Unassigned” grouping
CORE-4421Add ability to refresh style variants from the Style variants conditions tab
CORE-4422Fix issue where URL parameters for boolean values would cause page previews from the Composer to fail
CORE-4423Fix bug where dragging components from the canvas into a later Wizard step sends the canvas back to step 1
CORE-4426For reference fields on UI-only models in v1 and v2, fix issue where the field picker modal only displayed the selected field instead of the expected fields available on the referenced object
CORE-4431Fix issue where "Update all" button for design systems does not complete updates in Dubai Update 3
CORE-4432Fix runtime errors for Tables with Sort Builder enabled
CORE-4434In Skuid SFX on the Calendar component, fix issue where "View more events" in Month view does not work in Lightning
CORE-4437Internal improvements to Composer initialization
CORE-4440Fix slow Composer performance for deeply nested components in Dubai Update 3 releases
CORE-4441Fix Geochart issue where changing a map group would not properly update available values for the map type property, which also caused rendering issues
CORE-4446Ensure that models initialized with existing data (like data from another model) properly set the recordId attribute
CORE-4447On Skuid SFX, remove unnecessary permissioning syntax from Skuid permissions sets
CORE-4450Better timezone handling in the Calendar component, addressing experience issues around the following:
- Clicking "+n more events" on a day previously would sometimes display the previous day's events
- Expanding single date events (like tasks) which should not be able to expand/contract
- Event creation showing an error in the modal even though it was successful before closing the modal
- Save button disabled state when creating/editing an event in the modal
- Single date event sources should now always render on the same date no matter the timezone/locale
- Start/end date should now always render on the same date no matter the timezone/locale
- Start/end datetime should adapt to the org locale setting as expected
* Start/end datetime should render based on timezone properly for users at runtime. As an example: In America/New_York an event is created for 11am. In Australia/Sydney it should be represented at 3am the next day.
CORE-4453Internal improvements to Page Index functionality
CORE-4456Ensure Filter Set data range label has appropriate spacing in comparison to other labels within the component
CORE-4463Internal tooling updates
CORE-4472Fix issue where mass actions displayed as menus or comboboxes were always deactivated
CORE-4476Fix issue where "Select navigation item" action would not properly load available items to target
CORE-4489Internal codebase enhancements
CORE-4491Fix web font loading in v1 pages, which caused loading failures for Page Include components and their pages at runtime
CORE-4495Fix issue for Salesforce data sources where SOSL queries were being run as SOQL queries when initiated from within a modal
CORE-4502Fix regression where skuid CLI deployments were not causing design system recompilation
CORE-4514Fix issue where the modal to specify URL parameter values when previewing pages would no longer appear—causing errors
CORE-4527CORE-4527 On NLX in Skuid Database, fix regression where object ID was no longer autofilling based on object label
CORE-4529Internal codebase enhancements
CORE-4538Internal codebase improvements
CORE-4546Fix issue where, when trying to upload a file larger than the size limit, the File Upload component would incorrectly say the file had successfully uploaded
CORE-4547Fix issue in Design Systems screen where Update All button would fail with a “Visualforce Remoting Exception” error when updating batches of design systems that are larger in file size
CORE-4548Fix Chart bug where context was not properly set after drilling down, returning to the main chart, and then drilling down into a new value
Clicking into a Chart component segment sets the context, which can be used to display filtered drilldown information. Before this fix, returning to the main chart and then drilling down into another value would not properly set the context—instead using the previous drilldown’s values. With this fix, drilldowns work as expected.
CORE-4549On Skuid SFX, fix issue where users without Skuid licenses were not being redirected to standard Salesforce
CORE-4550Internal codebase improvements
CORE-4555Internal codebase improvements
CORE-4562Fix mobile device rendering for reference fields on SQL data sources displayed as picklists
CORE-4563Internal codebase improvements
CORE-4565Fix issue where Properties pane tabs for Button Group propertie were not displaying correctly
CORE-4566Fix issue where the time zone conversions for datetime field pickers and the Calendar component conflicted with each other, causing datetimes to render incorrectly for non-all day events
CORE-4568Remove style variant options from filters, because they cannot have style variants
CORE-4569In Skuid SFX, fix issue where interacting with a Rich Text Field in a Salesforce form and then leaving that field would cause the following error: Uncaught Action failed: skuid:teleporter$controller$eventHandler [Unable to get value from Rich Text component.]
CORE-4571Fix issue where buttons could not be dragged from one Button Group component to another
CORE-4572Internal codebase improvements
CORE-4574On Skuid SFX, provide method of retrieving data source authentication values from Apex when using proxy
CORE-4576Fix issue where reference fields set to "Option source: Automatic" would result in modals with no options and browser console errors
CORE-4579Internal developer tooling improvements
CORE-4580Fix issues for reference field lookup modals:
- Raw SOQL queries appeared in the modal instead of the expected user-facing search terms
- Deleting and re-entering a valid search string in the modal hid valid results
Both issues are resolved by this ticket.
CORE-4584Fix CKEditor rendering in Form and Table components set to Edit mode within Tab Sets
CORE-4586Re-add missing runtime export options for Chart components
CORE-4587Fix issue where validations were not applied to Salesforce string fields as expected
CORE-4588Deployment-related internal config updates
CORE-4590Allow enable conditions and style variant conditions on global actions for Table components
CORE-4591Deployment-related internal config updates
CORE-4592Fix Edinburgh early access issue where “Required” validations were incorrectly enforced
CORE-4593Fix Edinburgh early access issue where “Required” validations would sometimes run incorrectly if users pressed the Tab key to proceed to the next field
CORE-4594Add Calendar component merge variable functionality to event on-click actions and event update actions
CORE-4597Fix bug where the Calendar component’s "+n more" view modal displayed the previous date
CORE-4599Fix issue where Calendar components were not providing actions for “Run component action” picklist
CORE-4600On Skuid SFX, fix issue where tooltip text wouldn't fade on pages deployed in Lightning with the Skuid Page Lightning component
CORE-4603Rollback of future feature code
CORE-4606Fix Table field issue where "Required" checkbox was not a visible property in the Composer
CORE-4607On Skuid SFX in Lightning experience, fix lookup filters for polymorphic fields (e.g. OwnerId on the Case object)
Previously when selecting a value for a polymorphic reference field, an error stating a field doesn't exist would appear—even with properly configured lookup filters. This fix ensures that reference field works as expected.
CORE-4611Fix issue where reference field searches would not return expected records on some objects (such as the Case object in Salesforce) due to search value and record value/label discrepancies
CORE-4612Fix rendering issue with picklist fields within sliding panels that are activated within Page Include components
CORE-4613Fix issue where "required" validations were incorrectly running on optional picklist fields
PLIN-3672Internal dependency upgrades
PLIN-3850In Skuid Database CSV import, add empty state for field dropdown menus
PLIN-3851Development for Skuid Database data import
PLIN-3852Development for Skuid Database data import
PLIN-3854Development for Skuid Database data import
PLIN-3856Add functionality to save mappings during Skuid Database CSV Import/Export process
PLIN-3891Allow picklist entry order to be set in data source objects
PLIN-3902Remove internal formula function from Composer function list
PLIN-3926In Skuid Database on Skuid NLX, ensure that required fields retain their "required" status after refreshing Database Console
PLIN-3933In Database Console, fix bug preventing the creation of new picklist item son previously created fields
PLIN-3937In Skuid Database data import, add "Create missing picklist options" toggle
PLIN-3945General design adjustments to Skuid Database CSV import experience
PLIN-3946In Skuid Database CSV import, autoassign fields created when mapping an imported column
PLIN-3961In Skuid Database data export, change the "Remove special characters" option to "Sanitize field values" and update description
PLIN-3969In Skuid Database CSV import, add notice and adjust behavior to account for file upload limits
PLIN-3972On Skuid NLX in Database console, add in-progress state when uploading a CSV for import
PLIN-4002In Database Console, fix "Request Body Unparaseable" error when reuploading a CSV after already mapping some fields
PLIN-4008In Skuid Database data import, adjust import UI behavior to ensure errors are properly displayed (and the success message does not appear for imports with errors)
PLIN-4013On Skuid NLX in Database Console, adjust export behavior to allow the "Sanitize field values" option to be enabled even exporting a single object
PLIN-4014In Skuid Database data import, adjust styles for CSV preview
PLIN-4015Fix copy error in Skuid Database
PLIN-4018In Skuid NLX, fix issue where 0 (zero) would erroneously appear in bottom left of the Database Console screen when there are no objects configured
PLIN-4036In Skuid Database data import, support additional date formats
PLIN-4076Fix alignment of "Position" column label when editing picklist entry values for a data source object
PLIN-4099On Skuid NLX, implement SSO user provisioning enhancements for updating mapped user attributes on login
PLIN-4118Security improvements when returning site metadata
PLIN-4142For Skuid Database data import, validate required field mappings client-side to surface potential errors sooner
PLIN-4143Fix regression in Database Console where refreshing the browser window does not reroute the user back to their previous place in the Console
PLIN-4209On Skuid NLX, fix issue where data source object field property values were not being properly retrieved or deployed with skuid CLI
PLIN-4221On Skuid NLX after an error in CSV import for Skuid Database, properly dismiss error messages when leaving the CSV view
PLIN-4242On Skuid NLX, ensure the duplicate name checking for session variables treats letter case appropriately
PLIN-4252On Skuid SFX, fix issue where adding the first picklist entry value for a picklist field on a data source object would not properly populate the "Position" property
PLIN-4256On Skuid NLX, update list of available environment types to reflect all types
PLIN-4260Internal administrative tooling bug fixes
PLIN-4277Adjust page API version query to account for future feature development
PLIN-4311Fix issue where configuring data source objection permissions on app permission sets displayed the incorrect data source
PLIN-4322On Skuid NLX, adjust how site metadata is delivered to fix retrieval issues for skuid CLI
PLIN-4325In Skuid Database data import, support additional date formats
PLIN-4326In Skuid Database data import, support additional date formats
APPS-2162Custom domains development
Session variable developmentThe following tickets represent work implementing session variable functionality, allowing SAML attributes to be mapped to reusable variables whose values are available for the duration of a user’s session:
PLIN-4068, PLIN-4159, PLIN-4229
Future feature developmentThe following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features:
CORE-4357, CORE-3587, CORE-3598, CORE-3700, CORE-3749, CORE-3845, CORE-4339, CORE-4340, CORE-4352, CORE-4364, CORE-4365, CORE-4366, CORE-4374, CORE-4375, CORE-4376, CORE-4380, CORE-4385, CORE-4391, CORE-4400, CORE-4401, CORE-4402, CORE-4405, CORE-4408, CORE-4409, CORE-4412, CORE-4427, CORE-4428, CORE-4430, CORE-4433, CORE-4439, CORE-4442, CORE-4445, CORE-4454, CORE-4487, CORE-4488, CORE-4490, CORE-4496, CORE-4498, CORE-4500, CORE-4552, CORE-4554, CORE-4567, PLIN-3862, PLIN-4134
Early access tenants
Note: NLX early access tenants are no longer available for external use. We encourage users to follow proper application lifecycle management utilizing multiple production NLX tenants instead. These release notes remain posted for posterity.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
For Chat component, formatting, flexibility, and stability improvements.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Dependency upgrades
Security enhancements
Fixed new Composer issues with tab and wizard components not saving correctly after a reorder change is made.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
For Chat component, enhanced support for REST models
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Dependency upgrades
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Moved Chat component and OpenAI data source out of beta.
Ensured multi-picklist "Include filter" property defaults to off.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Fixed Design System Studio issue where code editor panel would not update when tabs were changed. Also fixed issue where code components within a modal could lose their data if opened and closed more than once.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
In the Ink icon library, added new icons: workflows, upgrade, expand-alt, and contract-alt.
Fixed Composer issue where some Chat component properties would not update.
For XML parser, recognize standard property names independent of their case.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Fixed Composer issue where UI-only fields were not shown in field-picker for display logic conditions.
Internal codebase improvements
Fix Design System Studio issue where adding an API name to a variable would cause errors when trying to update components using the variable.
N/A: resolved in CORE-5459
Fix New Composer issue where browser reported unsaved changes even when none were made.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Fixed an issue where sometimes selecting an OData object in the composer would result in an error.
Fixed an unreleased issue where HTML tags were appearing in the runtime for a navigation component with Allow HTML Enabled.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Dependency upgrades
Backend service improvements
Internal tooling improvements
New REST data source development
Backend dependency updates
Improved performance for creating picklist and multi-picklist fields in Skuid DB.
Dependency upgrades
Backend dependency updates
On SFX, fixed Pages list issue where users without "Modify Metadata Through Metadata API Functions" permission in Salesforce would see errors
Backend dependency updates
Dependency upgrades
Internal codebase improvements
Internal codebase improvements
On SFX, fixed SFX Data Service Configuration in Salesforce where the selected JWT signing certificate was not shown by default, and the Certificate Public key could be truncated.
Fixed unreleased Skuid Database issue where the user was unable to create a new field via the CSV import process.
Internal tooling improvements
Internal codebase improvements
On SFX, fixed issue where Hyperforce Salesforce sites were unable to connect to SQL-based data sources.
Dependency upgrades
Internal codebase improvements
Backend dependency updates
Dependency upgrades
Dependency upgrades
Dependency upgrades
Dependency upgrades
Fixed unreleased Skuid Database issue where reference tables containing reference fields would not render in the Data tab.
Updated the Help Community link in NLX and SFX to point to Nintex Community instead of the retired Skuid Community.
New Composer (Page Designer) development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development

New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
Security enhancement
Fixed unreleased Skuid Database issue where reference tables containing reference fields would not render in the Data tab.
Improved performance for creating picklist and multi-picklist fields in Skuid DB.
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
Fixed Composer issue where some Chat component properties would not update.
Moved Chat component and OpenAI data source out of beta.
N/A: resolved in CORE-5459
Fixed Design System Studio issue where adding an API name to a variable would cause errors when trying to update components using the variable.
Fixed Composer issue where UI-only fields were not shown in field-picker for display logic conditions.
Internal codebase improvements
Fixed unreleased Skuid Database issue where the user was unable to create a new field via the CSV import process.
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development
Future feature development

Dependency upgrades
Internal tooling improvements
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
New REST data source development
Release Management
Ensure multi-picklist "Include filter" property defaults to being off
Move Chat component and OpenAI data source out of beta
For Chat component, enhanced support for REST models
For Chat component, formatting, flexibility and stability improvements
New Composer development
Future feature development

Prepare codebase for packaging
Fix issue in Lightning design system where checkbox appeared pushed down and to right of where expected
Fix appearance of trust policy example shown when AWS role is used as an authentication method
Dependency upgrades
Dependency upgrades
Dependency upgrades
Changes to facilitate load testing
Changes to facilitate load testing
New REST data source development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new REST data source:
CORE-5269 PLIN-4794 PLIN-5219 PLIN-5226 PLIN-5249 PLIN-5307 PLIN-5416 PLIN-5426 PLIN-5443 PLIN-5450 PLIN-5452 PLIN-5454 PLIN-5462 PLIN-5469 PLIN-5477 PLIN-5480 PLIN-5482 PLIN-5485 PLIN-5491 PLIN-5578 PLIN-5582
Future feature development
The following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.

When renaming a model condition, ensure actions that use the condition reflect the updated label
Internal developer setup script improvements
Internal code refactoring
Improve unexpected scrollbar appearances in the Design System Studio, particularly for color pickers and Chat component code blocks
Improve NLX registration experience on mobile
Fix Table component issue where adjusting styles on mass action buttons would cause an additional, empty button to appear at runtime
Fix reference field issue where lookup filters in the Form component would not properly filter Record Type values
Fix NLX issue where icons for the find/replace panel in the XML editor would not appear
Fix menu selection issue where end users could not select certain elements, like search inputs, when a select menu was open
Fix inconsistent action sequence label issue for sequences created before EU3 that were event-triggered
Fix Form component issue issue where boolean fields with label displayed on right displayed as "false" if component does not allow HTML
Fix Design System Studio issue where spacing variables would display incorrect names/values and display JavaScript errors in the console
Fix Design System Studio issue where filtering for color variants with "+" or "-" symbols would not work as expected
Fix design system static resource issue where design systems would be stored as undefinedDESIGNSYSTEM instead of their actual names
Fix dependent page issue where action sequences could not be reordered in the Composer
Fix condition issue where expected operators would not appear for field types
Fix Calendar issue where event source actions were broken in the Composer
Fix autocomplete/combobox issue where user dropdown selections were not captured when a component was in read with inline edit mode
Fix authentication provider issue where additional token request body parameters were not being sent properly at runtime, which notably affected Sharepoint data sources
Fix aggregate model issue where client-side conditions would not properly update the model
Fix "Run component action" issue where Form component actions would not appear if the component was in a modal that had not yet been opened in the Composer browser window
Adjust combobox field input behaviors for existing field values so that all menu options appear on focus and when clicked. Previously, combobox inputs would filter based the existing field value—meaning users would first have to delete that value to see the full list of options.
Centralize and improve “Size and scrolling” properties and streamline flex properties for a variety of components in current Composer as well as New Composer
New REST data source development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new REST data source:
CORE-5314 PLIN-4786 PLIN-5182 PLIN-5265 PLIN-5306 PLIN-5307 PLIN-5403 PLIN-5461 PLIN-5478 PLIN-5483
New Composer development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new Composer experience:
CORE-4444 CORE-4779 CORE-4792 CORE-4795 CORE-4804 CORE-4944 CORE-5006 CORE-5112 CORE-5114 CORE-5123 CORE-5144 CORE-5199 CORE-5204 CORE-5206 CORE-5228 CORE-5229 CORE-5233 CORE-5244 CORE-5246 CORE-5249 CORE-5274 CORE-5275 CORE-5278 CORE-5286 CORE-5291 CORE-5293 CORE-5304 CORE-5318 CORE-5323

Internal NLX administration improvements
Internal feature improvements related to app URLs on NLX
Internal feature improvements related to app URLs on NLX
Internal deployment script updates
Internal config adjustments to support future microservices
Fix menu selection issue where end users could not select certain elements, like search inputs, when a select menu was open
Fix issue with NLX new user registration where Create button would enable even if the user email were blank
Fix inconsistent action sequence label issue for sequences created before EU3 that were event-triggered
Fix Design System Studio issue where the color selection dropdown would not display typeahead options
Fix Design System Studio issue where the color selection dropdown options would show color ID values instead of their labels
Fix Design System Studio issue where spacing variables would display incorrect names/values and display JavaScript errors in the console
Fix dependent page issue where action sequences could not be reordered in the Composer
Fix Calendar issue where event source actions were broken in the Composer
Fix autocomplete/combobox issue where user dropdown selections were not captured when a component was in read with inline edit mode
Fix authentication provider issue where additional token request body parameters were not being sent properly at runtime, which notably affected Sharepoint data sources
Fix aggregate model issue where client-side conditions would not properly update the model
Fix "Run component action" issue where Form component actions would not appear if the component was in a modal that had not yet been opened in the Composer browser window
Adjust combobox field input behaviors for existing field values so that all menu options appear on focus and when clicked. Previously, combobox inputs would filter based the existing field value—meaning users would first have to delete that value to see the full list of options.
New REST data source development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new REST data source:
New Composer development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new Composer experience:
On Skuid SFX, implement the JsonAccess annotation to correct unexpected behaviors arising from serialization logic—notably Skuid model saves—that would cause "Apex object cannot be serialized" errors.
Added HTML support in the following component properties through use of related "Allow HTML" toggle properties:
- Button: Button label
- Button Group: Label, when displayed as a menu
- Wizard: Step labels
- Header: Title and subtitle
- Message Area: Title, as well as description
- Search: In each return object's header display name and display template
- Toast (from the Show toast action): Message to display
- Deck: Title
- Table: Title, as well as column headers
- List: Title
Fix Header component issue where its buttons were not respecting record context after their first use, resulting in experiences where editing one record would unexpectedly update all records
Update labeling to reflect pilot status of new Composer
Hyphenate "Vertical top-level navigation" in the Design System Studio
Add “Beta” tag to Chat component and OpenAI data source type
On SFX, adjust styles of components within Lightning Experience to account for Salesforce CS S updates
Fix sub-navigation item issue where merge variables were not being processed properly for URLs within the item's Go to URL action
Codebase and internal process enhancements to better avoid APIs noted as distorted by Salesforce
Fix issue with nested properties not properly updating the selected area
Resolve design system file inconsistencies that appear when downloading the file from Skuid's admin interface versus retrieving it via the CLI, which began after recent updates to streamline that file's format
OpenAI data source (for use with Chat component) development
Fix model regression where the child relationships sub-tab would not appear within the model fields tab
Fix issue where “Warn users if page has unsaved changes” page property would unexpectedly revert to “Yes” even when set to “No,” which affected by standard page edits and v1-v2 page migrations
Fix Pages list issue where the Preview option would cause errors when pages required parameters—not opening the modal for setting those parameters and ultimately not previewing the page
Ensure OpenAI data source functions with the API Keys authentication option
Adjust streamlined action sequence triggering behavior to account for issues surrounding what were previously event-triggered sequences
CDN deployment config updates
Security-related dependency upgrades
Add proper permissions for new Composer experience to Skuid Page Builder permission set
Fix Composer issue where model fields and conditions were being unexpectedly removed when the builder selected the model within the model list
Fix Chart component regression where series interactions were unavailable—instead appearing as an unusable text field within the Properties pane
Ensure consistency between SFX and NLX API calls for the OpenAI data source type
Migrate to a newer, non-deprecated third-party library for some UI elements
Upgrade timezone-related dependencies
Internal file size logging improvements
Fix Salesforce mobile issue where, in addition to the native mobile date picker, Skuid's date picker would sometimes unexpectedly appear and sometimes remain even after picking a date
Code base modularization
JS API additions to better test pages when loaded as included pages
Ensure Chat components configured for model rows display new rows as expected when their models are requeried
Fix issue where Skuid's mass update modal would not function properly with number and currency fields—causing a call stack error
Security-related dependency upgrades
Ensure that UI-only picklist fields marked as required auto-select the first picklist entry, which is the current behavior for non-UI-only fields
Fix Form issue where the component would attempt to render fields that were not in the component's model. Notably this issue could occur when, due to user permissions, fields were removed from the model to prevent unauthorized access, but the component would still attempt to render those removed fields.
Fix issue where "Hide label" property (A Form-exclusive property) appeared on Table component fields
Fix issue with UI-only filters where the inability to retrieve condition logic caused "getField is not a function" errors—particularly for date fields
Remove unused SFX labels from source control files
Fix Composer issue where the “Custom field renderer” property rendered as a text input instead of a combobox
Adjust process for renaming page revisions to utilize a modal for improved UX
Fix new row creation regression where fields on the new row that were displayed as comboboxes would have their values cleared out when the row was saved
Fix issue with "Last/Next n <unit>" related date property values, where number values were reset to 1 in the page XML instead of the entered number value whenever the date range value was changed. For example, if a user had selected “Next n weeks” and set N to 5, then changed to “Last n weeks”, the 5 would remain in the Composer but would be saved in XML as 1.
Internal code refactoring to address linting issues
Remove unnecessary content from exported design system JSON files
Refactoring of chat data source actions for future development
Fix issue where setting a field’s label position to "Right of Input" on checkbox fields broke HTML rendering in labels
For Navigation and Vertical Navigation components in the DSS, add the ability to set font family—and improve the display and grouping of various text properties
Upgrade Mustache and Moment libraries in API v1 to address security concerns
Fix Vertical Navigation issue where navigation items with the default "Go to URL" action would not respect design system styles, and instead always appeared as blue
Fix Calendar component style issue where the changing the “Default color” value for an event on a Calendar in the Design System Studio would not properly update the color
Add "col" scope to Table column headers to improve accessibility for screen reader tools like JAWS
Fix issue where the "Allow HTML" property would cause console errors in the Composer
Non-customer facing metadata API changes to facilitate build deployments
Fix issue in Skuid Database where the CSV import view would not scroll, preventing users from seeing all fields that may be imported for CSV files with many columns
New REST data source development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new REST data source:
PLIN-4923 PLIN-4928 PLIN-4994 PLIN-4996 PLIN-5043 PLIN-5170 PLIN-5173 PLIN-5186 PLIN-5194 PLIN-5197 PLIN-5211 PLIN-5225 PLIN-5255 PLIN-5268 PLIN-5270 PLIN-5285 PLIN-5288 PLIN-5292 PLIN-5301 PLIN-5310 PLIN-5314 PLIN-5350 PLIN-5360 PLIN-5362 PLIN-5363 PLIN-5370 PLIN-5375
New Composer development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new Composer experience:
CORE-5081 CORE-5083 CORE-5084 CORE-5089 CORE-5058 CORE-5060 CORE-5062 CORE-5074 CORE-5099 CORE-5104 CORE-5109 CORE-5110 CORE-5111 CORE-5113 CORE-5114 CORE-5123 CORE-5124 CORE-5137 CORE-5143 CORE-5147 CORE-5152 CORE-5153 CORE-5165 CORE-5168 CORE-5170 CORE-5171 CORE-5172 CORE-5173 CORE-5179 CORE-5181 CORE-4355 CORE-4377 CORE-4475 CORE-4541 CORE-4621 CORE-4660 CORE-4803 CORE-4807 CORE-4826 CORE-4844 CORE-4884 CORE-4885 CORE-4923 CORE-4930 CORE-4943 CORE-4965 CORE-5036 CORE-5207 CORE-5211 CORE-5212 CORE-5213 CORE-5214 CORE-5215 CORE-5217 CORE-5221 CORE-5231 CORE-5240 CORE-5241
Future feature development
The following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
CORE-3499 PLIN-4683 PLIN-4748 PLIN-5062 PLIN-5126
AWS authentication proxy updates
The following tickets represent code changes made to the AWS authentication proxy service:
- PLIN-5229: Internal documentation updates
- PLIN-5300: Dependency upgrades related to AWS authentication features
- PLIN-5304: Dependency upgrades related to AWS authentication features
- PLIN-5312: Deployment configuration updates related to AWS authentication features
- PLIN-5313: Update method for session management related to AWS authentication features

Feature updates
Action sequences: Streamlined and enhanced
Action sequences provide a centralized place to create lists of actions in your Skuid page. Previously, there were three separate types: reusable, event-triggered, and hotkey-triggered. But what if you've drafted the perfect event-triggered sequence—only to realize you need it activated by a hotkey as well? Have you ever needed to duplicate your reusable sequence used on multiple buttons in order to also make it responsive to events? And what's with all these types to keep up with?
No longer! With EU3, all action sequences can be triggered however you want. Each sequence is now reusable, as well as event and hotkey triggerable by adjusting settings within the newly added Event and Hotkey tabs.
"But what about my old action sequences?" Don't worry! Everything has migrated to this new format. Your event-triggered sequences appear as normal sequences with the Events tab populated appropriately, with hotkey-triggered sequences receiving the same treatment.
This is just a hint of the kind of enhancements coming in our new Composer, but more on that in our Pilot features section…
Simpler design system files, better for source control
Source control helps organizations facilitate change management, while keeping a record of how assets and metadata have changed over time. While much of Skuid's metadata (which can be retrieved via our CLI tools) is in plain text and source control-friendly, design systems haven't been.
With EU3, we're changing the way design system assets are formed when retrieved via the CLI—allowing them to more easily be stored and diffed in your source control system of choice. Previously design systems were returned as ZIP files, with additional boilerplate and metadata that made source control for these files difficult.
Now, design systems are returned as JSON files with only the necessary information stored within it in a consistent order. You can expect much smaller files (around 5k lines shorter in some test cases) and easier diffing because of the deterministic nature.
HTML support for more labels and titles
This feature is coming soon to early access.
Skuid components are the building blocks of your Skuid pages, but HTML elements are the building blocks of the web—and they offer a lot of customization options you may need for more advanced styling needs. We've steadily increased the component areas where HTML can be used in Skuid, and with this release we're opening up even more.
Some properties previously allowed HTML to render by default. To better safeguard unintended HTML use, we'll be adding Allow HTML properties in these areas. To prevent breaking behaviors for existing components, we'll assume any components with that property unset will have it checked with this update. But any new components added to the page will default Allow HTML to off.
API key authentication method
Many products handle authentication through API keys, which they expect to be passed along in each request to service endpoints. While it’s been possible to access these services in Skuid through its Common request headers or Common request body data, doing so meant potentially exposing your API key to end users who were savvy enough to look at their network traffic.
Worry no longer about those network request sleuths, our newAPI key authentication methodallows you to store encrypted API keys and securely inject them into requests server-side—meaning end users never see those credentials.
Pilot features
Pilot features are not yet intended for prime time production use, but they are available to select customers to gather feedback as we prepare them for a broader audience.
To request access to features listed below, contact
Chat component
There haven't been any transformational technological advancements related to artificial intelligence in the last year, right? No large, language-related models to make Skuid models of? New ways to use natural speech to produce new workflows and content?
Well just in case there have been, we're working on a Chat component that enables you to connect to your chosen AI language model of choice. Additionally you can use it for old-fashioned, human-to-human communication as well, like Salesforce's Chatter functionality.
REST Data Source Console and actions
We've been overhauling how builders can build and test their REST data sources. With EU3, we're ready to launch a closed pilot for this new experience.
With these REST data source enhancements, you can look forward to:
- REST Data Source Console: A centralized workspace to manage requests and objects in the data source—no more replicating endpoints on each and every page
- REST data source actions: The addition of data source actions allows you to trigger server logic with Skuid actions in mind. This feature replaces the need for one-off GET or POST actions on your Skuid models, and incorporates your work into Skuid's Action Framework
This experience is under heavy development, and we look forward to your feedback.
New Composer
Drum roll please: There's a new Composer coming! But this is no mere visual refresh—though we think it looks fresher too. Some major ideas we're developing in this experience include:
- More visual development with enhanced canvas rendering: Skuid's a powerful tool for the citizen developer and the code-wrangling pro, but we want the new Composer to more closely reflect what you're building without constantly refreshing page previews. Look forward to live style updates and other canvas rendering options
- Vertical layout: We'll be moving the Elements and Properties pane to the sides of the Composer, allowing for more vertical canvas space—alongside other sizing changes so the most important elements are highlighted while non-essential elements stay out of the way.
- Redesigned index: The index is the wayfinder of your Skuid page, and we've adjusted its capabilities to allow for faster drag-and-drop page creation and navigation.
- Consolidation, centralization, and bi-directionality: Skuid pages have a lot of moving parts, and they all depend on each other. Models connected to components, which trigger actions, but only when they render because all their display logic rules are true… It can be a lot to handle—and a lot to navigate.
With the new Composer experience, we're offering more wayfinding tools and more links between common areas. Go from a component to its model's properties instantly, see everywhere an action is used, and more.
We've also got a lot of modularity and reusability improvements to come for your page logic. What exactly, you may ask? Join the pilot to find out!
This new Composer experience represents a major paradigm shift in Skuid development, and we want your help in making it the best it can be.Contact us to join the closed pilot phase!
Heads up!
Vertical top-level navigation works now, but you may see differences
Previously, Vertical top-level navigation stylingproperties were not properly applied to the uppermost navigation items. With this change, these properties are now properly applied.
You may see a difference in how your Navigation components render. If so, verify the proper settings are applied in the Vertical top-level navigation properties as well as the Top level navigation item section of the Vertical Navigation component's style variants.
Included tickets
Upgrade Mustache and Moment libraries in API v1 to address security concerns
Update labeling to reflect pilot status of new Composer
Skuid NLX registration page internal improvements
Skuid NLX registration page API upgrades
On Skuid SFX, implement the JsonAccess annotation to correct unexpected behaviors arising from serialization logic—notably Skuid model saves—that would cause "Apex object cannot be serialized" errors.
On Skuid SFX, fix issue that caused Skuid Page (LWC) Lightning component to have load failures
On Skuid NLX, update branding and options available at Help > Resources
On Skuid NLX, fix issue where deleting all files and then uploading a new file still displaying the Files screen empty state
On Skuid NLX, fix admin UI issue where the Settings navigation item could no longer be opened as a new tab
On Skuid NLX, ensure file requests to inactivate sites receive a proper 402 response
On Skuid NLX, adjust generated site domain name logic
On Skuid NLX, adjust backend save location for style-related files
On Skuid NLX user import, fail imports that contain invalid "Type" user record values
Necessary empty space changes for internal development
Internal tooling improvements
Internal support tool improvements related to customer domain searches
Improvements to internal tooling related to internal/external site management
Improve authentication used for Skuid NLX registration page
Hyphenate "Vertical top-level navigation" in the Design System Studio
For Skuid Database, automatically clean up any CSV files uploaded during an abandoned data import process
For Skuid Database, adjust backend save location for uploaded CSV files
For Navigation and Vertical Navigation components in the DSS, add the ability to set font family—and improve the display and grouping of various text properties
Fix sub-navigation item issue where merge variables were not being processed properly for URLs within the item's Go to URL action
Fix Salesforce mobile issue where, in addition to the native mobile date picker, Skuid's date picker would sometimes unexpectedly appear and sometimes remain even after picking a date
Fix new row creation regression where fields on the new row that were displayed as comboboxes would have their values cleared out when the row was saved
Fix issue with UI-only filters where the inability to retrieve condition logic caused "getField is not a function" errors—particularly for date fields
Fix issue with "Last/Next n <unit>" related date property values, where number values were reset to 1 in the page XML instead of the entered number value whenever the date range value was changed. For example, if a user had selected “Next n weeks” and set N to 5, then changed to “Last n weeks”, the 5 would remain in the Composer but would be saved in XML as 1.
Fix issue where “Warn users if page has unsaved changes” page property would unexpectedly revert to “Yes” even when set to “No,” which affected by standard page edits and v1-v2 page migrations
Fix issue where Skuid's mass update modal would not function properly with number and currency fields—causing a call stack error
Fix issue where setting a field’s label position to "Right of Input" on checkbox fields broke HTML rendering in labels
Fix issue where "Hide label" property (A Form-exclusive property) appeared on Table component fields
Fix issue for data sources utilizing the "Separate authentication URL" authentication method, where the header and request body properties were not rendering properly—cuasing 500 errors after creation
Fix Header component issue where its buttons were not respecting record context after their first use, resulting in experiences where editing one record would unexpectedly update all records
Fix Form issue where the component would attempt to render fields that were not in the component's model. Notably this issue could occur when, due to user permissions, fields were removed from the model to prevent unauthorized access, but the component would still attempt to render those removed fields.
Fix Composer issue where the “Custom field renderer” property rendered as a text input instead of a combobox
Fix Calendar component style issue where the changing the “Default color” value for an event on a Calendar in the Design System Studio would not properly update the color
Ensure that UI-only picklist fields marked as required auto-select the first picklist entry, which is the current behavior for non-UI-only fields
Enhancements to Skuid NLX app URL options
Dependency upgrades
Code base modularization
Add "col" scope to Table column headers to improve accessibility for screen reader tools like JAWS
Enable use of API key authentication in v1 pages
Template service updates
The following tickets represent code changes made to the NLX service enabling template installation:
- PLIN-5309: Dependency upgrades
- DEVOPS-1677: Deployment tooling configuration changes
- APPS-1691: Remove outdated templates
New REST data source development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new REST data source:
PLIN-4923, PLIN-5127, PLIN-5175, PLIN-5177, PLIN-5179, PLIN-5194, PLIN-5197, PLIN-5211, PLIN-5216, PLIN-5235, PLIN-5267, PLIN-5303, PLIN-5225
New Composer development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new Composer experience:
CORE-4475, CORE-4803, CORE-4923, CORE-5036, CORE-5062, CORE-5084, CORE-5099, CORE-5104, CORE-5109, CORE-5110, CORE-5111
Future feature development
The following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
PLIN-4927, PLIN-5146, PLIN-4885
Tickets for prior early access releases are also represented below.
New Composer development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new Composer experience:
CORE-4929, CORE-4539, CORE-4994, CORE-5012, CORE-5083, CORE-5009, CORE-4911, CORE-4854, CORE-5022, CORE-4860, CORE-4961, CORE-4853, CORE-5066, CORE-4863, CORE-5018, CORE-4913, CORE-4927, CORE-4864, CORE-4896, CORE-4935, CORE-4962, CORE-4975, CORE-4960, CORE-4963, CORE-4895, CORE-4897, CORE-4924, CORE-4997, CORE-4996, CORE-3622, CORE-4889, CORE-4891, CORE-4887, CORE-4865, CORE-4822, CORE-4819, CORE-4958, CORE-4783, CORE-4888, CORE-4892, CORE-4823, CORE-4824, CORE-4959, CORE-4806, CORE-4873, CORE-4807, CORE-4884, CORE-4808, CORE-4787, CORE-4907, CORE-4977, CORE-4558, CORE-4541, CORE-4768, CORE-5081, CORE-4857, CORE-4850, CORE-4879, CORE-4995, CORE-4914, CORE-4903, CORE-4954, CORE-4904, CORE-4902, CORE-5089, CORE-4559, CORE-4475, CORE-4386, CORE-4622, CORE-5032
New REST data source development
The following tickets represent code changes made while developing the new REST data source:
PLIN-4794, PLIN-4733, PLIN-5051, APPS-2348, PLIN-5115, PLIN-4956, PLIN-4873, PLIN-4967, PLIN-4789, PLIN-5042, PLIN-5082, PLIN-4924, PLIN-4415, PLIN-4414, PLIN-5049, PLIN-4996, PLIN-4825, PLIN-4783, PLIN-4905, PLIN-4799, PLIN-4788, PLIN-4854, PLIN-5048
When Skuid LWC is activated, enable Aura-related features to be used within the Skuid Page (Aura) component
Upgrade build dependencies
Updates to allow the Skuid Page (LWC) component to run properly in Lightning communities on Skuid SFX
Update labeling to reflect pilot status of new Composer
Update analytics tooling
Resolve design system file inconsistencies that appear when downloading the file from Skuid's admin interface versus retrieving it via the CLI, which began after recent updates to streamline that file's format
Remove SSL options that erroneously display for Microsoft SQL Server during data source configuration
Packaging tasks for Skuid NLX
OpenAI data source (for use with Chat component) development
OpenAI data source (for use with Chat component) development
On SQL data sources, ensure the permission summary at the top of the access control page displays proper access summary
Previously, some permission changes would not trigger an update, instead displaying "No access" even when access was granted. Now the summary properly updates to reflect granted permissions, particularly for "Full access" scenarios
On Skuid SFX, ensure LWC feature labels can be found when Skuid is installed as managed package
On Skuid SFX, enable Skuid LWC to run with the "Relaxed CSP" Salesforce setting
On Skuid SFX, cache the chosen Lightning render mode (Aura or LWC) for improved load times
On Skuid SFX, add Skuid LWC section in Org Preferences
On Skuid SFX, add necessary backend support for API key authentication method
On Skuid NLX, add necessary backend support for API key authentication method
On SFX, adjust styles of components within Lightning Experience to account for Salesforce CSS updates
Move component merge variables (like {{searchValue}}) out of beta
Internal-only XML additions
Internal refactoring
Internal codebase adjustments for feature flags
In the Design System Studio, utilize enhanced color picker for brand colors
In the Database Console, fix issue where the field searchbar and the mass actions for deleting and editing rows were not appearing
In the Chat component, support rich text
Improve UI indicators for an internal beta feature
Improve loading message indicators for Chat component
Improve Composer performance for large pages, particularly by adjusting page index logic
Generate code coverage reports on NLX
For SQL data sources, ensure selected SSL options persist across page refreshes, and that certificate information is properly erased when options are changed on-screen
Fix v1->v2 migration issue where <span> HTML elements, particularly in v1 Queues, would cause "There was an error running the migration" errors—failing the migration itself. Now migrations complete as expected.
Fix Table issue where drawers wouldn't display if end users hid the Table's leftmost column
Fix Skuid NLX permission set issue where adding a condition to a site permission set with the "Configure site" permission would not register as a change—preventing the Save button from enabling as expected
Fix SFX issue where some data source types were not appearing
Fix regression where fields displayed as buttons groups collapsed to minimum width instead of expanding to fill their given space
Fix regression where button groups—particularly for picklist fields displayed as button groups—failed to respect width specified for button variants in a given design system
Fix record type ID lookups for reference fields that display as picklists—which previously had an issue where those picklists would appear as blank even after choosing a value
Fix Properties pane issue where, after setting its properties in the Advanced tab, focus would unexpectedly shift from the Text component's canvas input back to the Advanced tab properties after a short delay in typing
Fix Pages list issue where the Preview option would cause errors when pages required parameters—not opening the modal for setting those parameters and ultimately not previewing the page
Fix NLX issue where search bars would collapse into the page's filters on data source, app, page, and design system admin pages
Fix navigation item issue where "Sub-navigation item" carets would appear even though there were no sub-navigation items
Previously, deleting sub-navigation items in the Composer would not appropriately update the page XML. This resulted in "Sub-navigation item" carets appearing on these navigation items even though there were no longer sub-navigation items. This affected both top-level and sub-level navigation items.
Now, page XML is updated appropriately and navigation items do not show a caret unless there truly is a sub-item.
Fix multipicklist issue where displayed values were not updated properly when picklist entries were changed
Fix model regression where the child relationships sub-tab would not appear within the model fields tab
Fix issue with nested properties not properly updating the selected area
Fix issue where the Tab Container component would switch between tab and accordion views at unexpected breakpoints when the browser window was resized
Fix issue where the some hover state style settings (border radius and background color) for Vertical Navigation items were not being applied correctly at runtime—despite previewing correctly in the Design System Studio
Fix issue where the "Merge field" field picker, used for setting context conditions, would incorrectly point to the current component's model instead of the "parent" component's model—producing incorrect context conditions
Fix issue where Responsive Grids with a main axis of "Column" would display at unexpected heights at runtime due to incorrect CSS
Fix issue where newly added actions appear to remain as "Save model" actions, even when set to other action types. While only a label issue, and navigating away and back to an action list would resolve the issue, this misleading action list rendering behavior has been corrected.
Fix issue where illustrations used in Skuid Database would incorrectly render with a black background
Fix issue where icon selectors were not displaying icons
Fix issue where Geochart components would appear not to reflect model changes, sometimes rendering before model load operations completed
Fix issue where display logic rules (particularly render conditions) were not enforced as expected on Geochart components
Fix issue where Chatter components do not properly render input areas within Skuid Page (Aura) components when Skuid LWC is enabled
Fix issue where Carousel components with slides containing nested Carousels would display incorrect slide count numbering + reimplement ability to remove slides in manually sourced Carousels
Fix issue where buttons couldn’t be deleted in the Composer once more than one existed in a button group unless the Composer was refreshed
Fix Form field issue where the "Horizontal alignment" property was not respected for boolean fields in edit mode—defaulting to "Left" alignment instead
Fix Form component issue with date/time fields where browser focus would unexpectedly shift from edit mode before end users could complete time entry—requiring users to double click the field to re-enter edit mode
Fix Form column issue where "Align self" properties were not respected—resulting in columns that were always set to flex-start
Fix EU2 regression where the implied context condition of Id = Id was no longer applied and had to be manually specified, causing unexpected results in context-driven components like Decks
Fix Edinburgh Update 2 on SFX runtime issue where sometimes icons would not render or would disappear when navigating back and forth between Lightning tabs
Fix Edinburgh Update 1 issue where metadata overrides that changed Number fields into Picklist fields were not respected in Edit Mode, notably when metadata caching was not enabled for the data source
Fix Design System Studio issue where the Chat component's avatar element would not disappear when previewing the element without the avatar
Fix design system issue where Spacing variables had a blank unit of measurement (instead of 'px' or 'rem' options)
Fix date/time field validation behavior on mobile devices, which previously caused incorrect "Must match required format: [date]" errors
Fix Composer issue where model fields and conditions were being unexpectedly removed when the builder selected the model within the model list
Fix Composer issue where horizontal scrolling was not possible in Tab Set components in the canvas
Fix Chart component regression where series interactions were unavailable—instead appearing as an unusable text field within the Properties pane
Fix Calendar component issue where the view option picklist wasn't rebuilding after a Month or List view was deleted, preventing the creation of a new view. Also improve disabled entries logic to accurately display the selectable Month/List entries. Additionally, some future feature work.
Fix "problem initializing component" error that appeared when attempting to create an event in the Calendar component on mobile devices
Ensure v2 components properly listen for user time zone changes
Previously custom time zone handling through snippets would not propagate as expected in v2 components—particularly the Calendar. For users migrating from v1, this meant snippets were no longer working on otherwise-identical v2 pages.
Now we've improved how the user's current time zone is retrieved and the event subscription logic used by components to ensure these changes are accounted for at runtime
Ensure the "lang" HTML attribute applied to Skuid pages uses hyphens instead of underscores to specify the language subtag.
Previously these attributes would with underscores: "lang=en_US" Now they appear with hyphens: "lang=en-US"
Ensure that internal methods used to reparent nested components properly clean up and remove the reparented component from the previous parent
Ensure switch toggles can be toggled on/off using the keyboard (Selecting them with Tab and toggling them with Spacebar)
Ensure style variant conditions update the visual appearance of components
Previously style variant conditions would sometimes not properly update the styling of components, particularly when changing values in edit mode. This fix adjusts conditional class assignment, ensuring variants are better applied when expected
Ensure OpenAI data source functions with the API Keys authentication option
Ensure initial sections on Accordion components are assigned a unique Id
Ensure exported design system files only contain updatable properties within the file
Ensure existing Lightning preview methods continue to function with LWC enabled
Ensure aria-label values for pagination buttons (page number, previous, next) contain properly updated alternative text and are available to accessibility tools
Ensure "# of decimal places" property for Table summaries properly respects field metadata when "Use field metadata" is checked
Enable API key authentication for v1 runtime
Disable Skuid Page (LWC) component usage in LWR sites to avoid errors until functionality is completed
Core adjustments necessary to support improved sidebar and canvas rendering for Skuid Database
Codebase and internal process enhancements to better avoid APIs noted as distorted by Salesforce
Chat component development
Chat component development
Chat component development
Chat component development
Adjusting behavior of site instance banner on early access sites to better indicate environment
Adjust streamlined action sequence triggering behavior to account for issues surrounding what were previously event-triggered sequences
Adjust Drawer chevron icon rendering so that it doesn't appear extra wide if the drawer contains a Table component
Adjust design system file format to fix issue where Skuid pages appeared blank in the Composer—which affected builders with large design system files
Adjust Composer component rendering logic for internal testing
Address some spacing issues on Skuid NLX's admin screens
Additional work to disable Skuid LWC in LWR while generating passing builds
Additional design system style properties for the Chat component
Added HTML support in the following component properties through use of related "Allow HTML" toggle properties:
- Button: Button label
- Button Group: Label, when displayed as a menu
- Wizard: Step labels
- Header: Title and subtitle
- Message Area: Title, as well as description
- Search: In each return object's header display name and display template
- Toast (from the Show toast action): Message to display
- Deck: Title
- Table: Title, as well as column headers
- List: Title
Add “Beta” tag to Chat component and OpenAI data source type
Add proper permissions for new Composer experience to Skuid Page Builder permission set
Add interaction functionality to all field types
Add appropriate implements so the Skuid Aura component can be used when Lightning Locker is disabled
Add "Copy to clipboard" and "Evaluate formula fields on model" actions

Feature updates
Several Skuid NLX beta features are now generally available!
Custom domains
Custom domains, previously released as a beta feature, allow your Skuid site to be accessible from any domain name you own. We've been hard at work incorporating user feedback, and this feature has graduated to generally available
Contact your Skuid representative to use this feature.
Single sign-on (SSO) enhancements
SSO has been possible through the SAML protocol on Skuid NLX, and several feature enhancements to Skuid NLX's SSO user provisioning features are now GA:
- Update a user's Skuid attributes (like email or locale) based on the user's SAML attributes from your identity provider.
- Automatically reactivate previously deactivated Skuid users if they login from an IdP. This is useful particularly for subscription management, ensuring you can safely deactivate users without accidentally locking out your active Skuid users.
Session variables
In SSO use cases, it's not uncommon to store more detailed user information in the identity provider and then pass that information along to service providers as SAML Attributes. These attributes can now be mapped to session variables to be used in Skuid applications, primarily for data source object conditions on SQL data sources. But we've also implemented improvements to use these variables in:
- Render conditions
- Model conditions
- Merge expressions through the $Session global merge variable
Interactions support for all field types
Interactions allow certain lists of actions to run based on how the end user interacts with an element.
Previously, interactions could be set on various components—like Decks and Images—but only on template fields in Form and Table components. Now, this Action Framework feature can be applied to all field types.
With this update, click interactions can only be be configured for template fields within components set to read-only mode. This reserves click interactions for field editing. Existing interactions not matching this criteria will be retained, but new ones cannot be made.
New Action Framework actions
Expand/collapse drawers and sections with actions
Several Skuid components feature expandable/collapsible portions that respond to end user clicks. Drawers appear in Table and List components as context containers for rows—allowing additional details to be described in components within those drawers. Similarly, Accordion components allow for segmenting a page's elements into easily discoverable sections, which users can freely open and close. These drawers and sections appear in other components as well—including Lists and Filter Sets.
Previously, it was not possible to expand and collapse these UI elements without hacky workarounds. It's not uncommon to require one part of the page to expand in reaction to a user's actions elsewhere—or to collapse a section of the page when the user's completed all necessary actions within it.
With Edinburgh Update 2, we've incorporated more builder control over these expandable/collapsible drawers and sections through the Run component action.
For more information on individual component actions:
Copy to clipboard
It's a common UI paradigm to allow users to copy text with the click of a button—perhaps a link, email address, or a templated piece of text. Skuid builders have built clever JavaScript solutions, but code no more!
With the Copy text to clipboard action, you can send specific strings or field data (using merge syntax) to the user's clipboard.
Evaluate formula fields on model
Formulas are a powerful part of Skuid's toolkit, and many UIs use formula fields alongside data fields. To have more tailored control and ensure formula fields remain in sync with actions elsewhere on the page, the Evaluate formula fields on model action can be used to reevaluate formulas on a specific row, any rows in context, or all rows in the model.
Skuid NLX now available through the AWS Marketplace
Skuid NLX, our complete app development web platform, can now be acquired through the AWS Marketplace. This integration expands our free trial capabilities and allows your company to use the NLX Site Manager to organize and create sites for your organizations.
If you're commonly building with AWS products and haven't tried Skuid yet, check out our AWS Marketplace listing!
CLI and deployment improvements
We've fixed various issues and made several general improvements to our CLI experience for Skuid NLX—both in our backend services and the CLI's code. Larger sites can be deployed, deployments happen faster, and they function more seamlessly even when custom domains are enabled.
Ensure you are using the latest version of the skuid CLI by following our installation instructions.
NLX performance improvements
We've continued to make improvements to our backend technologies on Skuid NLX for scaling, management, and efficiency. As this update rolls out to early access and production environments, you may notice improved performance in your sites.
Banners for early access environments
Skuid NLX early access environments now have a banner indicating that they are, indeed, early access!
We encourage all users to try out new features as soon as they can, as well as testing that their deployed applications work well with forthcoming features. These banners are intended to make it easier to spot the difference between early access and production environments—while also displaying pertinent information for support screenshots.
Beta features
Beta features represent valuable Skuid additions that we offer to cutting-edge builders for feedback before we mark them as generally available.
Pilot features
Pilot features are not yet intended for prime time production use, but they are available to select customers to gather feedback as we prepare them for a broader audience.
To request access to features listed below, contact
NLX Site Manager
AWS Marketplace customers can leverage the NLX Site Manager to organize their NLX sites, creating sites for development, testing, and production purposes.
Heads up!
skuid CLI versions older than 0.6 no longer supported
With the GA release of skuid CLI 0.6 during Edinburgh Update 1 last quarter, we published notice that older versions of the CLI would not be supported after Edinburgh Update 2's release.
That time has come. We encourage all CLI users to upgrade to a 0.6 release. Issues from older CLI versions will no longer be addressed.
In case you missed it
These useful features made their way into Skuid in recent releases before this update.
Improved image properties
As part of CORE-4470, we made improvements the Image component's properties, as well as related Image background properties of various container components (Page, Wrapper, Grid, etc)
Improved help text for Model and Merge model properties
The Alternative text property is always visible and supports merge syntax
Default Image source is now "URL"
Image source property:
- Always shows the "URL" and “Attachment” options
- NLX – Shows the "File" option
- SFX – Shows the "Static Resource" option
When "Attachment" is the Image source:
- The "Model" property is shown and is required
- The "Image field" property is shown
Other streamlined properties:
- Removed unnecessary Data source type, and Data source properties
- Image URL supports merge syntax, and is only visible when the Image source is "URL"
- Resource name is only visible when Image source is "Static resource"
- File Path (within ZIP Static Resources) is only visible when Image source is "Static resource" and Resource name is a ZIP file
- File name is only visible when Image source is "File"
Removed unneeded "Insert fields" button
In CORE-4732, we removed the extra "Insert fields" button since one now exists within the code editor when a related model is available
Set a custom amount of visible rows in multi-row components
Previously, you could only choose certain amounts of visible rows for Table, List, and Deck components. In CORE-4553 we added the ability to set a custom amount of visible row amounts.
This is particularly useful for Deck components, which could display a lot of empty space depending on the amount of rows shown.
Included tickets
Fix v1->v2 migration issue where <span> HTML elements, particularly in v1 Queues, would cause "There was an error running the migration" errors—failing the migration itself. Now migrations complete as expected.
Ensure switch toggles can be toggled on/off using the keyboard (Selecting them with Tab and toggling them with Spacebar)
Fix issue where icon selectors were not displaying icons
Fix navigation item issue where "Sub-navigation item" carets would appear even though there were no sub-navigation items
Previously, deleting sub-navigation items in the Composer would not appropriately update the page XML. This resulted in "Sub-navigation item" carets appearing on these navigation items even though there were no longer sub-navigation items. This affected both top-level and sub-level navigation items.
Now, page XML is updated appropriately and navigation items do not show a caret unless there truly is a sub-item.
Fix Form column issue where "Align self" properties were not respected—resulting in columns that were always set to flex-start
Dependency upgrades
On Skuid NLX, adjust new "Site deactivated" screens to ensure consistent behavior across all environments when redeployed
Future feature development
The following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
APPS-2348 APPS-2350 CORE-4386 PLIN-4783 PLIN-5002
Fix Edinburgh Update 2 on SFX runtime issue where sometimes icons would not render or would disappear when navigating back and forth between Lightning tabs
Fix issue where the some hover state style settings (border radius and background color) for Vertical Navigation items were not being applied correctly at runtime—despite previewing correctly in the Design System Studio
Fix Properties pane issue where, after setting its properties in the Advanced tab, focus would unexpectedly shift from the Text component's canvas input back to the Advanced tab properties after a short delay in typing
Fix Form field issue where the "Horizontal alignment" property was not respected for boolean fields in edit mode—defaulting to "Left" alignment instead
Ensure aria-label values for pagination buttons (page number, previous, next) contain properly updated alternative text and are available to accessibility tools
Ensure the "lang" HTML attribute applied to Skuid pages uses hyphens instead of underscores to specify the language subtag.
Previously these attributes would with underscores: "lang=en_US" Now they appear with hyphens: "lang=en-US"
Fix multipicklist issue where displayed values were not updated properly when picklist entries were changed
Adjust design system file format to fix issue where Skuid pages appeared blank in the Composer—which affected builders with large design system files
Ensure switch toggles can be toggled on/off using the keyboard (Selecting them with Tab and toggling them with Spacebar)
Dependency upgrades
Future feature development
The following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
APPS-2348, APPS-2349, APPS-2352, PLIN-5040
For SQL data sources, ensure selected SSL options persist across page refreshes, and that certificate information is properly erased when options are changed on-screen
Fix Calendar component issue where the view option picklist wasn't rebuilding after a Month or List view was deleted, preventing the creation of a new view. Also improve disabled entries logic to accurately display the selectable Month/List entries. Additionally, some future feature work.
Fix issue where the "Merge field" field picker, used for setting context conditions, would incorrectly point to the current component's model instead of the "parent" component's model—producing incorrect context conditions
Adjust Drawer chevron icon rendering so that it doesn't appear extra wide if the drawer contains a Table component
Fix Composer issue where horizontal scrolling was not possible in Tab Set components in the canvas
Fix design system issue where Spacing variables had a blank unit of measurement (instead of 'px' or 'rem' options)
Fix regression where fields displayed as buttons groups collapsed to minimum width instead of expanding to fill their given space
Fix regression where button groups—particularly for picklist fields displayed as button groups—failed to respect width specified for button variants in a given design system
Ensure "# of decimal places" property for Table summaries properly respects field metadata when "Use field metadata" is checked
Add "Copy to clipboard" and "Evaluate formula fields on model" actions
Fix date/time field validation behavior on mobile devices, which previously caused incorrect "Must match required format: [date]" errors
Fix issue where Carousel components with slides containing nested Carousels would display incorrect slide count numbering + reimplement ability to remove slides in manually sourced Carousels
Adjust Composer component rendering logic for internal testing
Fix Skuid NLX CLI issue where environment variables and site permission sets were unexpectedly retrieved when retrieved app-specific metadata.
Now this metadata is not retrieved when retrieving a specific app. Environment variables will be retrieved only if the specified app contains a data source utilizing an environment variable.
On Skuid NLX, fix issue where data source object permissions on app permission sets would not update based on deployed CLI metadata
On Skuid NLX, update maximum file size limit to account for larger deployments
For Skuid's backend services, ensure header and parameter values can be updated without re-specifying the value source
On Skuid NLX, update backend service responses to not display masked values (*****) when a property has no value on the backend
This release also includes the following tickets:
PLIN-4900 PLIN-4903 PLIN-4925 PLIN-4959
The following tickets represent future feature work: CORE-4787, PLIN-4769, PLIN-4776, PLIN-4792, PLIN-4819, PLIN-4820, PLIN-4854, PLIN-4873
v16.2.5.0 - Edinburgh U2 GA release
On Skuid NLX when working with custom domains, provide UI feedback if DNS entry is removed after initial setup
On SQL data sources, ensure the permission summary at the top of the access control page displays proper access summary
Previously, some permission changes would not trigger an update, instead displaying "No access" even when access was granted. Now the summary properly updates to reflect granted permissions, particularly for "Full access" scenarios
Reserve Click interactions on Template-type fields for editing field values
Fix issue where using the Undo button in the Design System Studio would not update the previews of any affected components
Fix issue in Design System Studio where datepicker style variant previews do not show correct color for weekend days
Fix field picker issue where clicking the picker on child relationship template fields displayed fields from the parent model instead of the child relationship
Add actions for expanding/collapsing drawers in Tables and Lists and sections in Accordions and Filter Sets
Improvements to user experience of properties in the Image Component and in Image background properties of various container components (Page, Wrapper, Grid, etc)
- Improved help text for Model and Merge model properties
- The Alternative text property is always visible and supports merge syntax
- Default Image source is now “URL”
- Image source property:
- Always shows the “URL” and “Attachment” options
- NLX – Shows the “File” option
- SFX – Shows the “Static Resource” option
When “Attachment” is the Image source:
- The “Model” property is shown and is required
- The “Image field” property is shown
Other streamlined properties:
- Removed unnecessary Data source type, and Data source properties
- Image URL supports merge syntax, and is only visible when the Image source is “URL”
- Resource name is only visible when Image source is “Static resource”
- File Path (within ZIP Static Resources) is only visible when Image source is “Static resource” andResource name is a ZIP file
- File name is only visible when Image source is “File”
Changed the “Visible rows” property for Deck, Table, and List components to be a “type ahead control” to allow for custom numbers of items to display (e.g. show 12 Deck Cards in 3 rows of 4)
With Salesforce's beta release of Lightning Web Security (LWS) for Aura components, we found some errors would surface for our own Aura components (the Skuid Page and Skuid Page Assignment Lightning components). We've proactively updated our components so they will function as expected when LWS for Aura components reaches general availability on Salesforce.
Fix Composer preview issue where using certain URL parameters would not display queried results appropriately—particularly for RecordTypeId parameters on the Case object in Salesforce
Fix Composer issue where rearranging fields within Form and Table components would sometimes duplicate the fields instead of changing their location
Update {{startDate}}, {{endDate}}, and {{allDay}} merge variables to provide more consistent values in on-click and update event actions
For data sources using the "Client credentials" OAuth grant type, support sending specified scopes within network request headers
Ensure custom headers with "Sticky" property enabled are sticky in Aura contexts (Salesforce Lightning)
Previously the "Sticky" property for Skuid page headers would have no effect in Aura contexts, and the header would scroll out of view as the user navigated the page.
Now, an enabled "Sticky" property on a page header will cause it to remain affixed to the top of page area allowed by Lightning Experience.
Add "Copy to clipboard" and "Evaluate formula fields on model" actions
Add interaction functionality to all field types
For REST models, utilize the custom template request when making sample requests
Fix read with inline-edit mode picklist rendering issue in Safari
Previously when editing picklist fields set to "read with inline-edit" mode at runtime in Safari, clicking the dropdown to display picklist values would return the field to Read mode instead of displaying available picklist items. Now the picklist items appear as expected.
Internal build process improvements
Internal code improvements
Improvements for Skuid LWC functionality, particularly around URL handling and rendering certain UI elements
On Skuid SFX, create scaffolding and user-facing option for toggling Skuid LWC functionality, as well as internal refactoring of some Salesforce data source type code
Move component merge variables (like {{searchValue}}) out of beta
Fix issue where Skuid builders without "Customize application" could not update timestamps used for caching—requiring users manually clear their cache to see updates
Previously, Skuid stored certain timestamps in custom settings that could only be updated by those with the "Customize application" Salesforce permission.
While this is permission is commonly granted to Skuid builders, those without that permission would attempt to preview their changes and—since the timestamp had not been updated because they didn't have the proper permissions—their cache would not clear, and an older version of the page would appear. This resulted in some users being able to see the updated page, and other users needing to manually clear their cache to see the updated page.
Now, timestamps are handled so that even those without the "Customize application" permission can update them, properly clearing the cache for other users.
Fix regression where button groups could not be deleted—only buttons within them or the entire Button Set component
Fix regression where navigation item labels were not properly updated in the XML and did not render at runtime
In the Composer, remove extra "Insert fields" button since one now exists within the code editor when a related model is available
Visual defect in the Composer: The number of the condition is missing is condition type is “Viewport width” or “Snippet returns true.”
Ensure "false" boolean values appear properly when displayed checkbox-returning picklists outside of Edit mode
Fix Design System Studio issue where style variant preview of sliding panel would block the properties pane—preventing the user from making edits
Fix action sequences issue where model conditions were not used to populate field values for rows created later in a sequence
Fix issue where "Button Icon position" values were not appearing in the dropdown menu within the Properties pane
Fix inability to override Vertical Navigation item styles via JSS in the Design System Studio
Fix Wizard issue where step indicators would only appear when using buttons within the Wizard's attached button group
Previously step indicators would only render if at least one button within the Wizard's attached button group was configured. This prevented Wizard component utilizing custom step navigation buttons from displaying step indicators.
Now, step indicators appear as expected based on the number of available steps and whether or not the "Show step indicators" property is enabled.
On Skuid NLX, address issues with template properties within Text component's not properly saving empty-space content
Template fields in Forms missing the “Hide label” property
Fix bug where action sequence input values were not properly passed to "Show/hide menu" actions within the action sequence
Fix v1-v2 migration utility issue where "Run snippet" actions were erroneously turned into "Multi" type actions after conversion
Address a memory leak that can occur when editing large pages
Fix v1 to v2 migration utility issue where Wrapper components would break migration in newer releases
Internal code improvements
Fix Table Settings modal issue where setting pagination would break when end users navigated to a previous page
Internal refactors to improve loading of v2 resources
Ensure that display logic condition numbering updates gracefully when conditions are removed
Text inside the Horizontal Alignment property for Forms was invisible
Fix Table issue where fields marked as read-only on the component would become editable after saving the Table’s model
Reference Field Filter Conditions are no longer filtering related records in Field components
Fix Form reference field issue, where the Form's field would remain blank even after selecting a value in certain scenarios.
This issue occurred in scenarios where the Form was dealing with a newly created record, typically in a previous Wizard step, and the Form was displayed in Edit mode. After selecting a new value, the Form would not update properly to display the selected field—even though the data had been updated.
Now, the Form field displays updates as expected.
Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar in the middle section of the Design System Studio
X Axis on Bubble charts is ignoring the minimum range value
In design systems based on the Lightning design system, prevent unwanted scrollbars on Table fields in edit mode
Unnecessary required value error for From fields Unique ID properties in the Composer
Addressed internal builder defect
Fix aggregate model regression where date field values returned from Salesforce were evaluated as the incorrect data type
“No fields are marked as filterable for search” error sometimes encountered on SQL models
Adjust metadata retrieval for Salesforce content document features to address “Access to entity denied” errors
Show/Hide component action breaks the page when it references a component that does not exist
V2 Table Filter based on a Salesforce Dependent Picklist shows no values
Incorporate additional aggregate model logic to better ensure date field values returned from Salesforce are evaluated as the correct data type, even when metadata caching is disabled
Wrapper with height strategy "Fit to content" shows scrollbar if it contains a Deck component with a hidden footer
Error loading the Vertical Navigation component when source is “Salesforce tabs for current app”
Fix Composer issue that prevented more than 1 model from being added to a page
Adjust Accordion icon display behavior
Fix pagination label issue that caused "Infinity rows" to display instead of "All rows"
Fix bug where errors occurring inside modals were displayed behind those modals when they were part of an included page—even when the modal’s “Display errors” property indicated errors should appear in the modal. Now errors appear where expected.
Ensure certain container components that have nested items have two of those items by default (Carousel, Tab Container, Tab Set)
Internal refactoring of component code
Fix Composer bug where components could not be added to page regions within dependent pages
Improve performance by adjusting "global" event subscriptions to use a new page-level API (instead of window or document scope) that intelligently unsubscribes unneeded event subscriptions
Within Forms in read with inline-edit mode, activate the field's Edit icon hover state not only when users hover directly over that icon, but when they hover over any part of the field
Fix "Create new page" modal rendering issue discovered by automated testing
Fix v1 Table issue where headers would not align with columns while scrolling
On Skuid SFX, add Skuid LWC section in Org Preferences
Fix issue where Responsive Grids with a main axis of "Column" would display at unexpected heights at runtime due to incorrect CSS
When Skuid LWC is activated, enable Aura-related features to be used within the Skuid Page (Aura) component
Update analytics tooling
Fix feature parameter deployment for Salesforce-related features
Fix Edinburgh Update 1 issue where metadata overrides that changed Number fields into Picklist fields were not respected in Edit Mode, notably when metadata caching was not enabled for the data source
Updates to allow the Skuid Page (LWC) component to run properly in Lightning communities on Skuid SFX
Deployment script preparations for Edinburgh Update 2 release
Fix issue where Chatter components do not properly render input areas within Skuid Page (Aura) components when Skuid LWC is enabled
Core adjustments necessary to support improved sidebar and canvas rendering for Skuid Database
Fix issue where display logic rules (particularly render conditions) were not enforced as expected on Geochart components
Fix issue where Geochart components would appear not to reflect model changes, sometimes rendering before model load operations completed
Improve Composer performance for large pages, particularly by adjusting page index logic
Fix issue where buttons couldn’t be deleted in the Composer once more than one existed in a button group unless the Composer was refreshed
Fix issue where the Tab Container component would switch between tab and accordion views at unexpected breakpoints when the browser window was resized
Ensure initial sections on Accordion components are assigned a unique Id
Fix "problem initializing component" error that appeared when attempting to create an event in the Calendar component on mobile devices
Fix EU2 regression where the implied context condition of Id = Id was no longer applied and had to be manually specified, causing unexpected results in context-driven components like Decks
Ensure existing Lightning preview methods continue to function with LWC enabled
Ensure style variant conditions update the visual appearance of components
Previously style variant conditions would sometimes not properly update the styling of components, particularly when changing values in edit mode. This fix adjusts conditional class assignment, ensuring variants are better applied when expected
Ensure that internal methods used to reparent nested components properly clean up and remove the reparented component from the previous parent
Ensure v2 components properly listen for user time zone changes
Previously custom time zone handling through snippets would not propagate as expected in v2 components—particularly the Calendar. For users migrating from v1, this meant snippets were no longer working on otherwise-identical v2 pages.
Now we've improved how the user's current time zone is retrieved and the event subscription logic used by components to ensure these changes are accounted for at runtime
On Skuid SFX, cache the chosen Lightning render mode (Aura or LWC) for improved load times
On Skuid SFX, ensure LWC feature labels can be found when Skuid is installed as managed package
Remove internal files related to Skuid LWC functionality that prevented successful deployments
Revert future feature code
Adjust Accordion icon display behavior
Remove unused third-party plugin
Move NLX session variables out of beta
Add banner indicating NLX environment type to admin and builder workspaces
Fix Skuid Database issue where marking fields "read-only" from the Fields tab would result in fields still being editable in the Data tab
In Skuid Database, fix regression in CSV import process where data type mismatch checks were not properly interrupting the import process
On Skuid NLX, fix a content type issue during the certificate uploading experience that caused an "Invalid request payload input" error
Backend adjustments for proxy features
In the Database Console, ensure the Permissions UI correctly switches as you navigate from object to object
Improve UI indicators for an internal beta feature
On Skuid NLX, remove unexpected scrollbars from admin UI
Adjusting runtime behavior of site instance banner
Remove SSL options that erroneously display for Microsoft SQL Server during data source configuration
Adjusting behavior of site instance banner on early access sites to better indicate environment
Future feature development
The following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
CORE-3608, CORE-3725, CORE-3726, CORE-4438, CORE-4467, CORE-4483, CORE-4493, CORE-4531, CORE-4543, CORE-4561, CORE-4620, CORE-4628, CORE-4652, CORE-4662, CORE-4677, CORE-4703, CORE-4709, CORE-4721, CORE-4722, CORE-4723, CORE-4724, CORE-4751, CORE-4753, CORE-4760, CORE-4769, CORE-4780, CORE-4784, CORE-4785, CORE-4787, CORE-4790, CORE-4791, CORE-4806, CORE-4809, CORE-4810, CORE-4815, CORE-4820, CORE-4822, CORE-4825, CORE-4829, CORE-4830, CORE-4831, CORE-4833, CORE-4834, CORE-4846, CORE-4850, CORE-4851, CORE-4852, CORE-4857, CORE-4859, CORE-4861, CORE-4867, CORE-4872, CORE-4879, PLIN-4411, PLIN-4412, PLIN-4413, PLIN-4414, PLIN-4417, PLIN-4422, PLIN-4627, PLIN-4740, PLIN-4766, PLIN-4788, PLIN-4789, PLIN-4799, PLIN-4854
v16.2.5.0 - Edinburgh U2 GA release (Backend services)
Core adjustments necessary to support improved sidebar and canvas rendering for Skuid Database
On Skuid NLX, fix issue where environment variables settings would appear to have unsaved changes when they did not
Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in global merge syntax
On SQL data sources, fix error where Advanced permissioning would sometimes incorrectly display as Basic—even when field-level permissions had been set
Generate code coverage reports on NLX
Upgrade dependencies
Upgrade dependencies
Move NLX session variables out of beta
Move NLX SAML provisioning improvements out of beta
Remove custom domains beta tag
Improve Skuid NLX email address validation to support additional valid characters, like apostrophes (') and plus signs (+)
On Skuid NLX, adjust validation behavior for email fields in the user detail screen
Improve UI indicators for an internal beta feature
Resolve issues with the NLX proxy and Salesforce data source authentication handling
On Skuid NLX, remove unexpected scrollbars from admin UI
Internal documentation update
For Skuid's backend services, ensure header and parameter values can be updated without re-specifying the value source
Backend adjustments for feature flags
Future feature development
The following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
CORE-4846, PLIN-4411, PLIN-4412, PLIN-4413, PLIN-4414, PLIN-4415, PLIN-4416, PLIN-4417, PLIN-4547, PLIN-4624, PLIN-4732, PLIN-4740, PLIN-4741, PLIN-4745, PLIN-4755, PLIN-4760, PLIN-4762, PLIN-4766, PLIN-4780, PLIN-4785, PLIN-4788, PLIN-4791, PLIN-4796, PLIN-4799, PLIN-4809, PLIN-4812, PLIN-4817, PLIN-4841, PLIN-4899

Streamlined single sign-on setup
(NLX only)
As part of this alliterative update, we've taken a look at how to make setting up single sign-on (SSO) on an NLX site faster so you can spend more time building apps and less time worrying how to authenticate your users.
- We now display Skuid's Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL and Service Provider Entity ID values when you begin setup. No more placeholder values in one place or the other, just copy, paste, go.
- We've updated our identity provider connection detail screens, better grouping related information and streamlining the page for easier maintenance.
New label properties for Forms
- Label position: Previously field labels could appear on top of fields or to the left through a Form component property, but checkbox inputs commonly need their labels on the right side—like when adjusting preferences or checking the ever-present "I have read and agree to the terms and conditions."
With this new property, you can incorporate this common UI practice into your apps. Label position can be set to above the field or to the right of it. Available on Checkbox and Switch field types.
- Hide label: This property allows field labels to be totally hidden from the user interface while still being available to screen reader technologies.
skuid CLI 0.6 is GA!
(NLX feature with SFX impact)
skuid CLI—the command line interface for retrieving and deploying Skuid NLX metadata—is seeing some notable changes in its 0.6 release, which is now generally available.
You can use these features using the latest 0.6 release of skuid CLI:
flag: This flag allows you to retrieve only the metadata that's been modified since a certain timestamp. That means you retrieve only what you've recently updated for sandbox-to-production deployments, which means your apps get deployed faster.# Retrieve metadata updated since May 22nd, 2023skuid retrieve --since "2023-05-22"
flag: There are special constraints for working with Skuid Database in skuid CLI: skuid CLI won't redeploy existing databases to avoid overwriting schema, and it won't deploy more databases than a site's allotted limit.While these safeguards can stop problematic deployments, most deployments do not rely on Skuid Database metadata. Using
allows deployments to proceed, acknowledging that skuid CLI can ignore Skuid Database for the current deployment.skuid deploy --ignore-skuid-db
Improved logging and error handling, with options for more details and outputting logs to files
No longer compatible with SFX: The skuid CLI now focuses on Skuid NLX environments, and previous Salesforce-related commands are no longer supported.
For Skuid SFX, use our skuid-sfdx plugin for Salesforce's command line interface.
Increased stability
Heads up!skuid CLI versions prior to 0.6.x will not be supported after Edinburgh Update 2 later this year. This will allow us to focus on further enhancements and optimizations both for the CLI and NLX's backend.
Beta features
Custom domains improvements
(NLX only)
Adding a custom domain reinforces your branding and makes your Skuid site easier to navigate to. We've been making refinements during its beta period and are releasing several user experience enhancements in Edinburgh Update 1.
To utilize our custom domain features while they are in beta, contact
Other updates
Heads Up! Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported
We're officially concluding support for Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) in Edinburgh Update 1, even at runtime. This allows us to continue to improve Skuid's UI toolkit with modern web platform enhancements, but we can no longer guarantee Skuid will work as expected during build time or runtime for IE11.
With the conclusion of official support for IE11, we encourage all builders—and their users—to upgrade to a modern browser for continued Skuid functionality.
Included tickets
Fix Table issue where fields marked as read-only on the component would become editable after saving the Table’s model
Reference Field Filter Conditions are no longer filtering related records in Field components
Fix Form reference field issue, where the Form's field would remain blank even after selecting a value in certain scenarios.
This issue occurred in scenarios where the Form was dealing with a newly created record, typically in a previous Wizard step, and the Form was displayed in Edit mode. After selecting a new value, the Form would not update properly to display the selected field—even though the data had been updated.
Now, the Form field displays updates as expected.
Incorporate additional aggregate model logic to better ensure date field values returned from Salesforce are evaluated as the correct data type, even when metadata caching is disabled
Fix bug where errors occurring inside modals were displayed behind those modals when they were part of an included page—even when the modal’s “Display errors” property indicated errors should appear in the modal. Now errors appear where expected.
Fix "Create new page" modal rendering issue discovered by automated testing
Fix v1 Table issue where headers would not align with columns while scrolling
Improve Skuid NLX app deployment for skuid CLI, particularly when attempting to retrieve/deploy using the name of an app that does not exist in the target site
Backend dependency upgrades
In Skuid NLX’s custom domains UI, update "Domain base" to "Base domain"
Fix Skuid NLX custom domains issue where “Remove” button briefly appeared when viewing custom domain settings
Update internal endpoint documentation
On Skuid NLX, ensure manually created users are assigned the site’s time zone and locale by default
For Skuid NLX, alphabetize contents of app metadata files
Backend service updates related to proxy handling
Future feature development
The following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
CORE-4791, CORE-4820
Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar in the middle section of the Design System Studio
X Axis on Bubble charts is ignoring the minimum range value
Unnecessary required value error for From fields Unique ID properties in the Composer
Adjust metadata retrieval for Salesforce content document features to address “Access to entity denied” errors
V2 Table Filter based on a Salesforce Dependent Picklist shows no values
Wrapper with height strategy "Fit to content" shows scrollbar if it contains a Deck component with a hidden footer
Fix Composer issue that prevented more than 1 model from being added to a page
Fix pagination label issue that caused "Infinity rows" to display instead of "All rows"
Fix Composer bug where components could not be added to page regions within dependent pages
Upgrade dependencies
To better support SSO setup and configuration on Skuid NLX, allow Skuid service provider metadata to be accessed while not authenticated
Backend process improvements
Backend adjustments for proxy features
Backend process improvements
Future feature development
The following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
CORE-3608, CORE-4467
v16.1.6.1 - Backend services update
For Skuid NLX, fix 400 error that can occur during free trial registration from the AWS Marketplace
Fix Composer issue that prevented more than 1 model from being added to a page
Fix pagination label issue that caused "Infinity rows" to display instead of "All rows"
Fix Composer bug where components could not be added to page regions within dependent pages
For Skuid NLX custom domains, improve handling of cached SSL records
Improvements to user experience of properties in the Image Component and in Image background properties of various container components (Page, Wrapper, Grid, etc)
- Improved help text for Model and Merge model properties
- The Alternative text property is always visible and supports merge syntax
- Default Image source is now “URL”
- Image source property:
- Always shows the “URL” and “Attachment” options
- NLX – Shows the “File” option
- SFX – Shows the “Static Resource” option
When “Attachment” is the Image source:
- The “Model” property is shown and is required
- The “Image field” property is shown
Other streamlined properties:
- Removed unnecessary Data source type, and Data source properties
- Image URL supports merge syntax, and is only visible when the Image source is “URL”
- Resource name is only visible when Image source is “Static resource”
- File Path (within ZIP Static Resources) is only visible when Image source is “Static resource” and *Resource name is a ZIP file
- File name is only visible when Image source is “File”
Changed the “Visible rows” property for Deck, Table, and List components to be a “type ahead control” to allow for custom numbers of items to display (e.g. show 12 Deck Cards in 3 rows of 4)
Ensure custom headers with "Sticky" property enabled are sticky in Aura contexts (Salesforce Lightning)
Previously the "Sticky" property for Skuid page headers would have no effect in Aura contexts, and the header would scroll out of view as the user navigated the page.
Now, an enabled "Sticky" property on a page header will cause it to remain affixed to the top of page area allowed by Lightning Experience.
Internal code improvements
Visual defect in the Composer: The number of the condition is missing is condition type is “Viewport width” or “Snippet returns true.”
Template fields in Forms missing the “Hide label” property
Text inside the Horizontal Alignment property for Forms was invisible
Addressed internal builder defect
Fix aggregate model regression where date field values returned from Salesforce were evaluated as the incorrect data type
“No fields are marked as filterable for search” error sometimes encountered on SQL models
Show/Hide component action breaks the page when it references a component that does not exist
For Skuid NLX and skuid cli, fix issues relating to duplicate key errors in some deployments
On Skuid NLX, add "None" option to SSO certificate options to make it more clear when certificates are not being used
For Skuid NLX, implement backend adjustments to handle deleted custom domains
In the Database Console, ensure the Permissions UI correctly switches as you navigate from object to object
Fix Database Console where where Access control tab was blank after switching objects
Future feature development
The following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
CORE-3608, CORE-3725, CORE-4483, CORE-4493, CORE-4531, CORE-4628, CORE-4652, CORE-4677, CORE-4703, CORE-4723, CORE-4769
Fix Composer issue where rearranging fields within Form and Table components would sometimes duplicate the fields instead of changing their location
For data sources using the “Client credentials” OAuth grant type, support sending specified scopes within network request headers
Fix action sequences issue where model conditions were not used to populate field values for rows created later in a sequence
Fix v1-v2 migration utility issue where “Run snippet” actions were erroneously turned into “Multi” type actions after conversion
Fix Table Settings modal issue where setting pagination would break when end users navigated to a previous page
Remove unused third-party plugin
Fix Skuid Database issue where marking fields “read-only” from the Fields tab would result in fields still being editable in the Data tab
On Skuid NLX for site permission set custom registration pages, adjust Save/Cancel buttons to improve consistency and ease of saving changes
Fix issue on Skuid NLX site permission set custom registration page settings where, after using custom Skuid pages, the Save button would not enable after reselecting “default pages” for registration
Fix aggregate model regression where date field values returned from Salesforce were evaluated as the incorrect data type
Fix page crash when creating page packs containing 300+ pages through the Add All button
Make skuid CLI compatible with custom domain NLX sites
Adjust page API version selector when creating new Skuid page to account for future feature development
Add ability to unpack page packs when no other pages exist in the Skuid environment
UI updates for Skuid NLX custom domains
On Skuid NLX, update custom user registration template pages to use the v2 page API
On Skuid NLX when working with custom domains, provide UI feedback if DNS entry is removed after initial setup
Backend logic for checking DNS records for custom domains on Skuid NLX
Enable page dependency features for all Skuid NLX sites
In Skuid NLX, ensure that user registration emails sent from sites using a custom domain have their verification URLs point to that custom domain
Upgrade Salesforce API from version 48 to version 57
Prevent invalid values in reference fields
Internal code structure improvements
Fix issue where using the Undo button in the Design System Studio would not update the previews of any affected components
Fix issue in Design System Studio where datepicker style variant previews do not show correct color for weekend days
Responsive Grid vertical alignment improvements for "fit to content" + minimum heights
Previously, Responsive Grids set to have vertical alignment, with a minimum height, and the "Fit to content" height strategy would only consider the contents of the divisions—instead of the full minimum height of the component—when determining vertical alignment.
Now, Responsive Grids properly consider the minimum height when applying vertical alignment to their divisions.
Improve rendering speed for Deck components, particularly for high record counts
In v16.0.3 this ticket also represents work to adjust how Skuid handles HTML encoding, which has effects particularly in Text components.
Fix issue where Go to URL actions in a Chart series would not accept some Chart context-related merge variables
Fix issue where mass actions displayed as menus or comboboxes were always deactivated
Fix issue where reference fields were not properly to showing updates in edit mode—even when models were refreshed and contained accurate data
Fix Chart bug where context was not properly set after drilling down, returning to the main chart, and then drilling down into a new value
Clicking into a Chart component segment sets the context, which can be used to display filtered drilldown information. Before this fix, returning to the main chart and then drilling down into another value would not properly set the context—instead using the previous drilldown’s values. With this fix, drilldowns work as expected.
On Skuid SFX, fix issue where users without Skuid licenses were not being redirected to standard Salesforce
Fix issue where having one denied data source would prevent any permitted data sources from querying. Now permitted data sources can query, even if an unpermitted one is used within a page.
Internal codebase improvements
Fix CKEditor rendering in Form and Table components set to Edit mode within Tab Sets
Re-add missing runtime export options for Chart components
Deployment-related internal config updates
Allow enable conditions and style variant conditions on global actions for Table components
Fix Edinburgh early access issue where “Required” validations were incorrectly enforced
Fix Edinburgh early access issue where “Required” validations would sometimes run incorrectly if users pressed the Tab key to proceed to the next field
Add Calendar component merge variable functionality to event on-click actions and event update actions
Adjust Calendar component behavior to query for additional events within the selected time frame
Previously, model record query limits could unexpectedly cause a Calendar sourcing its events from that model to not display all the event records for a given time frame.
To continue allowing for record limits while also not leaving end users confused about why certain events would not appear, the Calendar component now intelligently queries for records until all events within selected time frame are displayed.
Fix bug where the Calendar component’s "+n more" view modal displayed the previous date
Fix issue where Calendar components were not providing actions for “Run component action” picklist
On Skuid SFX, fix issue where tooltip text wouldn't fade on pages deployed in Lightning with the Skuid Page Lightning component
Fix issue where the Composer would not recognize setting a previously-configured margin property back to "None" as a change, meaning it was not possible to save the page unless another change was made. Now the Composer recognizes the change, and enables the Save button, as expected.
Add “Label placement” property to fields displayed as switches or checkboxes, allowing for labels to display to the right of these inputs
Add “Hide label” property for Form fields
Fix Table field issue where "Required" checkbox was not a visible property in the Composer
On Skuid SFX in Lightning experience, fix lookup filters for polymorphic fields (e.g. OwnerId on the Case object)
Previously when selecting a value for a polymorphic reference field, an error stating a field doesn't exist would appear—even with properly configured lookup filters. This fix ensures that reference field works as expected.
With Salesforce's beta release of Lightning Web Security (LWS) for Aura components, we found some errors would surface for our own Aura components (the Skuid Page and Skuid Page Assignment Lightning components). We've proactively updated our components so they will function as expected when LWS for Aura components reaches general availability on Salesforce.
Internal improvements for future features
Fix issue where mass action buttons would unexpectedly remain enabled after running—even when no rows were selected
Fix issue where reference field searches would not return expected records on some objects (such as the Case object in Salesforce) due to search value and record value/label discrepancies
Fix rendering issue with picklist fields within sliding panels that are activated within Page Include components
Fix issue where "required" validations were incorrectly running on optional picklist fields
Fix Composer preview issue where using certain URL parameters would not display queried results appropriately—particularly for RecordTypeId parameters on the Case object in Salesforce
Internal build process improvements
Adjust internal sharing rules for Skuid custom objects for dev/QA purposes
Internal codebase improvements
Fix issue where included page model conditions would ignore Page Include query parameters for identically named parameters in the container page
With an included page and a container page, if the container page has a URL parameter that shares the same name as a Page Include query string parameter, the Page Include's query string would win out—since it more specifically applied to the included page's use.
However a bug appeared where model conditions would ignore the identically named Page Include query parameter and use the value of the container page's parameter instead.
This fix returns the model condition behavior to the previous expected process—where Page Include query strings win out even when identically named.
On the Search component, fix issue where the field picker for setting Return Objects would not function
Fix where builders previously could not disable the "Skip entry criteria" property for existing "Submit for Approval" Salesforce data source actions. Now builders can enable/disable this property as expected.
Adjust appearance of Search component in the Composer canvas to more accurately reflect its runtime appearance
Set “Sanitize field values” property to default off for Table components
Fix issue where Responsive Grid components would not reflect layout property changes within the canvas
Fix Design System Studio display issue when using JSS to extend variants with code
Fix bug where iterating over an empty REST data array using merge syntax displays "[object][Object]" instead of nothing
Fix rendering issue for updated reference fields for PostgreSQL.
Previously, selecting a reference field value in a component attached to a PostgreSQL model would “blank out” the field, even though the value was updated. Now, reference fields update and render as expected.
Internal test fixes
Allow "Export Table data" component action to run even if the Table component is hidden
Fix "Unpack pages from page pack" issue where setting the filter to "Last modified by me" would not not allow the filter to be set to "Last modified by any" afterwards
Update component pack editor UI styles
Fix bug where pencil icons would appear on button fields within a Form when changed into read/edit mode via a component action
Improve row creation logic to prevent looping errors, which were apparent when working with models on data source objects that contained an "Id" field
Fix issue where new font families could not be added to design systems
In the Wizard component, fix issue where enable messages for step buttons would not display in the expected area if the Wizard was below other components
Allow hotkeys to be set without a selected modifier key
When working within Sliding Panels and Table drawers in the Composer, fix issue where Responsive Grid divisions would disappear from view (though remain in the XML) when components were dragged into them
In Table components, add interaction functionality to child relationship fields
Update {{startDate}}, {{endDate}}, and {{allDay}} merge variables to provide more consistent values in on-click and update event actions
In v2 Page Include components, allow the use of merge syntax within the "Skuid page" property
Pass context into conditional rendering snippets
On Firefox, fix issue where multiple authentication popups would appear for pages using Salesforce data sources
Fix large gap that temporarily appeared between properties in Properties pane and add height properties to Tab Set component
Backend code structure improvements
On Skuid NLX, fix data source object regression where it was not possible to mass edit more than 25 field permissions at a time
In the Design System Studio, ensure changes to Sliding Panel style variants are properly reflected in their preview
On the Deck component, fix issue where "Required field" error message would only appear on the first card in the Deck component. Now, these error messages appear on the appropriate card.
Fix issue where clicking outside of sliding panels triggered by Table row actions would not close them
In the v2 Page API Migration Utility, fix component targeting behavior
Fix Carousel issue where nested components were not properly displaying UI-only model data
Fix issue for donut-style Chart components where merge variables were not displaying properly without other content
Previously, when merge variables were the only value for a donut-style Chart component’s content template, no value would be displayed. The workaround was to use some empty space character, which would then cause the value to display as expected. Now, workarounds are not needed and merge variables display as expected, even if they are the only value in the template.
In Page Include components, improve merge variable handling for URL parameters—ensuring that using the "Load new page" action will properly update the Page Include even if the only change is a URL parameter value from a merge variable
Internal code utility method improvements
Internal code improvements
Fix issue where running the "Navigate to Step" component action would display all Wizard steps on the page instead of the steps for the chosen Wizard. Now, only the expected steps appear.
Fix issue where Autocomplete filters using model rows as options would not properly filter results based on user input
Ensure context is properly handled when updating a Page Include with the "Load new page" component action
Before this ticket, some areas of Skuid NLX's admin interface experience display errors, particularly around data source permissions. These errors are now resolved with no change or loss to saved data.
Fix OAuth authentication request errors, which particularly affected ServiceNow connections
Internal code improvements
Update error message for Author Apex permission requirement to remove reference to “profile,” since that permission can also be assigned through permission sets
For REST models, utilize the custom template request when making sample requests
Fix read with inline-edit mode picklist rendering issue in Safari
Previously when editing picklist fields set to "read with inline-edit" mode at runtime in Safari, clicking the dropdown to display picklist values would return the field to Read mode instead of displaying available picklist items. Now the picklist items appear as expected.
Internal code improvements
Internal build process improvements
Internal config adjustments to support deployment of newer SFX releases
Internal code improvements
Fix regression where button groups could not be deleted—only buttons within them or the entire Button Set component
Fix regression where navigation item labels were not properly updated in the XML and did not render at runtime
In the Composer, remove extra "Insert fields" button since one now exists within the code editor when a related model is available
Ensure "false" boolean values appear properly when displayed checkbox-returning picklists outside of Edit mode
Fix Design System Studio issue where style variant preview of sliding panel would block the properties pane—preventing the user from making edits
Fix issue where "Button Icon position" values were not appearing in the dropdown menu within the Properties pane
Fix inability to override Vertical Navigation item styles via JSS in the Design System Studio
Fix Wizard issue where step indicators would only appear when using buttons within the Wizard's attached button group
Previously step indicators would only render if at least one button within the Wizard's attached button group was configured. This prevented Wizard component utilizing custom step navigation buttons from displaying step indicators.
Now, step indicators appear as expected based on the number of available steps and whether or not the "Show step indicators" property is enabled.
On Skuid NLX, address issues with template properties within Text component's not properly saving empty-space content
Fix bug where action sequence input values were not properly passed to "Show/hide menu" actions within the action sequence
Address a memory leak that can occur when editing large pages
Fix v1 to v2 migration utility issue where Wrapper components would break migration in newer releases
Internal code improvements
On Skuid NLX, add support for colons (:), forward slashes(/), and spaces within SAML attribute names
Internal improvements to CSV import within Skuid Database
On Skuid SFX, update OData data source detail screen to match updated NLX UI
Microservice upgrades
In Skuid Database data import, support additional date formats
For Skuid Database, add option to import CSV files without column headers—using the first row as data
Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in render conditions
Improve error handling for Skuid Database when site permission access is not granted in the Database Console as well as the Composer
Fix error in Skuid Database where creating a "required" reference field would cause the Database Console to freeze
On Skuid NLX, implement frontend experience for using session variables in model conditions
For Skuid Database CSV import, disable the Import Records button until all necessary field mapping settings are configured
On Skuid NLX, fix issue where Database Console would not load if data source object conditions could result in an error
In instances where the Skuid builder was working in a database that had a data source object condition that could result in an error—like checking a session variable when the builder had logged in via username/password—the Database Console would not load.
Now, a proper error is displayed and the builder can continue working within the Database Console.
On Skuid SFX, fix issue where adding the first picklist entry value for a picklist field on a data source object would not properly populate the "Position" property
Internal administrative tooling bug fixes
On Skuid NLX in Database Console, fix bug in Currency field creation where "Decimal places" toggle does not properly enable—and only displays as read-only after creation
Adjust page API version query to account for future feature development
Fix issue where cancelling the creation of a new condition in Database Console doesn't update the UI to remove the condition
In Skuid Database data import, support additional date formats
CI/CD Improvements
In Skuid NLX, add backend logic for “Case-sensitive” identity mapping in SSO
In Skuid Database, fix error that appeared when configuring default values for picklist fields at the same time as other field configurations
Fix Skuid Database issue where creating new picklist/multipicklist fields seemed to erase default value settings on previously creating picklist/multipicklist fields
Remove unused third-party plugin
On NLX sites with session variables enabled for an IdP, fix issue where session variable options would not populate when configuring conditions in Skuid Database
Experience improvements to Skuid NLX’s single sign-on experiences, including identity provider connection creation and detail screens
Adjust streaming behavior for Microsoft SQL data sources
Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in render/enable/style conditions
Microservice improvements to support applying customer subscription updates
Enable session variables for all Skuid NLX sites, and create feature flag scaffolding for a future feature
Fix regression where AWS data source authentication provider setup screens show an incorrect example trust policy
UI text improvements to support early access environments
In Skuid Database CSV import, fix import properties sidebar not reappearing after creating a new field for imported CSV columns
On Skuid NLX when working with custom domains, fix issue where builders could not remove or update an invalid custom domain within the UI
In Skuid Database, fix regression in CSV import process where data type mismatch checks were not properly interrupting the import process
Backend adjustments for custom domains on Skuid NLX
On Skuid NLX, fix error in early access environments that prevented data source objects from being deleted
On Skuid NLX when working with custom domains, don't validate DNS records when a custom domain hasn't been set
On Skuid NLX when working with custom domains, address issues with timestamps and duplicate text
On Skuid NLX, fix a content type issue during the certificate uploading experience that caused an "Invalid request payload input" error
Improvements to Skuid NLX custom user registration pages: Allow user creation with capital letters
Improvements to Skuid NLX custom user registration pages: Fix ability to disable custom registration pages after they are enabled
Future feature development
The following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features.
APPS-2162, CORE-3496, CORE-3583, CORE-3588, CORE-3594, CORE-3630, CORE-3633, CORE-3682, CORE-3702, CORE-3724, CORE-3849, CORE-3856, CORE-4373, CORE-4411, CORE-4413, CORE-4468, CORE-4483, CORE-4492, CORE-4497, CORE-4499, CORE-4501, CORE-4516, CORE-4518, CORE-4520, CORE-4522, CORE-4524, CORE-4530, CORE-4531, CORE-4540, CORE-4589, CORE-4625, CORE-4629, CORE-4647, CORE-4662, CORE-4665, CORE-4671, CORE-4672, CORE-4709, CORE-4710, CORE-4712, CORE-4721, CORE-4722, CORE-4751, CORE-4753, PLIN-4420

Major features
Client-side validation additions:
Validate based on length as defined in the field's metadata: Now, you can display a specific runtime error when users exceed the maximum number of allowed characters. This is determined by the data source orfield metadata overrides.
Set custom error messages for required fields. Whether or not a field is required is defined by metadata (the data source itself requires the field) or by Skuid's own Required model field property.
Previously, these required fields were not as configurable, displaying a standard error message when fields were left blank. With this new feature, you can set custom messages that better guide your users.
Calendar component enhancements
Improved handling of Unassigned groups: The grouping feature on Skuid's Calendar component allows for views to be divided based on a field value from an event source. If that field did not have a value, the event would display in the Unassigned category.
Previously this category was always visible and not configurable. But in Edinburgh it's possible to both relabel this category and to select how (always, never, if values exist) where it should be shown (top, bottom, or alphabetically)
Runtime improvements: We also made a variety of improvements to the component in Dubai Update 2 and Dubai Update 3. In case you missed them:
Improved time zone handling:
Clicking "+n more events" on a day previously would sometimes display the previous day's events
Expanding single date events (like tasks) which should not be able to expand/contract
Event creation showing an error in the modal even though it was successful before closing the modal
Save button disabled state when creating/editing an event in the modal
Single date event sources should now always render on the same date no matter the timezone/locale
Start/end date should now always render on the same date no matter the timezone/locale
Start/end datetime should adapt to the org locale setting as expected
Start/end datetime should render based on timezone properly for users at runtime.
As an example: In America/New_York an event is created for 11am. In Australia/Sydney it should be represented at 3am the next day.
now provide date values instead of datetime (which are available throughstartDateTime
)"View more events" buttons now work in Salesforce Lightning
Calendar day view now better scales to the page and properly displays hourly divisions
Use Apex to provide authentication values in data sources: (SFX only) Apex, Salesforce's server-side programming language, can now be used to return values used in authentication requests from Skuid's proxy.
For instance, some authentication tokens may be longer than 256 characters or saved in a different secret store than Skuid. With this feature, you can write an Apex class that retrieves and returns these values as a string and use it with the
merge variable.Sanitize fields values for CSV export on Table component: When exporting data it's often best to sanitize field values of characters that, when imported to another program, can cause unintended consequences. These are often characters that activate logic or formula functions. Some instances are accidental, some are malicious, and this feature helps better protect users when it occurs.
While this feature has previously been available on Skuid Database, with Edinburgh we've added the ability to sanitize field values to all Table components on both Skuid NLX and Skuid SFX.
Released in beta
Beta features represent valuable Skuid additions that we offer to cutting-edge builders for feedback before we mark them as generally available.
SSO user provisioning enhancements: (NLX only) Single sign-on (SSO) has been possible through the SAML protocol on Skuid NLX, but Edinburgh brings feature enhancements to Skuid NLX's single sign-on (SSO) user provisioning features:
- It's now possible to have a user's Skuid attributes (like email or locale) update based on the user's SAML attributes from your identity provider.
- Automatically reactivate previously deactivated Skuid users if they login from an IdP. This is useful particularly for subscription management, ensuring you can safely deactivate users without accidentally locking out your active Skuid users.
Skuid Database schema import/export with skuid CLI: (NLX only) It's now possible to retrieve and deploy Skuid Database schema, or metadata structure, from one Skuid site to another— or redeploy it the current environment if needed.
This is used to move the structure of a Skuid Database from one environment (like a sandbox site) to another (like a production site).
While it's not very common to have the same data within a sandbox and production site, it's possible to use this feature in tandem with the CSV Export/Import feature of Skuid Database to move both the schema and data from one Skuid site to another.
Released in pilot
Pilot features are not yet intended for prime time production use, but they are available to select customers to gather feedback as we prepare them for a broader audience.
To request access to features listed below, contact
Custom domains: (NLX only) This long-requested branding feature is being released in pilot for Edinburgh. With this it's possible to have your Skuid NLX site listed entirely under your own web domain. If your goal is to provide a public portal for your Skuid implementation or private label your Skuid apps, try using custom domains to reinforce your brand.
Session variables: (NLX only) In single sign-on use cases, it's not uncommon to store more detailed user information in the identity provider and then pass that information along to service providers as SAML Attributes. These attributes can now be mapped to session variables to be used in Skuid applications, primarily for data source object conditions on SQL data sources.
Note:Session variables are only accessible during a user session to avoid any security concerns surrounding storing SAML attributes.
Other updates
- Apply margin to all sides of a component: Previously builders had to set margins for components for each side individually. With this update, it's now possible to set a consistent margin value for all sides at once.
- On the Table component, global actions now have enable conditions and style variant conditions.
- Continued improvements to our backend technologies on Skuid NLX for scaling, management, and performance
On Skuid SFX, we've updated property labels and default values related to Salesforce Classic header and sidebar:
- "Show salesforce header" is now "Show Salesforce Classic header"
- "Show salesforce sidebar" is now "Show Salesforce Classic sidebar"
- Both properties are now unchecked by default
- In Skuid NLX, we now display a count of both active and inactive users for app permission sets and indicate which users are inactive from a permission set's detail screen. We've also improved dependency checks related to permission sets and users.
Breaking changes
As of 16.0.3, <script>
tags are no longer executed from within Text components containing HTML. This was never a supported behavior, and it will now no longer occur.
For proper snippet execution, all JavaScript must be stored in a supported resource type. Snippets can be triggered using Skuid's event subscription framework or by using the Action Framework.
Included tickets (Hotfix)
For PostgreSQL data sources, fix error where searching fails for related field values
Fix page crash when creating page packs containing 300+ pages through the Add All button
Fix two errors regarding custom user signup pages in Skuid NLX:
- Using a blank value for allowed email domains disabled all email domains
- If a custom sign up page URL used an underscore or dash, it was inaccessible
On the Deck component, fix issue where "Required field" error message would only appear on the first card in the Deck component. Now, these error messages appear on the appropriate card.
Fix issue for donut-style Chart components where merge variables were not displaying properly without other content
Previously, when merge variables were the only value for a donut-style Chart component’s content template, no value would be displayed. The workaround was to use some empty space character, which would then cause the value to display as expected. Now, workarounds are not needed and merge variables display as expected, even if they are the only value in the template.
In Page Include components, improve merge variable handling for URL parameters—ensuring that using the "Load new page" action will properly update the Page Include even if the only change is a URL parameter value from a merge variable
Ensure context is properly handled when updating a Page Include with the "Load new page" component action
Before this ticket, some areas of Skuid NLX's admin interface experience display errors, particularly around data source permissions. These errors are now resolved with no change or loss to saved data.
Microservice security improvements
Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in render conditions
Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in global merge syntax
Implement API for session variable usage at runtime on Skuid NLX
For skuid CLI retrievals, retrieve component packs as ZIP files since Skuid requires component packs be uploaded as ZIP files
On Skuid NLX, implement frontend experience for using session variables in model conditions
On Skuid NLX, implement runtime experience for evaluating the use of session variables in model conditions
Resolve CLI error when deploying certain types of Skuid pages
Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in render/enable/style conditions
Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in render conditions
On Skuid NLX, fix issue where Database Console would not load if data source object conditions could result in an error
In instances where the Skuid builder was working in a database that had a data source object condition that could result in an error—like checking a session variable when the builder had logged in via username/password—the Database Console would not load.
Now, a proper error is displayed and the builder can continue working within the Database Console.
Internal logging improvements
On Skuid NLX, allow CLI deployments to run when Skuid Database exists with user acknowledgement
Internal documentation updates
Frontend experience work for utilizing session variables in render/enable/style conditions
On Skuid NLX, fix error where users were unable to update their personal settings when a custom domain was enabled
On Skuid NLX, fix issue caught in early access where attempting to configure data source object permissions on app permission sets would result in a frozen page after configuring the first object
Skuid can now perform searches on case-sensitive columns names on PostgreSQL data sources
Previously, Skuid would search on Postgres columns passing in unquoted columns—which meant column names were always assumed by Postgres to be lower case. In practice, this meant searches on columns that used uppercase letters would not work, since they were being seen as lowercase by PostgreSQL:
Quoting an identifier also makes it case-sensitive, whereas unquoted names are always folded to lower case. For example, the identifiers FOO, foo, and "foo" are considered the same by PostgreSQL, but "Foo" and "FOO" are different from these three and each other.
— PostgreSQL docs, 4.1.1. Identifiers and Key Words
Now, Skuid wraps column names in double quotes (") to ensure case-sensitivity is respected.
In Page Include components, improve merge variable handling for URL parameters—ensuring that using the "Load new page" action will properly update the Page Include even if the only change is a URL parameter value from a merge variable
Ensure context is properly handled when updating a Page Include with the "Load new page" component action
Before this ticket, some areas of Skuid NLX's admin interface experience display errors, particularly around data source permissions. These errors are now resolved with no change or loss to saved data.
On NLX sites with session variables enabled for an IdP, fix issue where session variable options would not populate when configuring conditions in Skuid Database
Adjust error logging for Skuid NLX
To prevent unintended SSO access on Skuid NLX, disallow logins based on email when multiple users share the same email
Build tooling improvements
Backend code cleanup related to single sign-on enhancements
On Skuid NLX in Database Console, fix bug in Currency field creation where "Decimal places" toggle does not properly enable—and only displays as read-only after creation
For Skuid Database CSV import, disable the Import Records button until all necessary field mapping settings are configured
For SSO in Skuid NLX, set the IdP name identifier format default value to "Unspecified" instead of blank
For upcoming skuid CLI updates, fix metadata deployment server errors
For Skuid Database, add option to import CSV files without column headers—using the first row as data
On Skuid NLX, fix documentation link in the user signup area of the site permission set detail screen
During Skuid NLX CLI retrievals, adjust metadata returned for app permission sets
On Skuid NLX, fix data source object regression where it was not possible to mass edit more than 25 field permissions at a time
On Firefox, fix issue where multiple authentication popups would appear for pages using Salesforce data sources
In v2 Page Include components, allow the use of merge syntax within the "Skuid page" property
In Table components, add interaction functionality to child relationship fields
When working within Sliding Panels and Table drawers in the Composer, fix issue where Responsive Grid divisions would disappear from view (though remain in the XML) when components were dragged into them
In the Wizard component, fix issue where enable messages for step buttons would not display in the expected area if the Wizard was below other components
Internal developer tooling improvements
Fix bug where pencil icons would appear on button fields within a Form when changed into read/edit mode via a component action
Allow "Export Table data" component action to run even if the Table component is hidden
Adjust appearance of Search component in the Composer canvas to more accurately reflect its runtime appearance
For custom domains in Skuid NLX, ensure verification codes sent to new users redirect them to the proper domain
On Skuid NLX within the app detail screen, improve querying of pages that are not yet assigned URLs
In Skuid NLX, improve page-related endpoints for enhanced performance in app detail pages
On Skuid NLX, update segments of SSO code to account for custom domains
When editing picklist field options on a data source object, ensure proper error appears when attempting to constrain field values to picklist entries when the field already contains values outside the listed entries
In Skuid NLX, fix "Could not perform this query because no value could be found for merge variable 'id'" error that would briefly appear when canceling the creation of a new data source
Fix issue where having one denied data source would prevent any permitted data sources from querying. Now permitted data sources can query, even if an unpermitted one is used within a page.
Fix Design System Studio display issue when using JSS to extend variants with code
Fix bug where iterating over an empty REST data array using merge syntax displays "[object][Object]" instead of nothing
Fix "Unpack pages from page pack" issue where setting the filter to "Last modified by me" would not not allow the filter to be set to "Last modified by any" afterwards
Fix issue where new font families could not be added to design systems
Allow hotkeys to be set without a selected modifier key
Backend pipeline improvements
When skuid CLI retrieves a data source object, ensure that object's picklist entries are retrieved as well
Ensure that picklist entry order for data source objects is respected at runtime
In Skuid Database data import, support additional date formats
On Skuid NLX, improve dependency deployment logic for site deployments using skuid CLI
For Skuid Database, ensure picklist entries are included in metadata retrieval using skuid CLI
On Skuid Database, handle differing date and datetime formats at the field level to better support CSV imports
On Skuid NLX login history, streamline SAML details for logins preformed through SSO
Improve backend sorting code for objects in Skuid NLX's admin UI
For SSO user properties, ensure Portal subscription type only appears as an option when properly activated
Session variable copy improvements
Improve handling of escaped characters within URIs in data source proxy
In Skuid NLX, fix issue where builders cannot save changes made in the Authentication tab of a data source's detail page
When deploying a site definition with skuid CLI to NLX, ensure that a Skuid Database data source is created if it’s included in the definition—even if it is not associated with an app
Ensure deactivated picklist entries on data source objects do not appear in runtime
CI/CD Improvements
CI/CD Improvements
Internal test fixes
Improve row creation logic to prevent looping errors, which were apparent when working with models on data source objects that contained an "Id" field
Fix issue where cancelling the creation of a new condition in Database Console doesn't update the UI to remove the condition
Internal administration tool improvements
Internal administration tool improvements
Add ability to unpack page packs when no other pages exist in the Skuid environment
Prevent invalid values in reference fields
Responsive Grid vertical alignment improvements for "fit to content" + minimum heights
Previously, Responsive Grids set to have vertical alignment, with a minimum height, and the "Fit to content" height strategy would only consider the contents of the divisions—instead of the full minimum height of the component—when determining vertical alignment.
Now, Responsive Grids properly consider the minimum height when applying vertical alignment to their divisions.
Improve rendering speed for Deck components, particularly for high record counts
Fix issue where the Composer would not recognize setting a previously-configured margin property back to "None" as a change, meaning it was not possible to save the page unless another change was made. Now the Composer recognizes the change, and enables the Save button, as expected.
Fix issue where mass action buttons would unexpectedly remain enabled after running—even when no rows were selected
On the Search component, fix issue where the field picker for setting Return Objects would not function
Fix where builders previously could not disable the "Skip entry criteria" property for existing "Submit for Approval" Salesforce data source actions. Now builders can enable/disable this property as expected.
Set “Sanitize field values” property to default off for Table components
Fix rendering issue for updated reference fields for PostgreSQL.
Previously, selecting a reference field value in a component attached to a PostgreSQL model would “blank out” the field, even though the value was updated. Now, reference fields update and render as expected.
On Skuid SFX, update OData data source detail screen to match updated NLX UI
Dependency upgrade to better support user creation
Improve login screen logic to better secure existing usernames against unauthorized detection
Internal administration tool improvements
Internal administration tool improvements
On Skuid NLX, implement unique authenticated user tracking for use on subscriptions page
On Skuid NLX, add a case insensitive duplicate check for the page search API endpoint
On Skuid NLX, fix rendering issue for app detail screens which showed [object][Object] beside pages without URLs
Edinburgh GA release (
Performance-related improvements to app detail page structure and its "Create page" experience on Skuid NLX
Improve page name validation experience when creating a new Skuid page
APPS-2236 In Skuid NLX on the Pages screen, fix issue where the "Clear filter" button would seemingly clear filters, but those filters would be reapplied on page refresh
In Skuid NLX, fix bug where clicking Help > About would not refresh the screen if the builder was already in a Settings screen tab
Internal administrative tooling updates
Adjust page API version selector when creating new Skuid page to account for future feature development
Add navigation items as a stylable element in the Design System Studio
Internal codebase configuration file adjustments
In the Composer, add the ability to sync any design system changes without having to refresh the browser window
Fix Calendar component height issues, where bottoms rows unexpectedly expanded to fill the whole page
Hide character length properties for Salesforce rich text fields—which do not support max character/length properties
Update {{startDate}} and {{endDate}} Calendar merge variables to properly return date values instead of datetime values—which are still available via {{startDateTime}} and {{endDateTime}}
Update “Spacing” label to “Margins,” and allow margin spacing values to be applied to all sides—or set individually
On Skuid SFX, update property labels and default values related to Salesforce header and sidebar:
- "Show salesforce header" is now "Show Salesforce Classic header"
- "Show salesforce sidebar" "Show Salesforce Classic sidebar"
- Both properties are now unchecked by default
Fix issue where dragging a button from a Button Set component into a Wizard component would result in the button appearing in both components—even though it was removed from the original Button Set component
Fix Composer issue where interacting with a filter in the canvas—but not making changes to that filter—would sometimes cause the Save button to enable as if there were changes to the page
Improve condition detection on models used as inputs within action sequences
Previously, when using a model as input for an action sequence, invoking that action sequence and trying to select a model condition to update would display inaccurate condition options. While this was not universal, this change ensures more accurate condition options appear when invoking an action sequence that updates an input model’s conditions.
Improve scrolling behaviors for the Page Index when there are deeply nested components
Fix issue in Calendar component's Week view where setting the end time to 12AM causes the component to freeze with JavaScript errors
Add feature for sanitizing field values on export for Table components
Prevent editing of a principal page’s Masthead component from within its dependent pages
Adjust custom formula function boilerplate template
Add link to page's design system in the Composer
Allow the deletion of a step that was previously the first step in a Wizard component without having to refresh the Composer
CORE-4372 Internal optimizations for deployment sizes
Implement the ability to set style variant conditions for navigation items
Internal developer tool improvements
In Skuid NLX, fix issue where changing data source access would sometimes not enable the Save button
In the Design System Studio, fix issue where "More Options" menu for style variants appears offset incorrectly
In the Design System Studio, ensure "Background Color" property applies to navigation item style variants
Adjust Wizard component action copy to use "layout" instead of "direction"
Fix "cannot access Symbol(PageContext)" console error in Composer
Fix issue where top-level items in the Horizontal Navigation component would not display the proper style variant for those items
Fix early access issue where Calendar views were temporarily not configurable
Fix positioning of dropdown caret in Table component's Visible Rows property
Fix issue in Table components set to read with inline-edit where an edited row outside of the browser's viewport would cause the Save button to shift focus to that out-of-sight row instead of saving
Update navigation item icon
Fix issue where sliding panels restrict the size of modals, making them too small
Remove unneeded field selector from Channel property in "Publish event" actions and event-triggered action sequences
Make the hover behavior for v1 disabled buttons consistent, ensuring tooltips display and cursor changes display as expected
Allows open/close drawer action to work regardless of visibility of drawer icons, as it previously would fail if “Show drawer icon” was disabled
Fix issue where Go to URL actions in a Chart series would not accept some Chart context-related merge variables
Add visibility options for Calendar component’s “Unassigned” grouping
Add ability to refresh style variants from the Style variants conditions tab
Fix issue where URL parameters for boolean values would cause page previews from the Composer to fail
Fix bug where dragging components from the canvas into a later Wizard step sends the canvas back to step 1
For reference fields on UI-only models in v1 and v2, fix issue where the field picker modal only displayed the selected field instead of the expected fields available on the referenced object
Fix issue where "Update all" button for design systems does not complete updates in Dubai Update 3
Fix runtime errors for Tables with Sort Builder enabled
In Skuid SFX on the Calendar component, fix issue where "View more events" in Month view does not work in Lightning
Internal improvements to Composer initialization
Fix slow Composer performance for deeply nested components in Dubai Update 3 releases
Fix Geochart issue where changing a map group would not properly update available values for the map type property, which also caused rendering issues
Ensure that models initialized with existing data (like data from another model) properly set the recordId attribute
On Skuid SFX, remove unnecessary permissioning syntax from Skuid permissions sets
Better timezone handling in the Calendar component, addressing experience issues around the following:
- Clicking "+n more events" on a day previously would sometimes display the previous day's events
- Expanding single date events (like tasks) which should not be able to expand/contract
- Event creation showing an error in the modal even though it was successful before closing the modal
- Save button disabled state when creating/editing an event in the modal
- Single date event sources should now always render on the same date no matter the timezone/locale
- Start/end date should now always render on the same date no matter the timezone/locale
- Start/end datetime should adapt to the org locale setting as expected
* Start/end datetime should render based on timezone properly for users at runtime. As an example: In America/New_York an event is created for 11am. In Australia/Sydney it should be represented at 3am the next day.
Internal improvements to Page Index functionality
Ensure Filter Set data range label has appropriate spacing in comparison to other labels within the component
Internal tooling updates
Fix issue where mass actions displayed as menus or comboboxes were always deactivated
Fix issue where "Select navigation item" action would not properly load available items to target
Internal codebase enhancements
Fix web font loading in v1 pages, which caused loading failures for Page Include components and their pages at runtime
Fix issue for Salesforce data sources where SOSL queries were being run as SOQL queries when initiated from within a modal
Fix regression where skuid CLI deployments were not causing design system recompilation
Fix issue where the modal to specify URL parameter values when previewing pages would no longer appear—causing errors
CORE-4527 On NLX in Skuid Database, fix regression where object ID was no longer autofilling based on object label
Internal codebase enhancements
Internal codebase improvements
Fix issue where, when trying to upload a file larger than the size limit, the File Upload component would incorrectly say the file had successfully uploaded
Fix issue in Design Systems screen where Update All button would fail with a “Visualforce Remoting Exception” error when updating batches of design systems that are larger in file size
Fix Chart bug where context was not properly set after drilling down, returning to the main chart, and then drilling down into a new value
Clicking into a Chart component segment sets the context, which can be used to display filtered drilldown information. Before this fix, returning to the main chart and then drilling down into another value would not properly set the context—instead using the previous drilldown’s values. With this fix, drilldowns work as expected.
On Skuid SFX, fix issue where users without Skuid licenses were not being redirected to standard Salesforce
Internal codebase improvements
Internal codebase improvements
Fix mobile device rendering for reference fields on SQL data sources displayed as picklists
Internal codebase improvements
Fix issue where Properties pane tabs for Button Group propertie were not displaying correctly
Fix issue where the time zone conversions for datetime field pickers and the Calendar component conflicted with each other, causing datetimes to render incorrectly for non-all day events
Remove style variant options from filters, because they cannot have style variants
In Skuid SFX, fix issue where interacting with a Rich Text Field in a Salesforce form and then leaving that field would cause the following error: Uncaught Action failed: skuid:teleporter$controller$eventHandler [Unable to get value from Rich Text component.]
Fix issue where buttons could not be dragged from one Button Group component to another
Internal codebase improvements
On Skuid SFX, provide method of retrieving data source authentication values from Apex when using proxy
Fix issue where reference fields set to "Option source: Automatic" would result in modals with no options and browser console errors
Internal developer tooling improvements
Fix issues for reference field lookup modals:
- Raw SOQL queries appeared in the modal instead of the expected user-facing search terms
- Deleting and re-entering a valid search string in the modal hid valid results
Both issues are resolved by this ticket.
Fix CKEditor rendering in Form and Table components set to Edit mode within Tab Sets
Re-add missing runtime export options for Chart components
Fix issue where validations were not applied to Salesforce string fields as expected
Deployment-related internal config updates
Allow enable conditions and style variant conditions on global actions for Table components
Deployment-related internal config updates
Fix Edinburgh early access issue where “Required” validations were incorrectly enforced
Fix Edinburgh early access issue where “Required” validations would sometimes run incorrectly if users pressed the Tab key to proceed to the next field
Add Calendar component merge variable functionality to event on-click actions and event update actions
Fix bug where the Calendar component’s "+n more" view modal displayed the previous date
Fix issue where Calendar components were not providing actions for “Run component action” picklist
On Skuid SFX, fix issue where tooltip text wouldn't fade on pages deployed in Lightning with the Skuid Page Lightning component
Rollback of future feature code
Fix Table field issue where "Required" checkbox was not a visible property in the Composer
On Skuid SFX in Lightning experience, fix lookup filters for polymorphic fields (e.g. OwnerId on the Case object)
Previously when selecting a value for a polymorphic reference field, an error stating a field doesn't exist would appear—even with properly configured lookup filters. This fix ensures that reference field works as expected.
Fix issue where reference field searches would not return expected records on some objects (such as the Case object in Salesforce) due to search value and record value/label discrepancies
Fix rendering issue with picklist fields within sliding panels that are activated within Page Include components
Fix issue where "required" validations were incorrectly running on optional picklist fields
Internal dependency upgrades
In Skuid Database CSV import, add empty state for field dropdown menus
Development for Skuid Database data import
Development for Skuid Database data import
Development for Skuid Database data import
Add functionality to save mappings during Skuid Database CSV Import/Export process
Allow picklist entry order to be set in data source objects
Remove internal formula function from Composer function list
In Skuid Database on Skuid NLX, ensure that required fields retain their "required" status after refreshing Database Console
In Database Console, fix bug preventing the creation of new picklist item son previously created fields
In Skuid Database data import, add "Create missing picklist options" toggle
General design adjustments to Skuid Database CSV import experience
In Skuid Database CSV import, autoassign fields created when mapping an imported column
In Skuid Database data export, change the "Remove special characters" option to "Sanitize field values" and update description
In Skuid Database CSV import, add notice and adjust behavior to account for file upload limits
On Skuid NLX in Database console, add in-progress state when uploading a CSV for import
In Database Console, fix "Request Body Unparaseable" error when reuploading a CSV after already mapping some fields
In Skuid Database data import, adjust import UI behavior to ensure errors are properly displayed (and the success message does not appear for imports with errors)
On Skuid NLX in Database Console, adjust export behavior to allow the "Sanitize field values" option to be enabled even exporting a single object
In Skuid Database data import, adjust styles for CSV preview
Fix copy error in Skuid Database
In Skuid NLX, fix issue where 0 (zero) would erroneously appear in bottom left of the Database Console screen when there are no objects configured
In Skuid Database data import, support additional date formats
Fix alignment of "Position" column label when editing picklist entry values for a data source object
On Skuid NLX, implement SSO user provisioning enhancements for updating mapped user attributes on login
Security improvements when returning site metadata
For Skuid Database data import, validate required field mappings client-side to surface potential errors sooner
Fix regression in Database Console where refreshing the browser window does not reroute the user back to their previous place in the Console
On Skuid NLX, fix issue where data source object field property values were not being properly retrieved or deployed with skuid CLI
On Skuid NLX after an error in CSV import for Skuid Database, properly dismiss error messages when leaving the CSV view
On Skuid NLX, ensure the duplicate name checking for session variables treats letter case appropriately
On Skuid SFX, fix issue where adding the first picklist entry value for a picklist field on a data source object would not properly populate the "Position" property
On Skuid NLX, update list of available environment types to reflect all types
Internal administrative tooling bug fixes
Adjust page API version query to account for future feature development
Fix issue where configuring data source objection permissions on app permission sets displayed the incorrect data source
On Skuid NLX, adjust how site metadata is delivered to fix retrieval issues for skuid CLI
In Skuid Database data import, support additional date formats
In Skuid Database data import, support additional date formats
Custom domains development
Session variable development The following tickets represent work implementing session variable functionality, allowing SAML attributes to be mapped to reusable variables whose values are available for the duration of a user’s session:
PLIN-4068, PLIN-4159, PLIN-4229
Future feature development
The following tickets represent internal code changes made for future features:
CORE-4357, CORE-3587, CORE-3598, CORE-3700, CORE-3749, CORE-3845, CORE-4339, CORE-4340, CORE-4352, CORE-4364, CORE-4365, CORE-4366, CORE-4374, CORE-4375, CORE-4376, CORE-4380, CORE-4385, CORE-4391, CORE-4400, CORE-4401, CORE-4402, CORE-4405, CORE-4408, CORE-4409, CORE-4412, CORE-4427, CORE-4428, CORE-4430, CORE-4433, CORE-4439, CORE-4442, CORE-4445, CORE-4454, CORE-4487, CORE-4488, CORE-4490, CORE-4496, CORE-4498, CORE-4500, CORE-4552, CORE-4554, CORE-4567, PLIN-3862, PLIN-4134