Note: Nintex Apps data centers are located in West US and Australia (AUS). In-region processing of Nintex Apps data is only available in these regions.

Create and Configure Models

Models are powerful tools that provide connections to external systems, allowing the builder to pull data into the page. However, models follow rules that govern how they can be connected to data objects or entities. It's important to follow these rules when creating models:

  1. You can connect any individual model to only one object . ( For example, a model can be connected to the Account object in Salesforce. )
  2. You can create one—or more—models for each page, and each model can connect to entirely different objects.
  3. You can connect to the same object using multiple models—allowing you to display different records with conditions on the same page. As an example:
    • You may have one model on an account object that retrieves only some information about accounts, and displays the data in a Table at page load.
    • You may have another model may pull in specific internal account information (such as the account owner ID, last time modified, modified by whom, etc.). Components in a "More about the Account" modal use this modal, which only displays when the user chooses to open it. Because this model doesn't load with the page, this streamlines the initial page load.

Create a Model

Customize a Model

Customize how the model behaves by using model properties, fields, conditions and actions.

  • Model properties control essential model behaviors, like which object to query.
  • Fields specify which record attributes are available in the model.
  • Model conditions limit or filter the specific records that are pulled into the model.
  • Model actions trigger action flows that run automatically when model-level events occurs.

Note:  Depending upon the choices made, these options may impact page load times and performance.

Adjust the properties

Model properties —found in the Properties panel—determine the model's behaviors. Properties that are available vary by connector. To learn about the properties available for a specific connector, locate that connector's topic in the Connector section.

Model fields

Each model connected to an external system—and specifically, to a particular object in that external system. Most external connections include fields that are accessible to the model. By selecting which of those available fields to add to the model, you specify the data or content to be included and avoid including extraneous data or content that you don't need.

There are several ways to add fields to a model.

Manage models

Best Practices

  • When creating models, consider both the data users need to access and the experience you want to offer those users.

  • Model order matters: Models load in the order they're arranged in the models list: models at the top of the list load first. When a model is dependent on another for data, ensure that dependent model loads after the primary model. If necessary, re-order the models..

  • If much data is needed from a particular object, consider creating different copies of the model for particular components or usage on the page.

  • Set a Max # of records to a smaller number: Generally, users only really need to see around 10 records at a time; more records may present too much information to process, and in many cases they can load more records using pagination options.

  • Uncheck "Query on page load" to load models only when needed. Unchecking this property allows components and user action to determine when model data is loaded.This prevents all of the page's models from loading at the same time during the initial page load, especially valuable for pages with numerous models.

  • Don't specify Fields to order records by. If you need to use this feature, only specify indexed fields. ( Ordering by a non-indexed field will make the page run slower. )

    Note:  Some databases support the creation of indexes for fields. To determine if the database you are using supports field indexing, see the database's documentation.


Model properties

  • Not all model properties listed below will be available for all connectors. If you do not see a property listed here in the Page Designer, it may not be available for your connector.

Models for some connectors may have unique properties not documented here. These properties are detailed in the topics for those respective connectors.