Create a workflow

A workflow consists of a start event and workflow actions. You can configure the start events and actions to create and publish your workflow to achieve the result you want. The first step is to identify and configure the start event, which is the starting point for your workflow, and then add and configure the actions to complete the workflow.

Workflows are created in the Workflow designer. The Workflow designer consists of the action toolbox that contains all the actions you can use to create the workflow, the designer canvas, and the toolbar.

Access the Workflow designer

You can create a workflow or view an existing workflow in the Workflow designer.

To open the Workflow designer to create a new workflow:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Automate.

  2. On the left navigation, click Create workflow.

To view an existing workflow:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click Automate.
  2. On the left navigation, click Workflows, and then select the required workflow.

Create and publish a workflow

Important: The maximum size for a workflow design is 25MB. For more information, see Workflow size .

After you open the Workflow designer, you can add actions to your workflow and configure the start event and actions to complete the workflow. Follow these steps to create and publish your workflow:

  1. Open the Workflow designer.

  2. On the Designer canvas, click Start event to open the start event configuration panel and configure the start event. For more information, see Workflow start events.

  3. Find the actions you want in the action toolbox on the left and drag and drop actions to the Designer canvas. For more information, see Workflow actions.

  4. Click an action to open the action configuration panel and configure the actions. For more information, see Action configuration panel.

  5. (Optional) Test your workflow. For more information, see Test a workflow.

  6. Save the workflow. You can save a workflow to edit and publish later. For more information, see Save a workflow.

  7. Publish your workflow. You can edit your workflow after it's published. However, you must re-publish the workflow for the changes to be affective. For more information, see Publish a workflow.

    The workflow will be displayed in the workflow list in the Workflows page. The Status of the workflow indicates if the workflow is saved or published. The status of workflows that are only saved is Draft and the status of published workflows is Published.

Refer to the topics below to learn about using variables in your workflow, how to handle files, and best practices to follow when creating a workflow: