Save a workflow
Saving a workflow allows you to keep the design for later. You can make changes and save the workflow till it's ready to be published. Saving a workflow, whether new or existing, does not publish the workflow. A draft workflow is a saved workflow that's not published. The status of saved workflows is shown as Draft in the Workflows page.
Caution: If you edit a published workflow and save the changes, it becomes a draft version of that workflow and is given the status Draft in the Workflow list page.
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Save your workflow (overwrite an existing draft)
- On the toolbar at the top of the workflow designer, click Save.
- In the Save dialog box, complete the fields and click Save. For more information, see Save and Save as dialog box fields.
The workflow is saved as a Draft workflow.
Save your workflow with a new name
- On the toolbar at the top of the workflow designer, click the down-arrow to the right of Save and then select Save as.
- In the Save as dialog box, complete the fields and click Save. For more information, see Save and Save as dialog box fields. Note:
Special characters, like the ones listed here, are not allowed in workflow names:
/ ^ $ . | ? * + ( ) < > ! \ @ # % & , [ ] : ; =

Column or selection | Description |
Workflow name | Name of workflow. Displayed on the Workflows list accessed from the Automate > Workflows page. Maximum number of characters: 50. Special characters are not allowed. |
Workflow description | Description of workflow. Displayed on the Workflows list accessed from the Automate > Workflows page. Maximum number of characters: 255. |
Version comments | Information about the workflow you are currently saving. Use this field to provide comments that will identify this specific version of your workflow. |
Share this workflow with |
Text box for entering names (or selecting Everyone in my tenancy) followed by a list of users with access to the workflow. Common tasks: