Form variables

In the Form variables tab of the Forms designer, you can:

  • Create variables with applied formulas to use throughout your form and workflow.
  • View, edit, and delete variables with applied formulas.

Note: All variables that you create in Start event forms are available as an object under start event variables in the workflow; while variables created in Form based tasks are available as task variables. See Manage variables in a workflow.

Create variables using formulas

Use the Formula builder to create variables with applied formulas in the Variables tab.

  1. In the form designer, click the Form variables tab.
  2. Click Add form variable. The Add form variable section is displayed with the Formula builder.
  3. Type a Name for your variable.
  4. Select a Type for your variable.
  5. In the Value field, type your formulas.
  6. Note: 
    • As you type the formula, suggestions of possible functions and variables are displayed to select from, if required.
    • From the Lookup pane on the right, you can search for Functions and variables to insert in the formula.
    • You can use logical operators such as && (And), || (Or), == (Equal), and != (Not Equal).
    • On the Functions tab, click the name of a function to display its description, format, and an example.

  7. To save your changes, click Create.

For more information on the fields and options in the Variables page, see Form variables page fields, buttons and settings.