OANDA - Get exchange rate
Use the OANDA - Get exchange rate action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. Actions are the steps the workflow performs to complete a process. to retrieve the exchange rate between two currencies.
For more information about the OANDA connector, go to OANDA.
Configure the OANDA - Get exchange rate action
Add the action to the workflow and open the action configuration panel. For more information, see Add an action to the workflow.
Select a Connection. If you do not have a connection, see Add a connection.
- Select the Base currency for the exchange rate.
- Select the Quote currency.
- (Optional) To get the exchange rate for a specific date in the past, select the Historic rate date.
- Create or select a variable for the output.
OANDA - Get exchange rate action fields and settings
Section | Field | Description | Variable types |
(unlabeled) |
The OANDA connection used to access the exchange rate API. To refresh the available connections, click |
(n/a) | |
Base currency |
The base currency – also called the transaction currency - is the first currency appearing in a currency pair quotation. The exchange rate uses one unit of the base currency to calculate the rate for the quote currency. Such as 1 USD (base) = 1.25 CAD (quote). If you use a variable, the value must be in the three digit currency code. See List of currencies for a list of the abbreviations. If you use an invalid code, you get an Invalid Base error: "Invalid or malformed argument; [base] must be a valid 3 letter currency code as defined by [currencies] endpoint for [data_set] (OANDA): (INVALID BASE VALUE)" |
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection |
Quote currency |
The quote currency, or the counter currency, is the second currency appearing in a currency pair quotation. Used to determine the value of the base currency. Such as 1 USD (base) = 1.25 CAD (quote). If you use a variable, the value must be in the three digit currency code. See List of currencies for a list of the abbreviations. If you use an invalid code, you get an Invalid Quote error: "Invalid or malformed argument; [quote] must be a valid 3 letter currency code as defined by [currencies] endpoint for [data_set] (OANDA): (INVALID QUOTE VALUE)" |
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection | |
Historic rate date |
Only select a date if you need a specific date in the past. The date must be:
Text, Integer, DateTime | |
Output | Exchange rate |
Stores the result of the action as an object with the following variables:
Object |