Nintex Workflow - Get tasks

Use the Nintex Workflow - Get tasks action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. Actions are the steps the workflow performs to complete a process. to retrieve tasks in the tenant.

For more information about Nintex Workflow, go to Nintex Workflow.

Configure the Nintex Workflow - Get tasks action

  1. Add the action to the workflow and open the action configuration panel. For more information, see Add an action to the workflow.

  2. Select a Connection. If you do not have a connection, see Add a connection.

  1. Specify a workflow instance ID, a status, start date, or end date.
  2. Create or select a variable for the output.

For more information about the required and optional configuration files, see Nintex Workflow - Get tasks action fields and settings.

Nintex Workflow - Get tasks action fields and settings




Variable types


Connection Credentials and other settings that enables workflows to communicate with external systems, services, or applications. It's required to pass data between the workflow and the indicated service, which could be a cloud service, business application, or content store.

The Nintex Workflow connection to use to retrieve the collection of tasks.

To refresh the available connections, click .


Workflow instance ID The Nintex Workflow workflow instance that you want to retrieve tasks for. Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection

Return a list of tasks with this status:

  • All
  • Active
  • Complete
  • Expired
  • Overridden
  • Terminated
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection
  Start date The start of the date period to retrieve tasks for. Text, Integer, DateTime
  End date The end of the date period to retrieve tasks for. Text, Integer, DateTime
Output Tasks

A collection of tasks and their details. The following values are returned:

  • ID: (Text) The internal ID for the task.
  • Name: (Text) The task's name.
  • Description: (Text) A description of the task.
  • Subject: (Text) The task's subject.
  • Initiator: (Text) The email address of the task's initiator.
  • Created date: (Date) The date the task was created.
  • Modified date: (Date) The last date the task was modified.
  • Status: (Text) The current status of the task. For example, "Complete".
  • Default outcome: (Text) The outcome set as the default. For example, "Reject".
  • Workflow name: (Text) The name of the workflow this task is associated with.
  • Outcomes: (Collection) The list of outcomes configured for this task. For example, "Reject", "Approve".
  • Assignee: (Text) The person this task is assigned to.
  • Due date: (Date) The date this task is configured to be due by.
  • URLs: (Object)
    • Form URL: (Text) If the task is form-based, this is the URL that can be used to open the form in a browser.
  • Assignment behavior: (Text) Assignment behavior of the task
  • Completed date: (Date) Date the task was completed
  • Completed Criteria: (Text) Completion criteria of the task
  • Is authenticated: (Boolean) Authentication scheme of the task
  • Modified date: (DateTime) Date the task was modified
  • Task assignments : (Collection) List of task assignments
    • Assignee: (Text) Email of the user assignment is assigned to
    • Completed by: (Text) Email of the user that completed the task assignment
    • Completed by ID: (Text) Unique identifier of the user that completed the task assignment
    • Completed date: (Date) Date the task assignment was completed
    • Created date: (Date) Date the task assignment was created
    • Escalated to: (Text) Email the user assignment was escalated to
    • ID: (Text) Unique identifier of the task assignment
    • Outcome: (Text) Outcome of the task assignment
    • Status: (Text) Status of the task assignment
    • Updated date: (DateTime) Date the task assignment was updated
    • URLs: (Object) Urls to the workflow's form
  • Workflow ID: (Text)
  • Workflow instance ID: (Text)