Nintex Automation Cloud - Get workflow instances

Use the Nintex Automation Cloud - Get workflow instances action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. to retrieve a list of workflow instances in the tenancy configured in the connection. The action returns a list of up to 30 instances that either started or ended during a date range that you specify. An instance is an occurrence of an active, published workflow.

For more information about Nintex Automation Cloud, go to Nintex Automation Cloud.

Configure the Nintex Automation Cloud - Get workflow instances action

  1. Add the action to the workflow and open the action configuration panel. For more information, see Add an action to the workflow.

  2. Select a Connection. If you do not have a connection, see Add a connection.

  1. Select the Status of the instances that you want to get a list of.

  2. In the Filter by field, select whether to retrieve the list of instances by either a start date range or end date range. There is no limit on the length of the data range.

  3. Select the From date for the range type you selected above.

  4. Select the To date for the range type you selected above.

  5. Create or select a variable for the output.

For more information about the required and optional configuration files, see Nintex Automation Cloud - Get workflow instances action fields and settings.

Nintex Automation Cloud - Get workflow instances action fields and settings




Variable types


Connection Credentials and other settings required to pass data between the workflow and the indicated service, which could be a cloud service, business application, or content store.

The Nintex Automation Cloud connection to use to retrieve the list of workflow instances.

To refresh the available connections, click .


Status The state that the workflow instances are currently in:
  • Running: (Text) Instances currently running.
  • Completed: (Text) Instances that have completed.
  • Failed: (Text) Instances that failed during the workflow.
  • Terminated: (Text) Instances that were terminated before completion.
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection
Date query Filter By

You can choose to include instances that either started or ended during the date range you select in the From and To fields. There is no limit on the length of the data range. Select to filter the returned list of instances by either when they started or when they ended:

  • Start Date(Date).

  • End Date(Date).

Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection
From The start of the date range to retrieve instances for. Text, Integer, DateTime
To The end of the date range to retrieve instances for. Text, Integer, DateTime
Output Instances

The collection of workflows that have been published, with details. The following values are returned:

  • Instance ID: (Text) The unique identifier for the instance.
  • Workflow: (Object) Information about the active, published workflow.
    • Workflow ID: (Text) The unique identifier for the workflow.
    • Workflow name: (Text) The name of the workflow.
    • Workflow version: (Text) The version of the workflow.
  • Start date: (DateTime) The date and time the instance was started.
  • End date: (DateTime) The date and time the instance stopped running.
  • Workflow status: (Text) The status of the instance, such as In Progress, Complete, Failed, or Terminated.