Eventbrite - Get events by organization

Important: This connector and its actions have been removed from Nintex Automation Cloud and can now be found in Nintex Gallery.

Use the Eventbrite - Get events by organization action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. to retrieve a paginated list of events filtered by organization ID.

For more information about the Eventbrite connector, see Eventbrite.

Configure the Eventbrite - Get events by organization action

  1. Add the action to the workflow and open the action configuration panel. For more information, see Add an action to the workflow.

  2. Select a Connection. If you do not have a connection, see Add a connection.
  3. Specify the Organization that you want to list events for. If using a variable, use the organization ID.

Eventbrite - Get events by organization action fields and settings




Variable types


Connection Credentials and other settings required to pass data between the workflow and the indicated service, which could be a cloud service, business application, or content store.

The Eventbrite connection to use to retrieve the list of events by organization.

To refresh the available connections, click .


  Organization The organization that you want to list events for. If using a variable, use the organization ID. Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection
  Order by

Sort order for the list of events. Possible values:

  • Event start date/time in ascending or descending order
  • When the event was created in ascending or descending order
  • The event name in ascending or descending order
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection
Filter by Name Filter organization's events by specified name. Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection
  Currency Filter organization's events by specified currency. If using a variable, use the ISO-4217 code. Example: USD. Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection

Filter organization's events by status. Specify multiple status values as a comma delimited string. For example: Live.
Possible values: draft, live, started, ended, completed, canceled, all.

Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection
  Time Limits the list results to either past, or current and future events. Or return all events. For example, all.
Possible values: all, past, current future.
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection
Paging Items per page The number of items per page. Integer
  Next page token A token to get the next set of results. Use the Continuation value from the Pagination object of a previous Get events by organization action. Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection
Output Events

Stores the result of the action as an object. The following values are returned:

  • Pagination: (Object) A object describing the pagination containing the following information.
    • Continuation: (Text) The token you'll use to get to the next page of results by making the same request again but including this token. Your results will always include a new continuation token that you can use to jump to the next page.
    • Has more items: (Boolean) Whether or not there are more items in your response. When all records have been retrieved, this attribute will be “false”.
    • Object count: (Integer) The total number of objects found in your response, across all pages.
    • Page count: (Integer) The total number of pages found in your response.
    • Page number: (Integer) The page number you are currently viewing (always starts at 1).
    • Page size: (Integer) The maximum number of objects that can be returned per page for this API endpoint.
  • Events: (Collection) A collection of event details containing the following information.
    • Capacity is custom: (Boolean) If True, the value of capacity is a custom-set value; if False, it's a calculated value of the total of all ticket capacities.
    • Category ID: (Text) The events category ID.

    • Changed: (Text) When the event was last changed.

    • Created: (Text) When the event was created.

    • Currency (Text) The ISO 4217 currency code for this event.

    • End: (Text) End date and time of the event.

    • Hide end date: (Boolean) Shows when event ends.

    • Hide start date: (Boolean) Shows when event starts.

    • ID: (Text) Unique ID for the event.

    • Inventory type: (Boolean) This variable returns a value from the API for use throughout the workflow.

    • Invite only: (Boolean) Whether or not only people with invites see the event page.

    • Is free: (Boolean) Whether or not the event is free.

    • Is locked (Boolean) Whether or not the event is locked.

    • Is reserved seating: (Boolean) Whether or not the event is set to have reserved seating.

    • Is series parent: (Boolean) Whether or not the event is part of a series and is the series parent.

    • Is series: (Boolean) Whether or not the event is part of a series.

    • Publicly listed: (Boolean) Whether or not this event is publicly searchable on Eventbrite.

    • Language: (Text) The language/locale of the event.

    • Name: (Object) The name of the event in text or HTML.

      • Name: (Text) Event name in text.

      • Name: (HTML) Event name in HTML.

    • Maximum capacity: (Integer) Maximum number of people who can attend.

    • Online event: (Boolean) Whether or not the event doesn't have a venue and is online only.

    • Organization: (Text) Organization owning the event.

    • Organizer ID: (Text) ID of the event organizer.

    • Privacy setting: (Text) This variable returns a value from the API for use throughout the workflow.

    • Resource URI: (Text) An absolute URL to the API endpoint that will return you the canonical representation of the event. For example, https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3/events/1234/

    • Enable social sharing: (Boolean) Whether or not the event shows the social sharing buttons.

    • Show colors in seatmap...: (Boolean) For reserved seating event, if venue map thumbnail should have colors on the event page.

    • Show pick a seat: (Boolean) For reserved seating event, if attendees can pick their seats.

    • Show remaining tickets: (Boolean) Whether or not the event page shows the number of tickets left.

    • Show seatmap thumbnail: (Boolean) For reserved seating event, if venue map thumbnail visible on the event page.

    • Source: (Text) Source of the event (defaults to API).

    • Start: (Text) When the event starts.

    • Status: (Text) Event status. Can be draft, live, started, ended, completed, and canceled.

    • Summary: (Text) Event summary. This is a plaintext field and will have any supplied HTML removed from it. Maximum of 140 characters, mutually exclusive with description.

    • Event URL: (Text) URL of the event's listing page on eventbrite.com.

    • Venue ID: (Text) The ID of the event venue.
