
Important: This connector and its actions have been removed from Nintex Automation Cloud and can now be found in Nintex Gallery.

Eventbrite is a cloud-based event management and ticketing platform that allows users to browse, create, and promote local events. In the context of Nintex Automation Cloud, Eventbrite is a connector Service used to define a connection required for associated actions and start events. Examples include Salesforce and Box. Method of integration to cloud services, business applications and content stores. and is used to create connections for Eventbriteactions A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows.. Use Eventbrite actions to create and manage events and their associated tickets, organizations, and venues.

For more information on Eventbrite, see the Eventbrite platform website.

Create an Eventbrite connection

Create a connection from the connections page or from the action configuration panel when configuring the action. For information about creating connections and assigning permissions, see Manage connections.

Complete the following fields when creating the connection:



Connection name A name for your new connection
API Key Your Eventbrite private token / API key. Access your Eventbrite API key in the Eventbrite API key management page.

Note: Your browser-stored credentials are accessed to create connections. Either clear credentials from browser memory or make sure the stored credentials are for the intended environment.

Create an Eventbrite data source

Use the Eventbrite data source to create a drop-down list of Eventbrite groups in a form. Each data source is configured for a specific Eventbrite API key. You can create as many data sources as you need. For more information on creating a data source and assigning permissions to it, see Data sources.

For example, to allow users to select a specific venue of an event in a form, add a drop-down list of venues to the form using a Data lookup control A form control that allows users to select from a drop-down list of values that have been fetched from a third-party service.. The Data lookup control uses an Eventbrite - Get venues by organization data source to list the venues for an organization.

You can create a data source to:

  • Get event categories: list all the categories for events in Eventbrite.
  • Get events by organization: list all the events associated with an organization in Eventbrite.
  • Get organizations: list all the organizations associated with the Eventbrite account used to create the connection.
  • Get venues by organization: list all the venues available to the organization associated with the Eventbrite account used to create the connection.

Eventbrite data source fields

When you create a Eventbrite data source, you can configure some additional fields to specify which items the data source should retrieve.

To access the data source fields, in the Add data source section, select Eventbrite in the Connector field and then select the Operation.

The following configuration fields are displayed depending on the operation selected.




Get event categories Connection The connection to use for the data source.
Get events by organization Connection The connection to use for the data source.
  Organization The organization that you want to list events for. If using a variable, use the organization ID.
  Order by

Sort order for the list of events. Possible values:

  • Event start date/time in ascending or descending order
  • When the event was created in ascending or descending order
  • The event name in ascending or descending order

Filter by name

Filter organization's events by specified name.
  Filter by currency Filter organization's events by specified currency. If using a variable, use the ISO-4217 code. Example: USD.
  Filter by status Filter organization's events by status, for example Live. Specify multiple status values as a comma delimited string.
Possible values: draft, live, started, ended, completed, canceled, all.
  Filter by time Limits the list results to either past, or current and future events. Or return all events. For example, all.
Possible values: all, past, current future.

Items per page

The number of items per page.
  Next page token A token to get the next set of results. Use the Continuation value from the Pagination object of a previous Get events by organization action.
Get organizations Connection The connection to use for the data source.
  Next page token A token to get the next set of results. Use the Continuation value from the Pagination object of a previous Get organizations action.
Get venues by organization Connection The connection to use for the data source.


The organization that you want to list venues for. If using a variable, use the organization ID.
  Next page token A token to get the next set of results. Use the Continuation value from the Pagination object of a previous Get venues by organization action