External Program Commands

Refer to the table below for a detailed overview of each command and its respective functionalities:

Command Description

Call Web Service Method

Retrieve data from a web service and place it into a new or existing variable.

Get Web Page HTML

Retrieve the body section of the HTML code from the currently active web page and store it into a new or existing variable.

Open URL Link

Opens a URL link using a selected browser in a selected location (current tab/new tab/new window).

Run .NET Plugin Method

Run a plugin that was developed specifically to extend Nintex RPA capabilities.

Run curl Command

Execute a curl command to transfer data from or to a server.

Run JavaScript on Page

Run your own JavaScript code and change the target website behavior; manipulate the behavior of the target website as needed with maximum flexibility.

Run Program

Launch an application directly from its executable (.exe) file (including command line parameters as required).

Run Script

Instruct the wizard to execute a script (including parameters as required).