Call Web Service Method

Retrieve data from a web service and place it into a new or existing variable.

What is a web service?

A web service allows an application to talk to a web page, instead of using a browser to open it. The application is able to either retrieve information from or submit information to some resource. Some examples:

  • Financial websites providing a method for your system to retrieve stock quotes and currency exchange rates

  • Shipping companies providing a method for your shipping application to request quotes and tracking information

  1. You can enter values manually (go to Step 2), or use a Discovery Service tool to configure the web service to call. The tool helps determine which host to talk to for a particular service. To activate the Service Discovery Tool, click Discover Service.

  2. Enter the web service URL to which the request should be sent.

  3. Choose the method of calling a Web Service:

    • Call Method: using either HTTP-GET or HTTP-POST protocols; or

    • Send SOAP xml: send a SOAP request message via HTTP

    Which method of calling a Web Service should I use?

    Any Web Service implementation that relies on SOAP-specific mechanisms such as SOAP headers will not work when called via Call Method. Also, if your Web Service allows XML to be passed into it, it might not work well if you select Call Method.

    So why would anyone ever want to use anything but SOAP?

    You might have a trading partner that needs data to be returned in a non-SOAP format, or you may need to interact with someone who is unwilling to learn SOAP (Ageing developers!) or you may have to build a solution that enlists older technologies that can work with HTTP-GET and HTTP-POST (Call Method).

  4. Enter the Protocol for Call Method



  5. Enter Parameters.

  6. Enter which credentials to use or select None:

    • Manually entered; or

    • From the credentials vault