Run Script

Instruct the wizard to execute a script (including parameters as required). Scripts can be written in any of the following languages:

  • VBScript

  • JScript

  • Perl

  • PScript

  • Python

If your script contains special characters, please use a file to run them. If not, the special character will be removed. This is a known limitation.

  1. Enter the script code or load it from a file.

  2. Specify any parameters for running the script (separated by spaces).

  3. Select the language in which the script is written.

    • For Python, you are given the option to specify which version of Python will be used to run the script: the Nintex-installed version or a version installed on the client machine.

  4. Specify a timeout (i.e., if the script does not begin to run within this time frame, the wizard will move on).

  5. Tick this checkbox to use custom character encoding, then select the encoding set you wish to use.

    Custom encoding isn't relevant nor supported for Python.

  6. Enter the name of the variable into which you'd like to place the returned result.

    • Languages requiring specific code to return a value:

      • VBScript: WScript.StdOut.Write("My return value")

      • JScript: WSH.StdOut.WriteLine("My return value")

      • Python: print([returnvalue])

      This field is relevant only for a script that is designed to return a result