Run .NET Plugin Method

Run a plugin that was developed specifically to extend Nintex RPA capabilities.

There are two plugin types:

  1. Embedded: a wizard is downloaded to the client with the .net plugin dll is embedded within it

  2. Local: The .NET plugin is deployed to all relevant machines by IT. (The Runtime folder is the folder where IT has placed it)

  3. The run time folder is the absolute path on a local drive where IT has placed the dll on the machine. Don't use relative paths to define the runtime folder.

    For additional information see the Nintex Plugin Development section of the Nintex Studio User Guide.

  4. Select the .NET plugin to run:

    • Select Embedded if the .NET plugin dll is embedded within the wizard. Select the plugin name from the list; or

    • Select Local if the .NET plugin was deployed to the machine by IT. Set the absolute path to the plugin in the local drive in the Runtime folder field

  5. Specify the method to run. For more information, see the Nintex Plugin Development section of the Nintex Studio User Guide.

  6. The Parameters list populates with parameters' name, type, and direction. Enter the parameter Values.

  7. Enter the name of the variable into which you'd like to place the returned result.

  8. This field is relevant only for an executable program that returns a result