K2 View Flow

SharePoint My Worklist Actions - View Flow

To view the View Flow of the process select View Flow from the Worklist Actions menu, or by using the link provided in the Standard Reports.


Microsoft Silverlight is a prerequisite. If Silverlight is not currently installed, the following image will be displayed. This provides the option either to install Silverlight, or continue to view the Classic (non-Silverlight) View Flow. The option chosen can be saved, ensuring that the user does not need to be prompted again in future.

The View Flow provides a detailed view of the actions taken during the workflow:

Tab What it is
Workflow This tab presents a step-by-step view of the process, and which route has been taken by the user.
Comments This tab shows a list of the comments associated with this process instance.
Attachments This tab shows a list of the attachments associated with this process instance.
Charts This tab shows a graphic representation (in the form of a pie chart) of all activities in relation to each other.

Legend – Event / activity icon and line rule colors

The following section explains the meaning of the various client event/activity icon and line rule colors you could see when a view flow is displayed. For information on the basic appearance and format of activities, refer to the K2 blackpearl Introduction to Activities topic.

The activity, event, icon and line rule colors seen in the Worklist View Flow have the same meanings in both K2 Workspace and SharePoint even though they look slightly different. The icons described below are in thick client format, as displayed in K2 Workspace.


The table below shows different examples of the ways in which activities can be represented within a View Flow:

Activity Icon Activity Bar Color Meaning

Grey, with a status bar in White The activity has not yet started, or has not yet been executed.

Grey, with a preceding line rule in Bright Green The line rule evaluated to TRUE, but the activity’s preceding rule evaluated to FALSE (i.e. the activity did not start).

Grey, with a status bar in Green A GOTO escalation or Expire Activity escalation expired the activity.

Blue, with a status bar in Blue The activity has started, and is in an Active or Running state.

Blue, with a status bar in White

There are two possible meanings:

  1. The activity’s start rule has not yet completed.
  2. The activity registered an error.

Blue, with red exclamation mark. An event which is part of the activity has encountered an error.

Green, with a status bar in Green The activity was completed successfully.


The table below shows what the different event box colors mean:

Event Icon Event Bar Color Meaning

White or grey

The event has not yet started or executed.


The event has started, and is either running or in an active state.

Blue, with red exclamation mark

The event is currently in an error state.


 The event was completed successfully.


Line status, indicated by color, must be read together with the activities and/or events before and after the line. This will give information of current process status, and allow effective troubleshooting of failed activities and events. The table below shows what each of the different line colors mean: 

Sample Scenario Line Color Meaning



Dark green

This represents a line rule on which execution is pending (i.e. an action which will complete the line rule is expected shortly).



Bright green

This represents a line rule which evaluated as TRUE and was successfully completed (i.e. the process path was taken).


Bright red

Bright red lines have two possible meanings:

  1. The line rule evaluated as FALSE (i.e. the process path was not taken).
  2. The line rule is currently in an error state.

Legend – Event types

Event types (General)

The table below explains general events:

Icon General-Event Name Meaning

Active Directory Event

Active Directory Events may be used to work with Active Directory objects (such as users or groups).

Default Client Event

Default Client events may be used to configure actions and outcomes, set destination users and publish web pages.

Code Reference Event

Code Reference events may be used to:

  • Create type instances within referenced assemblies.
  • Call static and instance methods contained in types within referenced assemblies.
  • Store and retrieve fields and/or properties contained in types within referenced assemblies.
  • Store the results of any of the above calls in data fields, within the process.

CRM Entity Event

CRM entity events may be used to create and delete entity items, and update entity item information.

Data Event

Data events may be used to replicate data between data and/or *.XML fields.

Exchange Event

Exchange Events may be used to send Exchange meeting requests and tasks, and perform Exchange mailbox operations.

InfoPath Integration Event

InfoPath integration links existing InfoPath forms to the current process.

IPC Event

An IPC event calls out one or more workflow processes from the current process.

Item-Reference Event

Item-Reference Events may be used to add references to SharePoint list items, SharePoint Document items and CRM identity items.

Placeholder Event

A Placeholder event is a temporary placeholder. If the user does not currently know which event is suitable for part of a given view flow, they may use a placeholder event. These events can later be replaced with a permanent event.

SmartObject Event

SmartObject events may be used to:

  • Call available SmartObject methods during a process.
  • Bind process data to SmartObject method inputs in order to create new records, or for use later in the process.

Microsoft Word Document Event

Word Document Events can be used to work with Microsoft Word documents (using the OpenXML format).

Event types (SharePoint)

The table below explains SharePoint events:

Icon SharePoint-Event Name Meaning

SharePoint Document Event

This event can be used to:

  • Upload, download, move, copy and delete documents.
  • Check documents in and out, and undo document checkouts.
  • Retrieve and update document information.

SharePoint List and Library Event

This event can be used to:

  • Create new lists and libraries based on SharePoint templates
  • Delete lists and libraries
  • Modify properties of a list or library

SharePoint List Item Event

This event can be used to create, copy and delete list items, and to retrieve and update list information.

SharePoint Publishing Event

This event can be used to:

  • Create, copy, move, delete and check in publishing pages.
  • Update and copy page content.
  • Create, update and delete reusable content.

SharePoint Records Management Event

This event can be used to:

  • Send documents to a defined records center.
  • Create record holds.
  • Place records on hold, and release them from hold.

SharePoint Search Results Event

This event can be used to search across specific lists and libraries, and across specific site list types.

SharePoint Workflow Integration Event

This event can be used to deploy a process as a SharePoint workflow, or associate the process with a list, library, publishing library or content type.

SharePoint Sites and Workspaces Event

This event can be used to:

  • Create new sites based on SharePoint templates
  • Delete sites
  • Modify site properties

SharePoint User Management Event

This event can be used to add, change or delete SharePoint:

  • Users
  • Groups
  • Permissions
  • Site, list or library permission inheritances

Event types (Customer Relationship Management (CRM) identity events)

The table below explains CRM identity events:

Icon CRM Event Name Meaning

Create CRM Entity Item Event

This event can be used to create a new CRM entity.

Delete CRM Entity Item Event

This event can be used to delete an existing CRM entity.

Get CRM Entity Item Reference Event

This event can be used to create an item reference to point to a specific CRM entity. References created in this way can also be used in other CRM events.

Update CRM Entity Item Event

This event can be used to update details of an existing CRM entity.

Refresh Interval

The Refresh interval can be changed within the web.config file by editing the value in the following node:

<add key="ViewFlowRefreshTime" value="30" />

The web.config file can be found in the following location: Program Files\K2 blackpearl\WebServices\ViewFlow

The ViewFlowRefreshTime value is expressed in seconds. The minimum value that can be applied is 15 seconds. 

Classic View Flow - Reports

If you choose to not install Silverlight, the Classic View Flow can still be accessed. With the Classic View Flow, reports about a specific activity can be accessed by clicking on the activity in the View Flow window.  

Activity Instances reports and Event Instances reports can be accessed through View Flow, in the following manner:

Fig. 2. Activity Instances Report- View Flow

Fig. 3. Activity Instances Report - View Flow

Configuration Filters

The Configuration screen can be accessed by clicking the Configuration button at the top of the report within the View Flow. The Report Configuration window provides an interface where Filters can be added.

The Filter Criteria dialog box is accessed by selecting the Filters tab on the Configuration screen, then clicking Add. Filters can be added which allow only view specific details to be viewed, according to which filter criteria have been specified.

See the Process Overview Report Configuration topic for more details.

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)