Workflow Server - Processes: Instances

Workflow Server - Process Instances

Clicking on the Instances node will load the Process Instance search screen.


Process Instance search results

Option What is it How to use it
Folio This is a unique identifier that is used to identify each instance of a Process Enter the first part of the Folio information
Originator The User who started the Process Instance Enter the first part of the User's Name
Performs a search for all Process Instances meeting the entered search parameters Click Find to start the search for a Process Instance

Once the search for a Process Instance has been successful, the results are listed and the following options are enabled:

Button What it is How to use it
This function allows an administrator to Start the selected Process Instance if the Instance Status is set to Stopped. Click Start to start the selected Process Instance
This function allows an administrator to Stop the selected Process Instances. Click Stop to stop the selected Process Instance

This function allows an administrator to Delete the selected Process Instances.

Click Delete to delete the selected Process Instance
This function allows an administrator to redirect a Process from one Activity to another Activity within the same Process. See Goto Activity Click Goto Activity to interrupt the standard flow of the Process activities and events and advance to a specific activity
This function allows an administrator to start a new instance of the Process See Start New Click Start New to start a new instance the Process
Selects all Selected check boxes of the displayed Process Instances Click Select All to select all the Process Instances
Clears all Selected check boxes of the displayed Process Instances Click Clear All to select all the Process Instances
Option What it is How to use it
Selected Selects the Process Instance, allowing the Instance button options to be used Click on the check box
Folio This is a unique identifier that is used to identify each instance of a Process User Reference
Start Date This is the date that an instance of the Workflow Process was started User Reference
Status This is the status level of the Process instance e.g. completed, active or error User Reference
Originator The User who started the Process Instance User Reference



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)