Workflow Server - Processes: Start a New Process Instance

Workflow Server - Start a Process Instance

To Start a new Instance of the Process enter the new Folio information, configure any Process Data Fields and click the Start Button

Options What it is How to use it
Folio This is a unique identifier that is used to identify each instance of a Process Enter a name for the Folio property OR select the Use Date option
Use Date Uses the current date and time as the Folio property Click on the Use Date check box
Start Async Starts the Process Instance in Asynchronous mode, OR click on the check box to un-check it to start a Process Instance in Synchronous mode Checked by default. Click on the check box to un-check it and start the Process in Synchronous mode
Loads the Data Fields and XML Fields associated with the Process Click Load Data Fields to load the Data/XML fields associated with the Process
Data Fields What it is How to use it
Name Lists the name of the field User Reference
Value Allows an administrator to enter a data value for the Process Data Field Enter the data value
Starts the new Process instance using the entered information Click Start to start the new Process Instance
Exits the Start Process dialogue without starting a Process Instance Click Cancel



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)