
Inline Functions - Overview

Contextualized Assistance:

Inline Functions consist of built-in functions and expressions. A function returns the result of operations performed on input values. An expression is built up through the Expression wizard, providing a text-based canvas for combining operators and values.

Inline Functions allow designers to build simple to complex expressions in any read/write field. The expressions provided allow users to calculate dates, concatenate text, do logical functions and perform math calculations, and perform certain file functions. These functions and expressions can be used in rules (Start, Preceding, Line and Escalation) and as a generic way to manipulate data in fields. As part of the Data Event, text can be altered as it is being copied (mapped) to other fields. Inline Functions are used to both evaluate a condition (true/false) and to return a result, which can be of any type that the K2 platform supports.


Functions are categorized into the following groups:



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)