
Inline Functions - Text

Text functions perform operations such as concatenations or insertions on text. Text-based operations are 1-based, meaning that the index of the first character in a string is 1. 

Fig. 1. Text

An item is selected and then added to the canvas or K2 field part by clicking the Add button or by using drag-and-drop.

Functions Description Example
Contains Returns a true value if a substring is found within another string. Sequence: "12345"
Text: "234"
Result: True
Empty String Returns an empty string. Result: "Blank"
Find Returns the index if the specified string is found within another string. Returns 0 if no match can be found. Substring: "12345"
Text: "234"
Result: 2
Hyperlink Creates a hyperlink with a display name and URL. Display Name: "K2"
URL: "http://www.k2.com"
Result: "<a href= http://www.k2.com > K2</a>"
Insert Inserts a substring into a string at a specified position. Text: "Example"
Substring: "00000"
Position: 2
Result: "E00000xample"
Join Concatenates a list of text values or fields, delimiting each with a separator. Values: { "1", "2", "3" }
Separator: ";"
Result: "1;2;3"
Left Returns a subset of characters from the left side of a string. Text: "Test"
Length: 1
Result: "T"
Length Returns the length of a string. Text: "Test"
Result: 4
Mid Returns a subset of characters from a string, starting at a specified index and continuing to the end of the string. Text: "Example"
Start: 3
Result: "xample"
Mid - Length Returns characters from a string, starting at an index and continuing a specified length. Text: "Example"
Start: 2
Length: 5
Result: "xampl"
Pad Left Pads a string with a padding character on the left side up to a specified length. Source String: "Example"
Pad Character: "#"
Overall Length: 9
Result: "## Example "
Pad Right Pads a string with a padding character on the right side up to a specified length. Source String: "Example"
Pad Character: "#"
Overall Length: 9
Result: " Example #"
Proper Converts a string to proper case. Text: "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
Result: "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"
Replace Replaces a substring within a string with a new substring. Text: "Ex000le"
Find: "000"
Replace: " amp "
Result: "Example"
Right Returns characters from the right side of a string. Text: "Example"
Length: 3
Result: "ple"
Split Splits text into substrings delimited by a specified separator value. Text: "a;b;c"
Separator: ";"
Result: { "a", "b", "c" }
To Lower Converts a string to lower case. Text: "Example"
Result: " example "
To Upper Converts a string to upper case. Text: "Example"
Result: " EXAMPLE "
Trim Removes leading and trailing spaces and line breaks from a string. Text: " Example "
Result: "Example"
URL Encode Encodes a URL string. URL: "http://local.com/test url.asmx"
Result: "http%3a%2f%2flocal.com%2ftest+url.asmx"
URL Decode Decodes a URL string. URL: "http%3a%2f%2flocal.com%2ftest+url.asmx"
Result: "http://local.com/test url.asmx"

The Function Wizard content varies according to the selected function:




K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)