
Inline Functions - Mathematical

Mathematical functions perform calculations, usually based on input values and returns a number.

Fig. 1. Mathematical

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Functions Description Example
Absolute - Decimal Gets the absolute (positive) value of a number. Input Value: -1.1
Result: 1.1
Absolute - Long Gets the absolute value of a number. Input Value: -2
Result: 2
Average - List of Decimal Calculates the average of a collection of values. Input Values: { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 }
Result: 2.2
Average - List of Long Calculates the average of a collection of values. Input Values: { 1, 2, 3 }
Result: 2
Format Number - Decimal String Formats a number to a text representation using a specified numeric format specified. Number: 0.111
Format: "C"
Result: "$ 0.11"
Maximum - List of Decimal Gets the maximum value of a list of values. Values: { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 }
Expected When Empty:
Result: 3.3
Maximum - List of Long Gets the maximum value of a list of values. Values: { 1, 2, 3 }
Expected When Empty: 0
Result: 3
Minimum - List of Decimal Gets the minimum value of a set of values. Values: { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 }
Expected When Empty: 0
Result: 1.1
Minimum - List of Long Gets the minimum value of a set of values. Values: { 1, 2, 3 }
Expected When Empty: 0
Result: 1
Power - Decimal Gets one value raised to the power of another. Base: 1.1
Power: 1.1
Result: 1.11053424105458
Power - Long Gets one value raised to the power of another. Base: 2
Power: 2
Result: 4
Random - Decimal Gets a random number less than or equal to a specified maximum value. Maximum: 1.2
Result: 0.5810660167974728
Random - Long Gets a random number less than or equal to a specified maximum value. Maximum: 2
Result: 1
Random Between - Decimal Gets a random number between two specified values. Minimum: 0.0
Maximum: 1.2
Result: 0.5810660167974728
Random Between - Long Gets a random number between two specified values. Minimum: 0
Maximum: 2
Result: 1
Root - Decimal Gets the positive nth root of a positive number. Number: 32.0
Nth Root: 5.0
Result: 2.0
Root - Long Gets the positive nth root of a positive number. Number: 100
Nth Root: 2
Result: 10
Round - Decimal Rounds a number up or down to a value with a specified precision. Value: 1.111
Digits: 1
Result: 1.1
Round Down - Decimal Rounds a value down. Value: 1.15
Digits: 1
Result: 1.1
Round Up - Decimal Rounds a value up. Value: 1.15
Digits: 1
Result: 1.2
Square - Long Gets the square of a number. Number: 2
Result: 4
Square - Decimal Gets the square of a number. Number: 1.1
Result: 1.21
Square Root - Decimal Gets the square root of a number. Number: 1.1
Result: 1.04880884817015
Square Root - Long Gets the square root of a number. Number: 100
Result: 10
Sum - List of Decimal Gets the sum of a set of values. Values: { 1.1, 2.2, 3.3 }
Result: 6.6
Sum - List of Long Gets the sum of a set of values. Values: { 1, 2, 3 }
Result: 6

The Function Wizard content varies according to the selected function:



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