Distributed Installation

A distributed installation is when more than one instance of the K2 connect Server Service or more than one Developer machine is required that may be clustered and share the same database. Each time a K2 blackpearl and K2 connect Server is added, this requires an individual K2 connect Server license. The available options for distributed installations are listed below and are divided into two categories:

  1. Multitiered: Multitiered environments may contain more than one K2 connect Server but the work load is not load balanced. The developer machines reference the same SQL Server Instance, databases and Service Object Repository.
  2. Clustered Environments: A clustered environment requires at least two K2 blackpearl Servers to be already configured in a clustered configuration. Each of the K2 blackpearl Servers will require K2 connect Servers and licenses per service instance.

For option 2, all K2 blackpearl Servers require a K2 connect Server license to ensure that the cluster configuration is able to service calls regardless of which machine handles the task. The absence of the K2 connect license on all machines will result in exceptions preventing the cluster from handling the service call.

How to configure the above environments

The tables below describe how to configure Multi tiered and Clustered environments and lists the primary components of a distributed K2 connect installation.

Installed on the K2 Server:

Server Orientated

K2 connect Server Service

The K2 connect Server Service is installed on the same machine as the K2 blackpearl Server and is licensed for use per machine.

Installed on a K2 Client Machine:

Tools - Client Orientated
K2 connect Administration Tools installed to administer K2 connect destinations.
K2 connect Client Tools Installed for Client Administration.
Service Object Designer Development tools required to develop and publish Service Objects.

Installed on the SQL Server Machine:

Data Storage
K2 connect database Installed on the SQL Server. The K2 connect database is installed once, any additional client machines would point to the same K2 connect database.

Installation Steps

Before installing K2 connect for SAP, ensure the Installation Prerequisites have been met and the manual configurations are done. Use these step by step instructions as the base for a distributed installation:

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