Nintex Forms Object Model

This topic explains the Forms Object Model.

Form Object Model Structure

The form object model is made of four associated classes that describe the form, the various form layouts, the control inventory, and placement of each control, and all of the other attributes of the form. following class diagram shows the relationship of each of the classes. You can find details of specific properties for each class below.

Form Class

The form defines the form. The form contains a name, a description, a cascading style sheet (CSS), and other form assets.

These elements include:

Name Data Type Description
AddListFormWebPartSubmitMessage Boolean Value indicating whether show grid lines.
BoundFields Type List of bound fields. Enumerator that links to the list of bound field items.
Category String The form category.
Css String The CSS.
CssUrls String The CSS URLS.
Description String The form description.
DeviceToLoad String The device to load.
ForceReplacementControls Boolean Flag indicating whether to force the use of replacement controls.
FormControls Type List of form items. Enumerator that lists of containing form control items.
FormCssClass String The CSS class.
FormLayouts Type The form layouts. Enumerator that lists containing Form Layout items.
FormType Type The type of the form. Enumerator that lists FormType items. These include:
  • ContentTypeListForm
  • ExternalListForm
  • Global
  • ListForm
  • ListWorkflowStartForm
  • ListWorkflowTaskForm
  • ReusableWorkflowStartForm
  • ReusableWorkflowTaskForm
  • SiteForm
  • WorkflowStartForm
  • WorkflowTaskForm
HasEnterpriseControl Boolean Flag indicating whether this instance has enterpriseControls.
HideConfirmSuccessDialog Boolean

Flag indicating whether show confirm/success dialog.

Icon String Value indicating the form icon URL. You can store the icon in yourSharePoint hive.


Unique id associated with this form.
IsMobileDevice Boolean Flag indicating whether this instance is mobile device.
ListFormWebPartSubmitMessage String The text for the submit message. Contains the text for the submit message.
LiveSettings Type The LiveSettings properties.
Name String Value indicating the form name.
OutcomeFieldInternalName String


PropertyDisplayExpressions Type List of display expressions. This is a dictionary type. The property display expressions.
Rules Type List of run time rules.



Contains the script.

ScriptUrls String A list of script URLs.
ShowGridLines Boolean Flag value indicating whether show grid lines.
TimeZone String Value indicating the timezone of the form in Live.
UseDefaults Boolean Value indicating whether to UseDefaults.
UseServerTimezone Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether UseServerTimezone.
UserFormVariables Type A collection of user form variables.
Version String

Version number of the form.

WakeUpWfForVars Boolean Flag indicating whether the task form to wake up the workflow to retrieve the workflow variables instead of reading them from the FormData extended property off the task item. True if task should wake up workflow, false by default.

FormLayout Class

The form layout describes particular layouts for the form. A list of the predefined layouts can be found at Form Layouts.

These elements include:

Name Data Type Description
AllFormControlLayouts Type List form control layouts. Enumerator that lists FormControlLayout items.
BackgroundColor String The color of the background.
BackgroundImageRepeat String String set with the BackgroundImageRepeat enumeration:
  • Inherit
  • NoRepeat
  • Repeat
  • RepeatX
  • RepeatY
BackgroundImageUrl String URL Location of the background image.
Bold Boolean Value indicating whether this FormLayout is bold.
DeviceName String The name of the device.
DisplayName String The name of the display.
FirstGap Integer The first gap.
FontColor String The color of the font.
FontFamily String The font family.
FontFamilyItemId String The font family item id.
FontSize String The size of the font.
FontSizeItemId String The font size item id.


The form control layouts.
GridCellHeight Integer The height of the grid cell in pixels.
GridCellWidth Integer The width of the grid cell in pixels.


The height in pixels.
HorizontalAlignment String The horizontal alignment. See "HorizontalAlign Enumeration" in MSDN to find the valid enumerations, such as center, justify, left, NotSet, and Right.
IsMobileAppLayout Boolean Value indicating whether this layout is specific to mobile app.
Italics Boolean Value indicating whether this FormLayout is italics.
LayoutCssClass String The CSS class.
RedirectUrl String The redirect URL.
ShowRibbon Boolean Value indicating whether show ribbon.
SnapToGrid Boolean Value indicating whether snap to grid.
StrikeThrough Boolean Value indicating whether [strike through].
TargetUserAgents String The target user agents.
ThemeClass String The theme class.
Title String The title.
Underline Boolean Value indicating whether this FormLayout is underline.
Width Integer The width in pixels.

FormControlLayout Class

Form controls are contained in the form. The form control layout contains a description of the an individual control layout.

These elements include:

Name Data Type Description
FormControlLayouts String The form control layouts. Collection
FormControlUniqueId Guid The form control unique id. This is the unique identifier for the control which uses a System.GUID. This is specific to the control and associates the control layout and the control properties.
FromTemplate Boolean Value indicating whether the form control has come from the template.
Height Integer The height in grid cell units.
Left Integer The position from the left of the container in units.
Top Integer The position from the top of the container in units.


The width in grid cell units.



The z-index of the control.

FormControlProperties Class

This property class defines what the designer captures for each control or form item on the form.

These elements include:

Name Data Type Description
Border String

Gets or sets the line style. The available line positions include:

Bottom: Bottom of the div.

Left: Left side of the div.

Right: Right side of the div.

Top: Top of the div.

BorderColor String The color of the line.
BorderStyle String The line style. See "BorderStyle Enumeration" in MSDN to find the valid enumerations, such as dashed, dotted, and so on.


The width of the line.
CanResizeAtRuntime Boolean The flag for can resize at run time.
ControlVersion String The version number for the control.
CssClass String The CSS class.



The display name.




The form control type unique ID. This ID is associated with each of the individual control. For a table of control IDs, see Form Control Property complex element


String The type of the form. Set with the FormType enumeration with the following values:
  • ContentTypeListForm
  • ExternalListForm
  • Global
  • ListForm
  • ListWorkflowStartForm
  • ListWorkflowTaskForm
  • ReusableWorkflowStartForm
  • ReusableWorkflowTaskForm
  • SiteForm
  • WorkflowStartForm
  • WorkflowTaskForm
InRepeater Boolean Value indicating whether the control is in a repeater.



The information messages. The property references the generic collection containing the messages, InformationMessages.


Key, Value (string)

The insert references to be applied after deserialization. References the dictionary, InsertReferences.


Key, Value (string)

The internal property bag. References the dictionary, InternalPropertyBag.



Value indicating whether the control exists in any layout. (If this flag is set then it is safe to delete the control from the list.



Value indicating whether this instance is locked.



Value indicating whether this instance is visible.



The width of the padding.



The parent form. Contains the Form type.


Key, Value (string)

The property display expressions. References the dictionary, PropertyDisplayExpressions.



The index of the tab.



The control unique id. This is specific to the control and associates the control layout and the control properties.

VariableSource String The variable source. Set with an enumeration:
  • External
  • SharePoint
  • Unspecified
  • Workflow
VerticalAlign String The width of the padding. See "VerticalAlign Enumeration" in MSDN to find the valid enumerations, such as dashed, dotted, and so on.

Device Class

This class stores the attributes that are displayed in the Manage device layout page in Nintex Forms Management management in SharePoint Central Administration.

These elements include:

Name Data Type Description
DeviceName String The internal name of the device.
DisplayInRibbon Boolean Flag to "Display in Ribbon" in "Where should the device be displayed?"
DisplayInRibbonName String The display name of in the ribbon.

Values: DisplayInOtherDevices, DisplayInRibbon, DoNotDisplay

DisplayName String The display name of the device.
DisplayNameKey String The name of the device used device details.
IconUrl String The location of the layout icon in the SharePoint hive, for example, /_layouts/15/NintexForms/images/NF_32x32_LayoutDefault.png.
IsDefaultDevice Boolean Value indicating whether this instance is default device.
IsMobileApp Boolean Value indicating whether this instance is for a mobile app.
RecommendedHeightInPixels Integer The recommended height in pixels.
RecommendedWidthInPixels Integer The recommended width in pixels.


The type of the resource, i.e.,
Nintex.Forms.Resources.Core, Nintex.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c52d764dcf7ec883



The sequence.

ShowOnPreviewRibbon Boolean Value indicating whether this instance is shown on the preview ribbon.
ShowOnRibbon Boolean Obsolete.Value indicating whether this instance is shown on ribbon.
ShowRibbon Boolean Obsolete. Value indicating whether [show ribbon].
UseTemplate Boolean Value indicating whether the device layout can be used as a template.


The user agent, such as WP7, Windows Phone, iphone, and so on.

Related information

What are Nintex Forms?

Nintex Forms architecture

Nintex Forms Object Model

Nintex Forms Life Cycle

Nintex Forms Events

Control Framework

Workflow and Forms Dataflow

Forms Filler