Botflow preferences

Use Nintex RPA LE Preferences to adjust the default preferences for privacy when creating botflows Automated steps that you can design for each bot that will run..

Example: By default, the Clear clipboard when botflow closes option is not selected. If you know you will be regularly using the clipboard when creating botflows, select Clear clipboard when botflow closes to set the option as selected by default. This will save time and provide consistent privacy when using the clipboard when creating botflows.

Set Botflow preferences

  1. Click Account from the Nintex RPA LE Menu Bar.
  2. Click Preferences in the Account Panel.
  3. The Preferences window displays.

  4. Click Botflow.
  5. The Botflow configurable fields display:


    • Never save password values: Select the check box to override saving password values.
    • Never save variable values: Select the check box to override saving variable values.
    • Clear clipboard when botflow closes: Select the check box to override saving clipboard content.

  6. Click OK to save the changes.