Expression Builder
The Expression Builder is a convenient list of various pieces of information that you can use in your botflow Automated steps that you can design for each bot that will run.. The items contained within the Expression Builder are referred to as tokens Rest method used to retrieve information from a web server..
Note: If the information you need is not available in the Expression Builder, try using the Formula action.

The Expression Builder provides two means to build expressions.
Ellipses. The Ellipses button provides access to only certain tokens that can store new information, such as a variable or data field.
Magic Wand. The Magic Wand button provides access to a list of tokens applicable to the selected action type.
In the Expression Builder window:
- Select a view from the Items list.
- Click on the desired items to be added to the expression.
- Click OK to save the expression.
The Items list displays the items applicable for the selected action type.

The Expression Builder provides access to a wide variety of information arranged in the following categories. Click a category link for additional information about that category.
Category | Description |
Information about the running instance of the application. |
Botflow | Information about the current botflow. |
Information about the local computer and the network environment. |
Fields in the currently loaded database. |
Various date and time information. |
Various system files and folders. |
Formula |
Provides access to parsing and data manipulation tools. |
Information about the image open in the Image Editor. |
Insert |
Provides a way to insert an image. (Only available when creating certain targets). |
The various mnemonic keys that can be sent to the target emulator. (Only available when creating a Send Value action.) |
Provides access to available Lists created in the botflow. |
Loop |
Information about the current loop. (Only available when inside a loop.) |
Randomly generated information. |
RPA Central | Information about the work sent from Nintex RPA Central. |
Variables found in the botflow. |

Item Name | Description | Example Value |
App Directory |
The directory from which this application is running. |
"C:\Program Files\Foxtrot Suite" |
App File |
This application's executable file name. |
"Foxtrot.exe" |
App Name |
The name of this application. |
"Nintex RPA LE" |
App Path |
This application's full file path. |
"C:\Program Files\Foxtrot Suite\Foxtrot.exe" |
App Permission Level |
The user's permission level for this application. |
"User" |
App Username |
The username currently logged into this application. |
"default user" |
App Version |
The full version number of this application. |
"v12.0.0" |
App Version (Major) |
The major version number of this application. |
"12" |
App V ersion (Minor) |
The minor version number of this application. |
"0" |
App Version (Revision) |
The revision number of this application. |
"0" |
Default Database Directory |
The user's default Database directory. |
"C:\Program Files\Foxtrot Suite" |
Default File Folder Action Directory |
The user's default File & Folder Action directory. |
"C:\Program Files\Foxtrot Suite" |
Default Botflow Directory |
The user's default Botflow directory. |
"C:\Program Files\Foxtrot Suite" |
Default Templates Directory |
The user's default Templates directory. |
"C:\Program Files\Foxtrot Suite" |
Default VBScript File Directory |
The user's default VBScript file directory. |
"C:\Program Files\Foxtrot Suite" |
Is Bot |
Indicates if this application is running in Bot mode. |
"False" |
License Directory |
The directory from which this application acquires a license. |
"C:\Program Files\Foxtrot Suite" |
Mode |
The current presentation mode of this application. |
"Full" |
Product Key |
The current product key in use. |
Session ID |
The Session ID identifying this session. |
"74" |
Session Start Time |
The time this application session started. |
"09/13/10 11:18:10" |
Support Email |
The product support email address. |
Support Phone |
The product support phone number. |
Support Website |
The product support website address. |

Item Name | Description | Example Value |
After Task Exists |
Indicates if an After Task exists. |
"True" |
After Task Name |
The name of the After Task. |
"MyAfterTask" |
Before Task Exists |
Indicates if a Before Task exists. |
"True" |
Before Task Name |
The name of the Before Task. |
"MyBeforeTask" |
Calling Task |
The name of the calling Task. |
"New Task" |
Current Record Number |
The current record number in the current database. |
"40" |
Current Task Name |
The name of the current Task. |
"New Task" |
Database Directory |
The current Database's folder location. |
"C:\Program Files\Foxtrot Suite" |
Database File |
The current Database's file name. |
"TestData.dbf" |
Database Path |
The current Database's full file path. |
"C:\Program Files\Foxtrot Suite\TestData.dbf" |
Error Loc Line No |
The line number in the task where the last error occurred in the Botflow. |
"3" |
Error Loc Task Name |
The name of the task where the last error occurred in the Botflow. |
"New Task" |
Error Task Exists |
Indicates if an Error Task exists. |
"True" |
Error Task Name |
The name of the current Error Task. |
"ErrHandler" |
Is After Task On |
Indicates if the After Task is turned on. |
"True" |
Is Before Task On |
Indicates if the Before Task is turned on. |
"True" |
Is Current Record Off |
Indicates if the current record is turned off. |
"False" |
Is Current Record On |
Indicates if the current record is turned on. |
"True" |
Is Ignore Breakpoints |
Indicates if the botflow is ignoring breakpoints. |
"False" |
Is Running |
Indicates if the botflow is running. |
"False" |
Is Silent |
Indicates if the botflow is running in Silent mode. |
"False" |
Botflow Directory |
The current botflow's folder location. |
"C:\Program Files\Foxtrot Suite" |
Botflow File |
The current botflow's file name. |
"MyBotflow.rpa" |
Botflow Name |
The name of the current Botflow. |
"MyBotflow" |
Botflow Path |
The current botflow's full file path. |
"C:\Program Files\Foxtrot Suite\MyBotflow.rpa" |
Records Remaining |
The number of remaining records in the current database. |
"11" |
Run Speed |
The current run speed setting (1-12). |
"5" |
Startup Task Name |
The name of the current Startup Task. |
"New Task" |
Total Off Records |
The total number of off records in the current database. |
"10" |
Total On Records |
The total number of on records in the current database. |
"40" |
Total Records |
The total number of records in the current database. |
"50" |

Displays information about the local computer and the network environment.
Item Name | Description | Example Value |
Computer Name |
The computer name. |
"MYPC" |
Computer Up Time |
The computer up time in dd:hh:mm:ss format. |
"3:9:31:33" |
Core Count |
The total number of cores on the workstation. |
"2" |
Domain Name |
The domain name. |
IE Name |
The name of Internet Explorer installed on this computer. |
"Internet Explorer 11" |
IE Version |
The version of Internet Explorer installed on this computer. |
"11.0.9600.18376" |
Is Caps Lock On |
Indicates if the Caps Lock is turned on. |
"False" |
Is Local Admin |
Indicates if the user is a local administrator. |
"False" |
Is Muted |
Indicates if the computer speakers are muted. |
"False" |
Is Num Lock On |
Indicates if the Number Lock is turned on. |
"True" |
Is Scroll Lock On |
Indicates if the Scroll Lock is turned on. |
"False" |
Is Workstation Locked |
Indicates if the workstation is locked. |
"False" |
Local IP Address |
The IP address of the local computer. |
"" |
Local IPv6 Address |
The IPv6 address of the local computer. |
"fe80::112a:dee3:5dd7:9eda%11" |
Monitor Count |
The number of monitors on the local computer. |
"2" |
OS Bitness |
The bitness of the operating system installed on this computer. |
"64" |
OS Name |
The name of the operating system installed on this computer. |
"Windows 10 Professional" |
OS Version |
The version of the operating system installed on this computer. |
"5.1.2600.196608" |
Screen Resolution |
The primary screen resolution. |
"1920x1080" |
Screen Resolution Height |
The primary screen resolution height. |
"1080" |
Screen Resolution Width |
The primary screen resolution width. |
"1920" |
Volume |
The current computer volume level (0-100) |
"80" |
Windows Clipboard Value |
The current Windows clipboard value. |
"test" |
Windows Username |
The current Windows username. |
"jdoe" |

The Data view displays the fields in your database. If no database is loaded, this list will be blank.

Item Name | Description | Example Value |
Date |
Current date. |
"12/6/2016" |
DateTime Stamp |
Current date and time. |
"12/6/2016 9:04:52 AM" |
Day |
Current day number. |
"2" |
Day (Zero-Filled) |
Current day number, zero-filled. |
"02" |
Day Abbreviation |
Current day abbreviation. |
"Tue" |
Day Name |
Current day name. |
"Tuesday" |
Day of Week |
Current week day number. |
"3" |
First Week Day Abbreviation In Month |
First week day abbreviation in the current month. |
"Mon" |
First Week Day Date In Month |
First week day date in the current month. |
"12/01/2016" |
First Week Day In Month |
First week day number in the current month. |
"1" |
First Week Day Name In Month |
First week day name in the current month. |
"Monday" |
First Weekend Day Abbreviation In Month |
First weekend day abbreviation in the current month. |
"Sat" |
First Weekend Day Date In Month |
First weekend day date in the current month. |
"10/04/2014" |
First Weekend Day In Month |
First weekend day number in the current month. |
"6" |
First Weekend Day Name In Month |
First weekend day name in the current month. |
"Saturday" |
Hour |
Current hour (1-12). |
"9" |
Hour (Military) |
Current military hour (0-23). |
"9" |
Hour (Military, Zero-Filled) |
Current military hour (0-23), zero-filled. |
"09" |
Hour (Zero-Filled) |
Current hour (1-12), zero-filled. |
"09" |
Is First Full Week In Month |
Indicates if this week is the first full week in the current month. |
"False" |
Is First Week Day In Month |
Indicates if today is the first week day in the current month. |
"False" |
Is First Week In Month |
Indicates if this week is the first week in the current month. |
"False" |
Is First Weekend Day In Month |
Indicates if today is the first weekend day in the current month. |
"False" |
Is Friday |
Indicates if the current day is Friday. |
"False" |
Is Full Week In Month |
Indicates if the current week is a full week in the current month. |
"True" |
Is Last Full Week In Month |
Indicates if this week is the last full week in the current month. |
"False" |
Is Last Week Day In Month |
Indicates if today is the last week day in the current month. |
"False" |
Is Last Week In Month |
Indicates if this week is the last week in the current month. |
"False" |
Is Last Weekend Day In Month |
Indicates if today is the last weekend day in the current month. |
"False" |
Is Leap Year |
Indicates if the current year is a leap year. |
"False" |
Is Monday |
Indicates if the current day is Monday. |
"True" |
Is Saturday |
Indicates if the current day is Saturday. |
"False" |
Is Sunday |
Indicates if the current day is Sunday. |
"False" |
Is Thursday |
Indicates if the current day is Thursday. |
"False" |
Is Tuesday |
Indicates if the current day is Tuesday. |
"False" |
Is Wednesday |
Indicates if the current day is Wednesday. |
"False" |
Is Week Day |
Indicates if the current day is a week day (Mon-Fri). |
"True" |
Is Weekend Day |
Indicates if the current day is a weekend day (Sat-Sun). |
"False" |
Last Week Day Abbreviation In Month |
Last week day abbreviation in the current month. |
"Tue" |
Last Week Day Date In Month |
Last week day date in the current month. |
"10/01/2014" |
Last Week Day In Month |
Last week day number in the current month. |
"30" |
Last Week Day Name In Month |
Last week day name in the current month. |
"Tuesday" |
Last Weekend Day Abbreviation In Month |
Last weekend day abbreviation in the current month. |
"Sun" |
Last Weekend Day Date In Month |
Last weekend day date in the current month. |
"10/26/2014" |
Last Weekend Day In Month |
Last weekend day number in the current month. |
"28" |
Last Weekend Day Name In Month |
Last weekend day name in the current month. |
"Sunday" |
Millisecond |
Current millisecond. |
"46" |
Millisecond (Zero-Filled) |
Current millisecond, zero-filled. |
"046" |
Minute |
Current minute. |
"4" |
Minute (Zero-Filled) |
Current minute, zero-filled. |
"04" |
Month |
Current month number. |
"2" |
Month (Zero-Filled) |
Current month number, zero-filled. |
"02" |
Month Abbreviation |
Current month abbreviation |
"Feb" |
Month Friday Count |
The number of Fridays in the current month. |
"4" |
Month Monday Count |
The number of Mondays in the current month. |
"5" |
Month Name |
Current month name. |
"February" |
Month Saturday Count |
The number of Saturdays in the current month. |
"4" |
Month Sunday Count |
The number of Sundays in the current month. |
"4" |
Month Thursday Count |
The number of Thursdays in the current month. |
"4" |
Month Total Days |
Total days in the current month. |
"30" |
Month Total Full Weeks |
Total full weeks in the current month. |
"3" |
Month Total Week Days |
The total number of week days in the current month. |
"22" |
Month Total Weekend Days |
The total number of weekend days in the current month. |
"8" |
Month Total Weeks |
Total weeks in the current month. |
"5" |
Month Tuesday Count |
The number of Tuesdays in the current month. |
"5" |
Month Wednesday Count |
The number of Wednesdays in the current month. |
"4" |
Month Week |
Current week number in the month. |
"1" |
Next Leap Year |
Next leap year after the current year. |
"2016" |
Next Leap Year Abbreviation |
Next leap year abbreviation after the current year. |
"16" |
Next Month |
Next month number. |
"3" |
Next Month (Zero-Filled) |
Next month number, zero-filled. |
"03" |
Next Month Abbreviation |
Next month abbreviation. |
"Mar" |
Next Month Name |
Next month name. |
"March" |
Next Month Total Days |
Total days in next month. |
"31" |
Next Month Total Full Weeks |
Total full weeks in next month. |
"3" |
Next Month Total Week Days |
The total number of week days in next month. |
"23" |
Next Month Total Weekend Days |
The total number of weekend days in next month. |
"8" |
Next Month Total Weeks |
Total weeks in next month. |
"5" |
Next Month Year |
Next month's year. |
"2014" |
Next Month Year Abbreviation |
Next month's year abbreviation. |
"14" |
Next Quarter |
Next quarter. |
"1" |
Next Week Day Abbreviation |
Next week day abbreviation. |
"Thu" |
Next Week Day Date |
Next week day date. |
"9/18/2014" |
Next Week Day Name |
Next week day name. |
"Thursday" |
Next Weekend Day Abbreviation |
Next weekend day abbreviation. |
"Sat" |
Next Weekend Day Date |
Next weekend day date. |
"9/20/2014" |
Next Weekend Day Name |
Next weekend day name. |
"Saturday" |
Next Year |
Next year. |
"2014" |
Next Year Abbreviation |
Next year abbreviation. |
"14" |
Previous Leap Year |
Previous leap year before the current year. |
"2012" |
Previous Leap Year Abbreviation |
Previous leap year abbreviation before the current year. |
"12" |
Previous Month |
Previous month number. |
"1" |
Previous Month (Zero-Filled) |
Previous month number, zero-filled. |
"01" |
Previous Month Abbreviation |
Previous month abbreviation. |
"Jan" |
Previous Month Name |
Previous month name. |
"January" |
Previous Month Total Days |
Total days in the previous month. |
"31" |
Previous Month Total Full Weeks |
Total full weeks in the previous month. |
"4" |
Previous Month Total Week Days |
The total number of week days in the previous month. |
"21" |
Previous Month Total Weekend Days |
The total number of weekend days in the previous month. |
"10" |
Previous Month Total Weeks |
Total weeks in the previous month. |
"6" |
Previous Month Year |
Previous month's year. |
"2013" |
Previous Month Year Abbreviation |
Previous month's year abbreviation. |
"13" |
Previous Quarter |
Previous quarter. |
"3" |
Previous Week Day Abbreviation |
Previous week day abbreviation. |
"Tue" |
Previous Week Day Date |
Previous week day date. |
"9/16/2014" |
Previous Week Day Name |
Previous week day name. |
"Tuesday" |
Previous Weekend Day Abbreviation |
Previous weekend day abbreviation. |
"Sun" |
Previous Weekend Day Date |
Previous weekend day date. |
"9/14/2014" |
Previous Weekend Day Name |
Previous weekend day name. |
"Sunday" |
Previous Year |
Previous year. |
"2012" |
Previous Year Abbreviation |
Previous year abbreviation. |
"12" |
Quarter |
Current quarter. |
"4" |
Quarter Month |
Current month number in the quarter. |
"3" |
Quarter Week |
Current week number in the quarter. |
"4" |
Second |
Current second. |
"52" |
Second (Zero-Filled) |
Current second, zero-filled. |
"52" |
Time |
Current time. |
"9:04:52 AM" |
Time (Military) |
Current military time. |
"09:04:52" |
Tomorrow |
Tomorrow's day number. |
"7" |
Tomorrow (Zero-Filled) |
Tomorrow's day number, zero-filled. |
"07" |
Tomorrow Abbreviation |
Tomorrow's day abbreviation. |
"Wed" |
Tomorrow Date |
Tomorrow's date. |
"9/18/2014" |
Tomorrow Day of Week |
Tomorrow's week day number. |
"4" |
Tomorrow Name |
Tomorrow's day name. |
"Wednesday" |
Year |
Current year. |
"2007" |
Year Abbreviation |
Current year abbreviation. |
"07" |
Year Half |
Current half of the year (1-2). |
"2" |
Year Total Days |
Total days in the current year. |
"365" |
Year Total Full Weeks |
Total full weeks in the current year. |
"41" |
Year Total Weeks |
Total weeks in the current year. |
"52" |
Year Week |
Current week number in the year. |
"47" |
Yesterday |
Yesterday's day number. |
"5" |
Yesterday (Zero-Filled) |
Yesterday's day number, zero-filled. |
"05" |
Yesterday Abbreviation |
Yesterday's day abbreviation. |
"Mon" |
Yesterday Date |
Yesterday's date. |
"9/16/2014" |
Yesterday Day of Week |
Yesterday's week day number. |
"3" |
Yesterday Name | Yesterday's day name. | "Tuesday" |

Any Folders Token that returns a folder path will always end with a \ character.
Item Name | Description | Example Value |
AppData Directory |
The Windows user's local AppData directory. |
"C:\Users\jdoe\AppData\Local\" |
Common Start Menu Directory |
The common Start Menu directory for all Windows users. |
"C:\Documents and Settings\All |
Common Startup Directory |
The common Startup directory for all Windows users. |
"C:\Documents and Settings\All |
Contacts Directory |
The Windows user's Contacts directory. |
"C:\Users\jdoe\Contacts\" |
Desktop Directory |
The Windows user's Desktop directory. |
"C:\Documents and Settings\jdoe\Desktop\" |
Downloads Directory |
The Windows user's Downloads directory. |
"C:\Users\jdoe\Downloads\" |
Favorites Directory |
The Windows user's Favorites directory. |
"C:\Documents and Settings\jdoe\Favorites\" |
Fonts Directory |
The Windows Fonts directory. |
"C:\Windows\Fonts\" |
Links Directory |
The Windows user's Links directory. |
"C:\Users\jdoe\Links\" |
My Documents Directory |
The Windows user's My Documents directory. |
"C:\Documents and Settings\jdoe\My Documents\" |
My Music Directory |
The Windows user's My Music directory. |
"C:\Users\jdoe\Music\" |
My Pictures Directory |
The Window user's My Pictures directory. |
"C:\Users\jdoe\Pictures\" |
My Videos Directory |
The Window user's My Videos directory. |
"C:\Users\jdoe\Videos\" |
Recent Directory |
The Windows user's Recent Documents directory. |
"C:\Documents and Settings\jdoe\Recent\" |
Start Menu Directory |
The Windows user's Start Menu directory. |
"C:\Documents and Settings\jdoe\Start Menu\" |
Startup Directory |
The Windows user's Startup directory. |
"C:\Documents and Settings\jdoe\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" |
System Directory |
The Windows System directory. |
"C:\Windows\System32\" |
Temp Directory |
The Windows Temporary directory. |
"C:\Documents and Settings\jdoe\Local Settings\Temp\" |
Windows Directory |
The Windows directory. |
"C:\Windows\" |

Function name | Description | Parameters | Example |
CBool |
Returns an expression that has been converted to a Boolean. |
Any valid expression |
Expression: 1=1 Result: True |
CByte |
Returns an expression that has been converted to a byte. |
Any valid expression |
Expression: 125.6 Result: 126 |
CCur |
Returns an expression that has been converted to currency. |
Any valid expression |
Expression: 1225.2343232 Result: 1225.2343 |
CDate |
Returns an expression that has been converted to a date. |
Any valid date |
December 7, 2022 Result: 12/7/2022 |
CDbl |
Returns an expression that has been converted to a double. The values for a Double range from 2.2*10-308 to 1.8-10308. |
Any valid expression |
Expression: 3.1459265358979323846264 Result: 3.1459265358979 |
CInt |
Returns an expression that has been converted to an integer. |
Any valid expression |
Expression: 3.14159 Result: 3 |
CLng |
Returns an expression that has been converted to a long. The values for a Long range from -2147483647 to 2147483647. |
Any valid expression |
Expression: 2.6 Result: 3 |
CSng |
Returns an expression that has been converted to a single. |
Any valid expression |
Expression: 75.342115 Result: 75.34211 |
CStr |
Returns an expression that has been converted to a string. |
Any valid expression |
Expression: 123123 Result: 123123 |
Hex |
Returns the hexadecimal value of a number. |
Any valid expression |
Expression: 1870 Result: 74E |
Oct |
Returns the octal value of a number. |
Any valid expression |
Expression: 123 Result: 173 |

Function name | Description | Parameters | Example |
Date |
Returns the current system date. |
None | Today's date, for example: 3/5/2023 |
DateAdd |
Returns a date to which a specified time interval has been added. |
Interval: A string expression that is the interval you want to add. Number: A numeric expression that is the number of intervals you want to add. Date: The date to which the interval is added. |
Interval: d (Day) Number: 2148 Date: 6/18/1815 Result: 5/5/1821
DateDiff |
Returns the number of intervals between two dates. |
Interval: A string expression that is the interval you want to use to calculate the difference between Date1 and Date2. Date1: The first (or earlier) date to compare. Date2: The second (or later) date to compare. |
Interval: d (Day) Date1: 6/18/1815 Date2: 5/5/1821 Result: 2148 |
DatePart |
Returns the specified part of a given date. |
Interval: A string expression that is the interval of time you want to return. Date: The date expression you want to evaluate. FirstDayofYear (optional): The number representing the first day of the week. FirstWeekof Year (optional): The number representing the first week of the year. |
Interval: d (Day) Date: 4/20/1889 Result: 110 |
DateSerial |
Returns the date for a specified year, month, and day. |
Year: A number between 1000 and 9999 representing the year. Month: A number between 1 and 12 representing the month. Day: A number between 1 and 31 representing the day. |
Year: 1945 Month: 8 Day: 6 Result: 8/6/1945 |
DateValue |
Returns a date. |
Date: A string expression representing a date from January 1, 1000, through December 31, 9999. |
Date: July 20, 2023 Result: 7/20/2023 |
Day |
Returns a number (1-31) representing the day of the month. |
Date: A string expression representing a date. |
Date: August 9, 2023 Result: 9 |
DayZeroFilled |
Returns a zero-filled number (01-31) representing the day of the month. |
Date: A string expression representing a date. |
Date: August 9, 2023 Result: 09 |
FormatDateTime |
Returns an expression formatted as a date or time. |
Date: A date expression to be formatted. FormatNumber (optional): A number indicating the date/time format. |
May 6, 2024 FormatNumber: 0 (Default) Result: 5/6/2024 |
Hour |
Returns a number that represents the hour of the day (between 0 and 23). |
DateTime: A date/time from which the hour will be extracted. |
DateTime: 12:10:13 June 28, 2025 Result: 12 |
Minute |
Returns a whole number (between 0 and 59) representing the minute of the hour. |
Time: Any expression that can represent time. |
Time: 10/25/2025 9:36:41 AM Result: 36 |
Month |
Returns a number (1-12) representing the month of the year. |
Date: Any expression that can represent a date. |
Month: 10/25/2025 9:36:41 AM Result: 10 |
MonthName |
Returns the name of a specified month. |
Month: The numeric designation of the month. Abbreviate (optional): A Boolean value that indicates if the month name is to be abbreviated. |
MonthName: 10 Abbreviate: False (Default) Result: October |
MonthZeroFilled |
Returns a zero-filled number (01-12) representing the month of the year. |
Date: Any expression that can represent a date. |
Month: 7/25/2025 9:36:41 AM Result: 07 |
Now |
Returns the current system date and time. |
None | Result: 3/5/2025 3:25:17 PM |
Second |
Returns a whole number (between 0 and 59) representing the second of the minute. |
Time: Any expression that can represent a time. |
Time: 10/25/2025 1:01:22 PM Result: 22 |
Time |
Returns the current system time. |
None | Result: 3:26:47 PM |
TimeSerial |
Returns the time for a specific hour, minute, and second. |
Hour: A number between 0 and 23. Minute: A number between 0 and 59. Second: A number between 0 and 59. |
Hour: 12 Minute: 20 Second: 49 Result: 12:20:49 PM |
Weekday |
Returns a whole number representing the day of the week (between 1 and 7). |
Date: Any expression that can represent a date. FirstDayofWeek (optional): A number specifying the first day of the week. |
Date: December 7, 1941 FirstDayofWeek: 0 (Default) Result: 1 |
WeekdayName |
Returns the weekday name of a specified day of the week. |
Weekday: A number between 1 and 7 indicating the day of the week. Abbreviate (optional): A Boolean value that indicates if the weekday name is to be abbreviated. |
Weekday: 3 Abbreviate: False (Default) Result: Tuesday |
Year |
Returns a number that represents the year. |
Date: Any expression that can represent a date. |
Date: March 4, 2026 Result: 2026 |
ZeroFillDate |
Returns a date in number format with each interval zero filled. |
Date: The date that will be zero filled. Separator (optional): The separator used to separate the individual date components. Year Format (optional): If True, the year will be returned in zero-filled two-year format. If False, the four-year value will be returned. Force Century (optional): The specific century to use for the year. |
Date: 7/4/23 Result: 07/04/23 |
Special Parameters:

Function name | Description | Parameters | Example |
And |
Returns True if all items evaluate as True. |
Item 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: A value to check. (Items 3-5 are optional.) The value should be expressed as True or False. |
Item 1: True Item 2: True Result: True |
Contains |
Returns True if the provided value is found in the text. |
Text: The value to search. Find: The value to find. Ignore case (optional): If True, the comparison will ignore the case. The default is False. |
Text: Orlando, FL Find: FL Result: True |
ContainsAlpha |
Returns True if the provided value contains an alpha character (A-Z or a-z). |
Expression: Any expression that may contain an alpha character. |
Expression: 123 Result: False |
ContainsLCase |
Returns True if the provided value contains at least one lowercase character (a-z). |
Value: Any expression that may contain an alpha character. |
Value: ABC Result: False |
ContainsNumber |
Returns True if the provided value contains at least one number. |
Value: Any expression that may contain a number. |
Value: ABC1 Result: True |
ContainsUCase |
Returns True if the provided value contains at least one uppercase character (A-Z). |
Value: Any expression that may contain an alpha character. |
Value: ABC1 Result: True |
False |
Returns the logical value False. |
None | Result: False |
If |
Checks whether a condition is met, and returns one value if True, and another value if False. |
Condition: The value that is to be evaluated. This value will be True or False, depending on a Token or Formula On Hold. True Value: The value that will be returned if the condition is True. False Value: The value that will be returned if the condition is False. |
Condition: True True Value: 12 False Value: 5 Result: 12 |
IsBlank |
Returns True if the provided value is empty (no characters or spaces). |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: "" Results: True |
IsBlankOrSpaces |
Returns True if the provided value is empty or contains only spaces. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: " " Results: True |
IsDate |
Returns True if the provided value is a Date. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: January 21, 2023 Result: True |
IsEqual |
Returns True if Item A and Item B are equal. |
Item A: The first value to use in the comparison. Item B: The second value used in the comparison. |
Item A: 1 Item B: 2 Result: False |
IsEven |
Returns True if the provided value is an even number. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: 6 Result: True |
IsGreater |
Returns True if Item A is greater than Item B. Non-numeric values are compared as Text. |
Item A: The first value to use in the comparison. Item B: The second value used in the comparison. |
Item A: 3 Item B: 2 Result: True |
IsGreaterOrEqual |
Returns True if Item A is greater than or equal to Item B. Non-numeric values are compared as Text. |
Item A: The first value to use in the comparison. Item B: The second value used in the comparison. |
Item A: 3 Item B: 3 Result: True |
IsLCase |
Returns True if all alpha characters in the provided value are lowercase. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: abc Result: True |
IsLess |
Returns True if Item A is less than Item B. Non-numeric values are compared as Text. |
Item A: The first value to use in the comparison. Item B: The second value used in the comparison. |
Item A: 3 Item B: 2 Result: False |
IsLessOrEqual |
Returns True if Item A is less than or equal to Item B. Non-numeric values are compared as Text. |
Item A: The first value to use in the comparison. Item B: The second value used in the comparison. |
Item A: 2 Item B: 3 Result: True |
IsNegative |
Returns True if the provided value is less than zero. Non-numeric values will return False. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: -1 Result: True |
IsNotEqual |
Returns True if Item A and Item B are not equal. |
Item A: The first value to use in the comparison. Item B: The second value used in the comparison. |
Item A: 1 Item B: 2 Result: True |
IsNumeric |
Returns True if the provided value is a number. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: 123 Result: True |
IsOdd |
Returns True if the provided value is an odd number. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: 3 Result: True |
IsPositive |
Returns True if the provided value is greater than or equal to zero. Non-numeric values will return False. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: 1 Result: True |
IsProper |
Returns True if the provided value is proper cased. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: My Name is Bob Result: True |
IsQuoteWrapped |
Returns True if the provided value is quote wrapped. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: "This value is quote wrapped" Result: True |
IsSpaces |
Returns True if the provided value contains one or more space characters only. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: " " Result: True |
IsUCase |
Returns True if all alpha characters in the provided value are uppercase. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: ABC Result: True |
IsWeekDay |
Returns True if the provided value is a week day (Mon-Fri). |
Value: The value to check. |
1/1/1901 Result: True |
IsWeekendDay |
Returns True if the provided value is a weekend day (Sat-Sun). |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: 1/1/1901 Result: False |
IsWholeNumber |
Returns True if the provided value is a whole number. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: 1.1 Result: False |
IsZero |
Returns True if the provided value is zero. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: 0 Result: True |
None |
Returns True if all items are False. |
Item 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: A value to check. (Items 3-5 are optional.) To include more than five parameters, put this Formula On Hold, chose the same Formula, and use the value On Hold as the first parameter. |
Item 1: False Item 2: False Result: True |
Not |
Changes False to True, or True to False. |
Value: The value to check. |
Value: False Result: True |
Or |
Returns True if one or more items evaluate as True. |
Item 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: A value to check. (Items 3-5 are optional.) To include more than five parameters, put this Formula On Hold, chose the same Formula, and use the value On Hold as the first parameter. |
Item 1: False Item 2: True Result: True |
True |
Returns the logical value True. |
None | Result: True |

Function name | Description | Parameters | Example |
Abs |
Returns the absolute value of a number. |
Number: Any valid numeric expression. |
Number: -50.3
Add |
Returns the sum of 2 or more numbers. |
Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: A number to include in the sum. (Numbers 3-5 are optional.) To include more than five parameters, put this Formula On Hold, chose the same Formula, and use the value On Hold as the first parameter. Precision (optional): The number of decimal places (0-16) to round the return value. |
Number 1: 1 Number 2: 2 Number 3: 3 Result: 6 |
Atn |
Returns the arctangent of a specified number. |
Number: Any valid numeric expression |
Number: 4 Result: 1.32581766366803 |
Average |
Returns the average mean of the provided numbers. |
Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: A numeric value to be included in the average. (Numbers 3-6 are optional.) |
Number 1: 10 Number 2: 30 Result: 20 |
Cos |
Returns the cosine of an angle. |
Number: Any valid numeric expression. |
Number: 45 Result: 0.52532198881773 |
Divide |
Returns the quotient of two or more numbers. |
Number 1: The first number that will be divided into. Number 2: The number to divide into number 1. Number 3 (optional): The number to divide into the results of the first division. Number 4 (optional): The number to divide into the results of the second division. Number 5 (optional): The number to divide into the results of the third division. To include more than five parameters, put this Formula On Hold, chose the same Formula, and use the value On Hold as the first parameter. Precision (The number of decimal places (0-16) to round the return value. |
Number 1: 3 Number 2: 2 Result: 1.5 |
Exp |
Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power. |
Number: Any valid numeric expression. |
Number: 1.23 Result: 3.42122953628967 |
FormatCurrency |
Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel. |
Number: The number to be formatted as currency. DecimalPlaces (optional): A number indicating how many places to the right of the decimal should be returned. IncludeZero (optional): A number indicating whether or not to include a leading zero. Parens (optional): A number indicating whether or not to use parenthesis for negative numbers. Group (optional): A number indicating whether or not to group numbers. |
Number: 1234.40 Result: $1,234.40 |
FormatNumber |
Returns an expression formatted as a number. |
Number: The number to be formatted as currency. DecimalPlaces (optional): A number indicating how many places to the right of the decimal should be returned. IncludeZero (optional): A number indicating whether or not to include a leading zero. Parens (optional): A number indicating whether or not to use parenthesis for negative numbers. Group (optional): A number indicating whether or not to group numbers. |
Number: 1234.323432 DecimalPlaces: 3 Result: 1,234.323 |
FormatPercent |
Returns an expression formatted as a percentage. |
Number: The number to be formatted as currency. DecimalPlaces (optional): A number indicating how many places to the right of the decimal should be returned. IncludeZero (optional): A number indicating whether or not to include a leading zero. Parens (optional): A number indicating whether or not to use parenthesis for negative numbers. Group (optional): A number indicating whether or not to group numbers. |
Number: .233 Result: 22.30% |
Int |
Returns the integer part of a specified number. |
Number: Any valid numeric expression. |
Number: 121.1456 Result: 121 |
Log |
Returns the natural logarithm of a number. |
Number: Any valid numeric expression greater than 0. |
Number: 23 Result: 3.13549421592915 |
Max |
Returns the largest of the provided numbers. |
Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: A numeric value to be compared. (Numbers 3-6 are optional.) To include more than five parameters, put this Formula On Hold, chose the same Formula, and use the value On Hold as the first parameter. |
Number 1: 5 Number 2: 10 Result: 10 |
Median |
Sorts the provided numbers from smallest to largest and returns the middle value. |
Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: A numeric value to be compared. (Numbers 3-6 are optional.) |
Number 1: 13 Number 2: 51 Number 3: 4 Result: 13 |
Min |
Returns the smallest of the provided numbers. |
Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: A numeric value to be compared. (Numbers 3-6 are optional.) To include more than five parameters, put this Formula On Hold, chose the same Formula, and use the value On Hold as the first parameter. |
Number 1: 5 Number 2: 10 Result: 5 |
Multiply |
Returns the product of two or more numbers. |
Number 1: A starting number for the multiplication. Number 2, 3, 4, 5: A number to multiply by. (Numbers 3-5 are optional.) To include more than five parameters, put this Formula On Hold, chose the same Formula, and use the value On Hold as the first parameter. Precision: The number of decimal places (0-16) to round the return value. |
Number 1: 3 Number 2: 2 Result: 6 |
Pi |
Returns the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. |
Decimal Places: (The number (0-14) of desired decimal places. |
Decimal Places: 2 Result: 3.14 |
Power |
Returns a number raised to the specified power. |
Number: The number to be raised to a power. Power: The number that specifies a power. Precision (optional): The number of decimal places (0-15) to round the return value. |
Number: 2 Result: 8 |
Range |
Returns the difference between the highest and lowest numbers provided. |
Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: A numeric value to be compared. (Numbers 3-6 are optional.) |
Number 1: 3 Number 2: 1 Number 3: 7 Result: 6 |
Remainder |
Returns the remainder of the quotient of two numbers. |
Number 1: The beginning number to divide. Number 2: The number to divide into Number 1. Precision (optional): The number of decimal places (0-16) to round the return value. |
Number 1: 3 Number 2: 2 Result 1 |
Rnd |
Returns a random number less than 1 but greater than or equal to 0. |
Number: A seed number for the random number generator. |
Number: 123 Result: 0.2895625
Round |
Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places. |
Number: A numeric expression to be rounded. DecimalPlaces: A number indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are included in the rounding. |
Number: 123.3432 DecimalPlaces: 2 Results: 123.34 |
RoundDown |
Returns a number rounded down to a specified number of decimal places. |
Number: A numeric expression to be rounded. DecimalPlaces: A number indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are included in the rounding. |
Number: 123.3432 DecimalPlaces: 2 Results: 123.34 |
RoundUp |
Returns a number rounded up to a specified number of decimal places. |
Number: A numeric expression to be rounded. DecimalPlaces: A number indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are included in the rounding. |
Number: 123.3432 DecimalPlaces: 2 Results: 123.35 |
Sgn |
Returns an integer indicating the sign of a number. |
Number: Any valid numeric expression. |
Number: -5 Result: -1 |
Sin |
Returns the sine of an angle. |
Number: Any valid numeric expression that expresses an angle in radians. |
Number: 3 Result: 0.141120008059867 |
Sqr |
Returns the square root of a number. |
Number: Any valid numeric expression greater than or equal to 0. |
Number: 22 Result: 4.69041575982343 |
Subtract |
Returns the difference of two or more numbers. |
Number 1: A starting number for the subtraction. Number 2, 3, 4, 5: A number to subtract. (Numbers 3-5 are optional.) To include more than five parameters, put this Formula On Hold, chose the same Formula, and use the value On Hold as the first parameter. Precision (optional): The number of decimal places (0-16) to round the return value. |
Number 1: 3 Number 2: 2 Result: 1 |
Tan |
Returns the tangent of an angle. |
Number: Any valid numeric expression that expresses an angle in radians. |
Number: 1.3 Result: 3.60210244796798 |
ZeroFill |
Returns a string filled with 0 to a certain length. |
Number: A string expression to be zero filled. Length: A number indicating the total length of the result. |
Number: 9 Length: 2 Result: 09 |

Function name | Description | Parameters | Example |
Asc |
Returns the ANSI character code corresponding to the first letter in a string. |
Text: Any valid text expression. If the text contains no characters, an error occurs. |
Text: a Result: 97 |
Between |
Returns the text found between two values. |
Original Text: The original text to be searched. Start Value: The value marking the beginning of (but not included in) the text to keep. End Value: The value marking the end (but not included in) the text to keep. Start Position (optional): The character number (from the left) for the search of the Start Value (default is 1). Left to Right (optional): If True (default), the text will be searched from left to right for the End Value. |
Original Text: MyText Start Value: My End Value: xt Result: Te |
BetweenRev |
Working backwards, returns the text found between two values. |
Original Text: The original text to be searched. Start Value: The value marking the beginning of (but not included in) the text to keep. End Value: The value marking the end (but not included in) the text to keep. Start Position (optional): The character number (from the left) for the search of the Start Value (default is 1). Left to Right (optional): If True (default), the text will be searched from left to right for the End Value. |
Original Text: MyText Start Value: x End Value: My Result: Te |
Chr |
Returns the character associated with the specific ANSI character code. |
CharCode: A number that identifies a character (1-255). |
CharCode: 66 Result: B |
Clean |
Removes all hidden and non-printable characters that prevent a formula from evaluating properly. |
Item A: Any valid text expression. If the text contains no characters in it, an error occurs. Replace With (optional): The characters with which to replace the hidden and non-printable characters (the default is null, thus removing Item A from the expression). |
Item A: (If the formula results display as N/A, you may want to use the Clean formula to remove all non-printable characters.) |
Drop |
Drops a specific number of characters from the beginning or end of a string. |
Text: The text to manipulate. Drop Count: The number of characters to drop. Right (optional): True (default) if characters should be dropped from the right side of the string. |
Text: MyBook Drop Count: 4 Result: My |
InStr |
Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another. The search begins at the first character of the string. |
Start: The position where the search will begin (default is 1). String1: The string expression to be examined. String2: The string expression searched for. CompareAs (optional): A numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating - 0 for binary and 1 (default) for textual. |
Start: 1 String1: MyText String2: Text Result: 3 |
InStrRev |
Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another. The search begins at the last character of the string. |
String1: The string expression to be examined. String2: The string expression searched for. CompareAs (optional): A numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating. |
String1: MyText String2: Text Result: 3 |
IsAlpha |
Returns True if all characters in the provided value are alpha characters (A-Z, a-z, or space). |
Text: Any valid text expression. |
Text: MyText3 Result: False |
IsAlphaNumeric |
Returns True if all characters in the provided value are alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, or space). |
String: Any valid string expression. |
String: MyText3 Result: True |
Join |
Joins items together to form a line of text. |
String 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: The string to join. (Strings 3-5 are optional.) To include more than five parameters, put this Formula On Hold, chose the same Formula, and use the value On Hold as the first parameter. |
String 1: abc String 2: def String 3: ghi Result: abcdefghi |
LCase |
Converts text to lowercase. |
Text: Any valid string expression. |
Text: MyText Result: mytext |
Left |
Returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string. |
String: A string expression from which the leftmost characters are returned. Length: A number indicating how many characters to return. |
String: MyText Length: 2 Result: My |
LeftOf |
Returns the text to the left of a specified value. |
Original Text: The original text to be searched. End Value: The value marking the end (but not included in) the text to keep. Start Position (optional): The starting position of the search (left to right; default is 1). Left to Right (optional): If True (default), the text will be searched from left to right for the End Value. |
Original Text: MyText End Value: Text Result: My |
Len |
Returns the number of characters in a string. |
String: Any valid string expression. |
String: MyText Result: 6 |
LTrim |
Removes spaces on the left side of a string. |
String: Any valid string expression. |
String: " MyText " Result: "MyText " |
Mid |
Returns a specified number of characters from a string. |
String: The string expression from which characters are returned. Start: The position at which the part to be taken begins. Length (optional): The number of characters to return (default is True). |
String: MyText Start: 4 Result: 2 |
PadText |
Pads an expression with the specified character. |
Expression: The expression to which padding will be added. Characters: The character used to pad the expression. Length: A number indicating the pad length. FixedLength (optional): If True (default), the length is the total length of the expression after padding is added. If False, the length is the total umber of pad characters that will be added. Beginning (optional): If True (default), the padding is added to the end of the expression. |
Expression: Test Characters: -- Length: 6 Result: --Test |
Proper |
Capitalizes the first letter in each word. All other characters are converted to lowercase. |
Text: The text to which proper case will be applied. |
Text: NEW YORK Result: New York |
QuoteWrap |
Returns the original text wrapped in quotes. |
Original Text: The original text to be wrapped in quotes. Force Wrap (optional): If True (default), the value will always be wrapped in quotes. If False, the value will not be. |
Original Text: MyValue Result: "MyValue" |
Remove |
Removes all specified type of characters from a string. |
OriginalString: The string expression to modify. RemoveAlpha (optional): True or False (default) indicating whether alpha characters should be removed. RemoveNumbers (optional): True or False (default) indicating whether numbers should be removed. RemoveSpaces (optional): True or False (default) indicating whether spaces should be removed. RemoveAllOther (optional): True or False (default) indicating whether all non-alphanumeric characters should be removed. Keep (optional): A list of characters to keep (i.e., "-#%$"; do not separate with a comma, as this will keep all commas). |
Original String: B1 Company RemoveAlpha: False RemoveNumbers: True Result: B Company |
Replace |
Replaces a specified part of a string with another string a specified number of times. |
Expression: A string expression to be searched. Find: A substring being searched for. ReplaceWith: The replacement substring. Start (optional): The position where the search is to begin (default is 1). Count (optional): The number of substitutions to perform. If omitted, the default value is -1, which means make all possible substitutions. Compare (optional): The numeric value indicating the kind of comparison; 0 for binary and 1 (default) for textual. |
Expression: MyText Find: Text ReplaceWith: Book Result: MyBook |
Right |
Returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string. |
String: A string expression from which the rightmost characters are returned. Length: A number indicating how many characters to return. |
String: MyText Length: 4 Result: Text |
RightOf |
Returns the text to the right of a specified value. |
Original Text: The original text to be searched. End Value: the value marking the end of (but no included in) the text to keep. Start Position (optional): The starting position of the search (left to right; default is 1). Left to Right (optional): If True (default), the text will be searched from left to right for the End Value. |
Original Text: MyText Start Position My Result: Text |
RTrim |
Removes spaces on the right side of a string. |
String: Any valid string expression. |
String: " MyText " Result: " MyText" |
Space |
Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces. |
Number: The number of spaces to return. |
Number: 1 Result: " " |
StrComp |
Returns a value indicating the result of a string comparison: 0 (if String1 = String2) -1 (if String1<String2) 1 (if String1>String2) |
String1: The first string to compare. String 2: The second string to compare. Compare (optional): the numeric value indicating the key of comparison to use when evaluation the strings; 0 for binary and 1 (default) for textual. |
String1: MyText String2: YourText Result: -1 |
String |
Returns a string of a specified length containing a repeating character. |
Number: The length of the returned string. Character: The character to repeat. |
Number: 6 Character: B Result: BBBBBB |
StrReverse |
Reverses a string. |
String: Any valid string. |
String: ABCD Result: DCBA |
Trim |
Returns a copy of a string without the leading or trailing spaces. |
String: Any valid string expression. |
String: " MyText " Result: MyText |
UCase |
Returns a string that has been converted to uppercase. |
String: Any valid string. |
String: MyText Result: MYTEXT |
WordCount |
Returns the number of words in a value. |
Text: Any valid string expression. |
String: Today is Tuesday. Result: 3 |

Function name | Description | Parameters | Example |
ConvertDateCulture |
Takes a date format from one country and converts it to the format used by another country. Supports:
Note: ConvertDateCulture can't be used as the parameter of another formula unless the convert-to culture is English (US). |
The input culture must match the culture format of the date entered. |
Converting a Danish date to US English format: CONVERTDATECULTURE(“28-2-2018”, “DAN”, “ENU”) = “2/28/2018” |
ConvertNumCulture |
Takes a number format from one country and converts it to the format used by another country. Supports:
Note: ConvertNumCulture can't be used as the parameter of another formula unless the convert-to culture is English (US). |
The input culture must match the culture format of the number entered. | Converting a Danish number to US English format: CONVERTNUMCULTURE(“1,2”, “DAN”, “ENU”) = “1.2” |
StateAbbrev |
Takes a full state name and returns the state abbreviation (USA only). |
State Name: A state name. Postal Abbrev (optional): If True (default), a postal abbreviation will be returned. If False, a standard abbreviation will be returned (i.e., Florida returns Fla.). |
State Name: Florida Result: FL |
StateName |
Takes a state abbreviation and returns the full state name (USA only). |
State Name: A state abbreviation. Include Standard (optional): If False (default), only postal abbreviations return a result. If False, standard abbreviations will also return a result (i.e., Florida returns Fla). |
State Abbrev: FL Result: Florida |

1. Select the Insert view.
2. Enter the desired Image file path.
3. Click Add to Expression to insert the token into your expression.
Item Name | Description | Example Value |
Image Directory |
The folder location of the open image. |
"C:\Users\jdoe\Desktop\" |
Image File |
The file name of the open image. |
"example.jpg" |
Image File Ext |
The file extension of the open image. |
".jpg" |
Image Height |
The height of the open image in pixels. |
"142" |
Image Name |
The name of the open image. |
"example" |
Image Path |
The full file path of the open image. |
"C:\Users\jdoe\Desktop\example.jpg" |
Image Width |
The width of the open image in pixels. |
"180" |
Is Image Landscape |
Indicates if the width of the open image is greater than the height. |
"True" |
Is Image Open |
Indicates if an image is currently open. |
"True" |
Is Image Portrait |
Indicates if the height of the open image is greater than the width. |
"False" |
Is Image Saved |
Indicates if the open image is saved. |
"True" |
Is Image Square |
Indicates if the width and height of the open image are the same. |
"False" |

Modifier Keys | Other Keys | Direction Keys | |||
Alt |
Backspace |
End |
Home |
Page Up |
Left |
Control |
Backtab |
Enter |
Insert |
Print Screen |
Right |
Shift |
Caps Lock |
Esc |
Num Lock |
Scroll Lock |
Up |
Windows Key |
Delete |
F1-F24 |
Page Down |
Tab |
Down |
Characters and Numbers | |||||||||||||||||
A |
B |
C |
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E |
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I |
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K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Basic Symbols | |||||||||||||||||
~ |
` |
! |
@ |
# |
$ |
% |
^ |
& |
* |
( |
) |
_ |
- |
+ |
= |
• |
{ |
} |
| |
[ |
] |
\ |
/ |
: |
; |
" |
' |
< |
> |
, |
. |
? |
© |
® |
Extended Symbols | |||||||||||||||
! |
" |
# |
$ |
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The Lists view allows you to search Lists.
Select the Lists view.
Select the desired List from the list view.
A preview of the selected List displays.
Type the value needed to locate the entry in the List.
Select the Column to Search. This is the column that contains the value previously entered.
Select the Column to Return. This is the column containing the information needed from the List.
A preview of the List displays along with the result.
Click Add to Expression to add the List Lookup to the expression.

Item Name | Description | Example Value |
A random Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) |
"{F58B05A7-01F5-47AA-BC50DD39BEAB9EE2}" |
GUID (No Braces) |
A random Globally Unique Identifier, without braces. |
"F58B05A7-01F5-47AA-BC50DD39BEAB9EE2" |
GUID (No Braces or Dashes) |
A random Globally Unique Identifier, without braces or dashes. |
"F58B05A701F547AABC50DD39BEAB9EE2" |
Random Alphanumeric |
A random uppercase or lowercase alphanumeric character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) |
"R" |
Random Alphanumeric (Lower) |
A random lowercase alphanumeric character (a-z, 0-9) |
"h" |
Random Alphanumeric (Upper) |
A random uppercase alphanumeric character (A-Z, 0-9) |
"E" |
Random First Name |
A random male or female first name. |
"Jennifer" |
Random First Name (Female) |
A random female first name. |
"Sandy" |
Random First Name (Male) |
A random male first name. |
"Joe" |
Random Gender |
A random gender. |
"Male" |
Random Gender Abbreviation |
A random gender abbreviation |
"F" |
Random Last Name |
A random last name. |
"Jones" |
Random Letter |
A random uppercase or lowercase letter (A-Z, a-z) |
"H" |
Random Letter (Lower) |
A random lowercase letter (a-z). |
"r" |
Random Letter (Upper) |
A random uppercase letter (A-Z). |
"G" |
Random Number (0 to 9) |
A random 1-digit number, including zero. |
"8" |
Random Number (0 to 99) |
A random number up to 2 digits, including zero. |
"72" |
Random Number (0 to 999) |
A random number up to 3 digits, including zero. |
"751" |
Random Number (0 to 9999) |
A random number up to 4 digits, including zero. |
"8733" |
Random Number (0 to 99999) |
A random number up to 5 digits, including zero. |
"56504" |
Random Number (1 to 9) |
A random 1-digit number, excluding zero. |
"8" |
Random Number (1 to 99) |
A random number up to 2 digits, excluding zero. |
"61" |
Random Number (1 to 999) |
A random number up to 3 digits, excluding zero. |
"918" |
Random Number (1 to 9999) |
A random number up to 4 digits, excluding zero. |
"1476" |
Random Number (1 to 99999) |
A random number up to 5 digits, excluding zero. |
"25201" |
Random Number (10 to 99) |
A random 2-digit number. |
"88" |
Random Number (100 to 999) |
A random 3-digit number. |
"933" |
Random Number (1000 to 9999) |
A random 4-digit number. |
"2641" |
Random Number (10000 to 99999) |
A random 5-digit number. |
"54081" |
Random SSN |
A random social security number. |
"593-57-2222" |

The Variables list displays the variables in your botflow. This list may be blank if no variables have been created. Variables are the only token that are saved to a botflow.