Data - SQL

Use Data - SQL to import records from a SQL Server database or a MySQL database into a data file. The data file is used in a botflow Automated steps that you can design for each bot that will run. to access the imported records from database tables and views (queries) and while using custom SQL statements. This topic describes how to create and manage Data - SQL server connections.

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Create a Data - SQL connection

  1. Click Add Item () on the Botflow Pane.
  2. Click Data - SQL.
  3. Select the SQL type from the Type drop-down list:
    • SQL. Select to use with a SQL database.
    • MySQL. Select to use with a MySQL database. This option requires that MySQL is installed.
  4. In the Server field, complete one of the following tasks:
    • Type the required server name.
    • Click the Expression Builder to build the server name using variable or other token values.
    • For SQL, click the down button to retrieve a list of available SQL Servers.
  5. Select Port to type a port number or accept the default number (3306).
  6. Type a Timeout value or use the up and down buttons to incrementally change the value by one second.
  7. For SQL, select the authenticate type from the Authentication drop-down:
    • Windows. This type uses your Windows log in credentials.
    • SQL. This type uses the authentication credentials set for the SQL server.

    For MySQL, type the username and password associated with the selected MySQL server.

  8. Click Connect to connect to the SQL database server or MySQL database server and retrieve a list of available databases.
  9. Select an available database from the Database drop-down list.
  10. Select the record source from the Records drop-down list:
    • Table. Retrieves database table records.
    • SQL. Retrieves database records based on an entered SQL query records statement.
    • View. Retrieves database query view records.
  11. Type a timeout value in the Timeout field or use the up and down buttons to incrementally change the value by one second.
  12. Select a table or table view or type a SQL statement depending on your records selection.
  13. Page through the Data Wizard to import the records into a data file and display that data in the Data view in the Botflow Pane.

Manage a Data - SQL connection

  1. Navigate to the Data - SQL server connection on the Botflow Pane.
  2. Right-click a data field in the SQL - data information.
  3. Use the Context Menu to:
    • Edit. The Field screen displays so that you can edit the existing value information.
    • Copy Value. This action copies the field value from the selected field.
    • Paste Value. This action pastes the field value into the selected field.
    • Clear. This action clears the field value from the selected field.