Property Reference


Global style declarations separated by categories, which are based on the general purpose of the variable (Color, Typography, etc.).

Builders can add custom variables by clicking Add and configuring the new option.

Note:  Variables, components, and component elements are previewed in the center panel. Make adjustments to their properties using the right panel.

Component properties—standard

The DSS lists each drag-and-drop component found in the Page Designer, as well as the elements that make up those drag-and-drop elements.

The following DSS properties appear in multiple component and component element variants.

Note:  Some DSS property names may be prepended with the name of the element they are associated with, such as Font Size —prepended as Label Font Size or Message Font Size. To simplify this, in the list below, [Element] stands in for any modifiers in the property name.

Component properties—specific to the component

The following properties only appear in specific component variants.

Component properties—specific to the subcomponent

The following properties only appear in specific subcomponent variants.