Visual Navigation

Visual navigation actions manage the what the end user sees in the browser:

  • showing and hiding modals, sliding panels, and components
  • sending the user to a specific URL or Nintex Apps page ( Nintex Apps only*)
  • blocking the UI to show messages to the user and unblocking the UI

Show modal

Displays the modal.

  • Configure modal: Opens modal configuration window, where you build the new modal.

Close modals

Closes all open modals.

Open sliding panel

This opens (or toggles) the sliding panel for this specific action.

Note:  To keep this panel open, uncheck Close When User Clicks Outside Of Panel in the sliding panel properties.

  • Configure panel: Opens the panel configuration window. For more information about building sliding panels, see the sliding panels topic.

  • Behavior:

    • Open: The button displays the panel.

      Note:  If Open is selected, and the action script containing this action occurs again, the sliding panel is not closed. To toggle the panel open and closed, select Toggle as the behavior.

    • Toggle: The button hides or shows the panel, depending on whether the panel is already showing on the page.

Close sliding panel

Closes one or all open sliding panels, depending on the selected behavior.

  • Behavior:
    • Close all: The button closes all open panels.
    • Close topmost: The button closes the topmost panel only.

Show toast message

Displays a toast message in the bottom left of the screen. Commonly used to alert the end user of page changes or other necessary notifications. If you require a message that prevents additional user input until the message is gone, consider the Show message and block UI action.

  • Allow HTML: Determines HTML rendering behavior for Message to display contents. When enabled, any HTML syntax will be rendered. When disabled, HTML syntax is displayed as plain text. For example:


    This text is important


    <strong>This text is important</strong>

  • Message to display: The text to be displayed within the toast element. Compatible with merge syntax. Can also contain rendered HTML if Allow HTML is enabled.

  • Display duration: Limits how long the message is displayed on screen.

  • Click to dismiss: Determines whether the message can be closed if the end user clicks the toast element. When disabled, a message will only disappear after the length of time entered in the Display duration property.

  • Message type: Determines which Toast message variant to use when displaying the message.

    • Default: Refers to the Default style variant
    • Error: Refers to the Error style variant
    • Warning: Refers to the Warning style variant

    Note:  Other Toast variants are not currently available.

Block UI with message

Blocks the UI and displays a message. Commonly used to notify the end user about page updates or to prevent the user from interrupting any impending actions.

  • Message: The text for the message, for example, "Loading..."

  • Subtext: Smaller text that displays beneath the Message text. Typically used to explain more information about the displayed message.

  • Timeout (seconds): Limits how long the UI is blocked.

    • 0.5-10: Increments of seconds until the UI is unblocked.

    • Never: The UI is never unblocked unless an Unblock the UI action occurs.

      Important:  Only use the Never timeout option when there is also an Unblock the UI action later in the script.

  • Show spinner: When enabled, displays a spinning icon that loops as long as the message is displayed. Intended primarily for when the message is used as a loading indicator.

  • Style: Determines which UI Blocker variant to use when displaying the message.

    • default & Light: Refer to the Default style variant
    • Dark: Refers to the Dark style variant

    Note:  Other UI blocker variants are not currently available.

Unblock UI

Unblocks the UI once the actions between this and Show message and block UI have completed.

Go to URL

Sends the end user to another web page, which can be a Nintex Apps page or an external website.

  • URL: The URL to send a user to.

    • A URL
    • An ID field for a Salesforce Object
    • A page parameter
  • Open URL in:

    • Current Window:

      • If using the button within an iFrame, opens the URL in the current iFrame.

        Note:  Other content blocks on the page remain the same.

      • If not using the button within an iFrame, opens the URL in the current window.

    • Blank Window: Opens the URL in a new tab.

    • Parent Window: Opens the URL in the current window, whether or not the button is within an iFrame.

      When working with Nintex Apps Lightning components:

      • Choose Current Window to redirect only the contents of the Skuid Lightning component.
      • Choose Parent Window to redirect the entire page.

Show/hide menu

Allows the builder to add a dropdown menu to a button, image, or row action. To construct the menu:

  1. On the action, click add Add menu section.
    • ( Optional ) If desired, add a label and icon for the menu section.
  2. On the section, click add Add option.
    • Label: The text label for the menu item.
    • Icon: ( Optional ) An icon for the menu item.
  3. On the new option, add Add action.

Show/hide component

Hides or shows selected a selected Nintex Apps UI element—typically a component. Other elements that have unique Ids, such as Field Editor fields and Navigation items, may also be toggled with this action.

  • Behavior:

    • Toggle: The button hides or shows the component, depending on whether the component is already showing on the page.
    • Show: The button displays a hidden component.
    • Hide: The button hides a displayed component.
  • Component: Select which component toggle. Components are listed by their type and unique ID. When a component is selected, a flashing yellow outline indicates the chosen component within the canvas.

    Note:  Each component's unique ID is viewable under its Advanced properties tab; other elements may also list this property in the General properties tab.

Run component action

Activates component-specific features within the UI.

  • Component: The Nintex Apps component instance to run the action on. Components are listed by component type and unique ID.
  • Action to Run: The component-specific action to run. Available actions vary by component: