
The Calendar component allows you to display a calendar with events and tasks from one or more sources on a Nintex Apps page. Builders can permit users to add, edit, or delete calendar events.

Using the Calendar component

To create a calendar and fill it with the events drawn from a linked connection, you need to manage two aspects of calendar creation:

  • Event sources: This is a model on a connection where calendar information is stored. Calendars can have more than one event source and display them all on one Calendar component.

    Note:  Disable the Query on page load property for any models used by the Calendar component. The component itself queries for data—so querying on page load would result in duplicate queries.

  • Views: Calendars come in different formats (month, week, or day calendar pages, or event lists); in similar fashion, the Calendar component can display month, week, and day views, as well as a list of events. Configure each of these views to suit your preferences.

Working with event sources and views lets you customize calendars that address end users' unique needs.


Start with a Nintex Apps page that includes a model on an object with scheduling information. Models must include a start date (or datetime). Be sure to add event fields to the model (such as start and end date or datetime fields).

Note:  Thinking of reusing a model employed elsewhere on the page? Nintex recommends using a separate model for the Calendar component. If you want another component on the page to interact with the same object as the Calendar's model, it's tempting to re-use the model, but doing so may result in unexpected behavior. Create a separate model instead.

Create a Calendar

Add a Calendar component to the page. If you save and preview, you'll immediately see the calendar on the page—empty (without any events). Now customize and configure:

  • In the General tab, set the Calendar's Valid date range property and (depending on which value you choose) any associated properties.

  • In the Sources tab, add at least one event source and configure it:


    Need to add more than event source? Add another one and configure. Take a look at the Source tab for best practices.

    • Be sure to set the Name, Start, and End fields.
    • Configure the on-click action included in the event source so that when users click on an event, Nintex Apps opens a modal with event details.
    • If you want users to be able to create new events, configure the create event action included in the event source.
  • Customize the calendar's Views: You'll need to have at least one view available—or you can have all four available, allowing the user to toggle between them.

    Note:  Week and Day view also allow you to group events, an option that may be helpful for your end users.

Working with the Calendar

End user experience

Once configured, the calendar lets users view and interact with the events.

  • From the top of the calendar:

    • The Today button moves the calendar to the current date.
    • When multiple views are available, switch between viewing the calendar by month, week, or day using the view toggle.
    • Navigate between months ( Month view ), weeks ( Week view ), or days ( Day or List view ) using the date toggle.
  • Click on an event to view its details.

    • When interacting with a Calendar on a mobile device, click and hold to view an event.
  • Drag and drop events to a new location on the calendars. This will change the event's date and time accordingly.

  • Drag and drop start times and end times for events ( Day and Week views).

  • The following features can also be enabled for end users in the Page Designer:

    • Click on an empty space with the calendar to create a new event.
    • Click on an event to edit it.
    • Delete an event.

Create a new event

If end users have permission to create a new event, they can do one of the following:

  • In Month view: Click on the day in the calendar.
  • In Week or Day view: Click on the day and time on the calendar.

Nintex Apps opens the New event modal. Users enter information for the new event, then click Create.


If there is more than one event source, Nintex Apps will ask the end user to specify which source to create the event in.


Component actions

Component actions are available using Run component action.

Event Source actions

  • Event Source: The event source that contains the event action.

    • On-click: Accesses the event source action that allows users to view or edit that event's details.
    • Create event: Accesses the event action that allows the user to create a new event.

Note:  Both On-click and Create event require that these actions already exist on the event source in the Calendar component.

Go to date

Navigates to a date in the calendar. When run, the action will navigate to the date selected ( Day and List view); the week containing the date ( Week view); or the Month containing the date ( Month view).

  • Date type:

    • Specific date: Use the date selector to choose the desired day.

    • Result of a formula:

      • Formula context model (optional): Establish context for the formula by selecting the model being referred to with merge syntax.
      • Formula: In this field, use merge syntax as well as Nintex Apps's formula functions to dictate the date.

Select view

Displays the calendar in the specified view.

  • Month
  • Week
  • Day
  • List

Note:  The selected view must exist within the calendar.


Component properties
