View Flow

Use the View Flow report to see the current status of a workflow instance and the path followed. It gives you a visual representation of your workflow and helps you to gain more insight into events that occurred during the workflow instance.

Access the View Flow from:

When you view your workflow instances in the View Flow, keep the following in mind:

  • To view a View Flow on a specific workflow instance, you need View or View Participate rights to that workflow instance. For more information on how to assign rights on workflow instances, see the Rights topic.
  • If you install the latest version of K2 for the first time, all workflow instances show in the enhanced HTML5 View Flow.
  • If you upgraded your K2 environment from K2 4.7 to the latest version of K2:
    • all existing and running workflow instances, created on the previous version, show in View Flow (Legacy)
    • any new workflows you create with K2 Designer (Legacy) show in View Flow (Legacy)
    • any new workflows you create with K2 Workflow Designer show in the enhanced HTML5 View Flow

Example of a View Flow at runtime