Processes Overview Report

The Processes Overview report provides an overview of all processes in a K2 environment.
To access the report, enter the following URL in a browser:
Enter your credentials and the report opens.
Examples of why to use this report:


This section provides an example of the Processes Overview report.

Field Description
Started Date Allows you to configure the report by specifying which data is returned. By selecting a preset period of time such as the last 90 days, last year, today, and yesterday.


Allows you to filter the returned data.
Reset Clicking Reset, removes the filter applied to the report. The report refreshes and the default filter is applied.
Refresh Clicking Refresh refreshes the report.
Overview Bar Displays an overview of total processes, active process instances, process errors, active tasks and average duration of all processes.
Processes Started Displays a line graph of all started processes over a specified period. The data returned is specified by the Started Date and Filters. The returned data can be further filtered via the Chart Period by day, week and month.
All Processes Displays an item list of all processes in the K2 environment. Each process is displayed by Process Name, Total Instances, Active Instances, Last Started, Last Completed, and Average Duration. You can view an individual process by clicking the name in the Process Name column which opens the Process Type Report. The data returned is specified by the Started Date and Filters. You can then filter the report by using the Quick Search or by configuring a Selected Filter.

The following sections are available in the All Processes Overview report:


To view the All Processes Overview report , you must have Administrator rights to view the report.
To set K2 Administrator rights, see the Server Rights topic.

Using the Report

The section below detail show to use the report, such as configuring the report via the Started Date drop-down, creating filters, and using the Quick Search.

Using the Started Date drop-down

The Started Date drop-down allows you to configure the dates of the report. Selecting an option from the Started Date refreshes the report. The report can also be refreshed via the icon. The Started Date options are determined by the culture settings in the browser settings.

Using the Filters

The Filters option allows you to specify a filter to return specified data on the report. Adding a filter to the report, will refresh the entire report with data based on the specified filter. The filter can be cleared by clicking the Reset link and the report will refresh to default settings.

Follow these steps below to configure a filter:

  1. Click the All link in the Filters section.
  2. On the Filters screen, specify the Workflows, Status and Started Date for the filter.
    If no Workflow or Status is specified in the Filters screen, and the Apply button is clicked, the following message is displayed.

    Click Add Filter... link, to add a filter.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. The report will refresh and apply the filter. To remove the filter click the Reset link.

Using the Selected Filter

The Selected Filter allows you to select predefined filter or create a custom filter by clicking the custom filter icon.

Using the Quick Search

The Quick Search allows you to configure what data is returned on a report section. Selecting an option from the Quick Search drop-down and clicking the Refresh icon will refresh the report section. The options available from the Quick Search drop-down are determined by the column names of the report section.

Custom fields can also be entered, once entered click the Refresh icon and the report loads data based on the search query.

Using the Chart Period

The Chart Period drop-down allows you to further filter returned data by day, week and month.
Follow the steps below user the Chart Period:

  1. On the report section where the Chart Period is available, click the Chart Period drop-down and select an option.
  2. The report section will refresh with data from the selected Chart Period filter option.


Below are considerations when using the All Processes Overview report.