
Use Checklists in Nintex Process Manager to track and ensure each step in a process is completed and accounted for. A Checklist is a list of activities in a process that can be tracked and marked as completed to provide more compliance control for optimal process management.

Checklists can be used to validate a process manually and can be used as an intermediate step to identify and implement process automation Any form of automation that is used within a given process. Automation could be used to automate different tasks or activities within the process or could be used to automate the process end-to-end. Typically, automation consists of either an RPA (Robotic Process Automation) bot, no-code/low-code automated workflows, or custom-developed coded solutions..

Before you start 

Ensure you have published processes in your Nintex Process Manager site as you can create Checklists only for a published process. For more information, see:

For example: consider a common workplace process like employee onboarding with cross-department activities.

Checklist example

What are the benefits of using Checklists?

  • Manage process compliance and improvements
  • Get personalized notifications when your activities are due
  • Mark items as completed on the go via the user Dashboard, email or the online Checklist
  • Validate your process, capture feedback and improvement ideas as people complete it
  • See evidence of process compliance and completion
  • Track full audit records of who carried out which process steps, and when
  • Improve communication and collaboration across business teams
  • Reduce wait times and handover errors for more efficient and effective process execution

What can I do with Checklists?

Track process progress and completion

A Checklist can be created from a process to coordinate participants completing each step. Create easy to follow checklists from processes with the click of a button and track each step to see when it is completed.

Cross-team communication

Using Checklists increases cross team communication and coordination, ensuring everyone is informed when their input or participation is required as part of a process. Process users can clearly see their responsibilities as part of the end-to-end flow and are more conscious of handover points.

Feedback and process improvements

Checklists also provide feedback opportunities for the line of business. When exceptions or process breakdowns occur, the Checklist can be used for feedback and improvement suggestions, allowing the process user to log comments or attach documents for additional information.

Compliance and Accountability

Increased compliance and accountability is another outcome of using Checklists. By tracking the completed tasks, Checklists build complete audit records and identify who is responsible for every step, every time. Timestamped completions provide granular insight into time frames for greater analysis and opportunities to increase process efficiency.

Identify opportunities for process automation

Checklists can be used to validate a process manually, recognize potential improvements and optimize processes for automation.

Who has Checklist rights?

The following table describes who can manage different Checklist rights.

  Privileges Process Stakeholders Group Stakeholders  
Checklist rights Promaster A Nintex Promapp system administrator who administers a Nintex Promapp site and has rights to view and edit all areas of a Nintex Promapp site. Business Analyst A user who can create and edit all processes if not restricted by permissions, view all reports and edit Roles and Responsibilities. User

Process Owner A user responsible for ensuring the process is operating effectively, and continuously improving. Not necessarily a subject matter expert, but empowered with organisational authority to approve changes as needed.

Process Expert A user who performs day-to-day process management on behalf of the Process Owner. This role requires detailed understanding of the process. Process Group Champion A user responsible for the maintenance and improvement of all processes within their area. Process Group Editor Process Approver Process Publisher Process Participants
  Assigned to a role Can only view process Assigned to Checklist item
Create or View Checklists Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Assign Checklist items Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Discard Checklist Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Add or View comments or files to any Checklist Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Edit Checklist title Yes Only the user who created the Checklist.
Add or edit dates Yes Only the user who created the Checklist.
Edit comments No Only the user who added the comment.
Delete comments and files Yes Only the user who added the comment or file.
Edit completed Checklist items Yes Only the user who completed the item.
Delete Checklist Yes Only the user who created the Checklist.

Create a Checklist

  • You can only create Checklists for a published process.
  • A Checklist is linked to the process version. For example: If you create a Checklist for version 1.0 and then publish a new process version 2.0, the Checklist will still be linked to version 1.0. It will not reflect the changes for version 2.0.
  • You must create a new Checklist whenever you publish a new process version.
  1. Go to Processes > All Processes and navigate to the process page.
  2. Do one of the following to create a Checklist:
    • Click on the top right of the process toolbar.
    • Click Checklists > Create a checklist. This option is available only if you are creating the first Checklist for a process or if you have no active Checklists for the process.

The Checklist is created and displayed.

Note: If you want to go back to the process page, click on the process link displayed below the Checklist title.

The following Checklist fields and actions are available. Select or enter the required details.

Field Description Action
Title Pre-filled with the process name and date/time the Checklist is created. Hover on the title and click editto update. Type a descriptive title which will help other users understand what the Checklist is used for.
Due Date Date by which the Checklist must be completed. Select a date from the date selector.
Checklist items

Each activity in the process is displayed as an item in the Checklist with a check box next to it.

Expand and view details: Hover over the activity and click .

Assign item: Hover over the To be assigned to text and click to select the user you want to assign the item to.
Add a due date: Add a date by which the Checklist activity must be completed. Hover over the To be assigned to text, click Add due date and select a date from the date selector.

Add comments:Type the required text and click Add Comment.

  • Add additional details about the Checklist item which can help other users to complete the next steps in the Checklist.
  • No notifications are sent when comments are added to Checklists.
  • Process Owners/Process Experts can view the comments on each Checklist to identify any issues or potential improvements.
  • If you want to provide process feedback and notify the Process Owner/Process Expert, use the Feedback button on the top-right of the process toolbar.
Attach File: Click Attach File to upload related documents.
Discard Checklist

You can discard an incomplete Checklist.

For example: If you have an incomplete Checklist which has been started but there is a change in the process and you want to retain the Checklist for reference.

Once discarded, the Checklist details are displayed in Read-only mode.

Discard Checklist:

  1. Go to Processes > All Checklists and open the Checklist.
  2. Click Discard Checklist.
  3. Provide the reason for discarding the Checklist for future reference.

View Discarded Checklists:

  1. Go to Processes > All Checklists.
  2. Click on the Status drop-down list and then click Clear selection.
  3. Click Discarded.
  4. Select the Created from and to dates if you want to filter by a specific date range.

The list of discarded checklists is displayed.

Delete Checklist

You can delete a Checklist only if there are no items marked as done.

  1. Go to Processes > All Checklists and open the Checklist.
  2. Click Delete Checklist.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.

The Checklist is deleted and cannot be viewed by anyone.

Note: When all Checklist items are marked as done, the Checklist is automatically completed. Any user who completed a checklist item, or a Promaster A Nintex Promapp system administrator who administers a Nintex Promapp site and has rights to view and edit all areas of a Nintex Promapp site. can edit a completed Checklist.

View active process Checklists

You can view active Checklists for a particular process from the process page.

  1. Go to Processes > All Processes and open the required process.
  2. Click Checklists on the top left of the process toolbar. All active Checklists for the process are displayed with the following columns:
  3. Column NameDescription
    NAMEChecklist name. Click to open the Checklist.

    One of the following based on the current Checklist status:

    • Active
    • Completed
    • Discarded
    VERSIONLinks to the process Minimode page.
    CREATED BYUser who created the Checklist.
    CREATEDDate when the Checklist is created.
    DUEDate when the Checklist is due for completion.

View all Checklists

You can view all Checklists from the Checklists menu.

  • Go to Processes > Checklists. The list of all Checklists in your Nintex Process Manager site is displayed with the following filters and columns:

  • Filters
    Filter NameDescription

    Select multiple filters or click Clear selection to display all Checklists. The following values are available:

    • All: Displays all active, completed, and discarded Checklists.
    • Active: Displays all active Checklists.
    • Completed: Displays all completed Checklists.
    • Discarded: Displays all discarded Checklists.
    Created from and toSelect the date range. Default date range is the last 3 months from the current date.

    Column NameDescription
    NAMEChecklist name. Click to open the Checklist.

    One of the following based on the current Checklist status:

    • Active
    • Completed
    • Discarded
    PROCESSLinks to the process Minimode A permalink to a Nintex Promapp process or document which allows anonymous users to access processes, documents or process groups. page.
    CREATED BYUser who created the Checklist.
    CREATEDDate when the Checklist is created.
    DUEDate when the Checklist is due for completion.

Checklist notifications

The following table describes which actions trigger notifications and who gets notified.

Checklist ActionDashboardEmailWho gets notified?
Create a ChecklistNoNoN/A
Edit a ChecklistNoNoN/A
Delete a ChecklistNoNoN/A
Discard a ChecklistNoNoN/A
Checklist activity status:   
  • Overdue
YesNoAssigned user, Checklist creator
  • Waiting
YesNoAssigned user, Checklist creator
  • Complete
YesNoChecklist creator when another user completes a Checklist activity.
  • Not Assigned
YesNoChecklist creator will get this if the next activity to be completed is not assigned.
Assign user to the first Checklist itemYesYesAssigned user, Checklist creator (only dashboard notifications)
Complete Checklist itemYesYesThe user assigned to the next item in the Checklist. If there is no user assigned to the next Checklist item, the email and dashboard notifications are not sent. Checklist creator (only dashboard notifications)
Complete ChecklistYesYesChecklist creator

If you are assigned two consecutive Checklist items, for example: item 1 and item 2:

  • You will receive dashboard and email notifications when item 1 is assigned to you.
  • If you complete item 1 from the dashboard or email notification, you will receive dashboard and email notifications for item 2.
  • If you complete item 1 from the Checklist, you will only get a dashboard notification for item 2.

View Checklist notifications

Do one of the following to view Checklist notifications:

  • Go to Home Page and click Checklist Items:
  • On the main navigation bar of your Nintex Process Manager site, click My Dashboard > My Checklist Activities.

The My Checklist Activities page is displayed and the following columns and actions are available:

CHECKLIST ACTIVITYDisplays the activity number for the assigned Checklist item.

One of the following based on the current Checklist activity status:

  • Not assigned
  • Waiting
  • Complete
  • Overdue
ACTIVITY DUE DATEDate when the Checklist activity is due for completion.
ASSIGNED BYName of the user who assigned the Checklist item.
ASSIGNED TOName of the user who is responsible for completing the Checklist item.
CHECKLISTLinks to the Checklist.
CHECKLIST DUE DATEDate by which the Checklist item must be completed.
PROCESSLinks to the process Minimode page.
  • View: Click to review the assigned item.
  • Mark as done: Click to select the check box and mark the Checklist item as done.

Checklist FAQs