Nintex Insights - Beacon

Use the Beacon action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. to log beacons Beacons are used to capture specific data in your workflow to pass to Nintex Insights for analytic purposes from anywhere in your workflow and send to Nintex Insights for analytic purposes.

With this action, you can emit additional data from a workflow for a process intelligence lens report. For example, a beacon can report on any workflow context, including variables and list items. The beacon action can be placed anywhere in the workflow.

Before you start 

Configure the Nintex Insights - Beacon action

In the Designer:

  1. Click the Nintex Insights Beacon action group in the action toolbox.


    Type the action name or function in the Search field at the top of the action toolbox.

  2. Drag the Nintex Insights - Beacon action to the designer canvas.
  3. Do one of the following to open the Action configuration window:

    • Double-click the action.
    • Click on the action and then click Configure.

    See Action configuration window for more information.

  4. Click Add. The Key and Value fields are displayed to add a Beacon.

  5. Add the Key and Value details to define a beacon.

For more information on the fields and buttons, see Nintex Insights - Beacon fields and settings.