Subscription overview

Note: Subscription overview is only available if you're using the Nintex Forms for Office 365 app

The Subscription overview provides an overview of license and subscription information, the subscription entitlement, and current tenant usage.

With workflow based subscription licenses the number of workflows that can be published depends on the subscription entitlement. For more information, see Workflow entitlement and usage.

Access the Subscription overview

You can open the Subscription overview page from the Workflow Gallery or the Workflow and Forms designer.

  • On the top menu of Workflow Gallery page, click Information and then select Subscription overview.
  • On the toolbar of the Workflow or Forms designer, click Information and then select Subscription overview.

The following details are displayed:

Section Description
License and registered contact

Indicates the edition and status of the subscription license.

The license can be an Active or Trial license.

  • Active: A subscription license has been purchased.
  • Trial: A trial license is time-based and has access to all features including enterprise actions. After your trial period ends, you will no longer be able to publish new workflows, or publish changes to any existing workflows. Contact the Nintex sales team to purchase a subscription license.
Subscription entitlement

Shows the entitlements for production workflows, production forms, development workflows, and development forms across all environments.

For more information about production and development workflows, see Assigned use when publishing workflows and forms.

Current tenant usage Shows the used count for production and development workflows, forms and actions. The usage for the past 90 days and the total current usage is displayed.