Wizard Commands

Refer to the table below for a detailed overview of each command and its respective functionalities:

Command Description

Check Application

Check whether the current wizard is being run from Nintex Robot or Nintex Studio.

Check Run Mode

Check whether the current wizard is being run in DO IT or GUIDE ME mode.

Check Video Recording Mode

Check whether the current wizard is being recorded with Nintex's built-in recording feature.

Continue Wizard

Exit the current group of commands, the logical flow, or the step section, and continue playing the wizard.

End Wizard

End the wizard immediately.

Get Last Failure Type

Designed to work in conjunction with Nintex's global error handling features (i.e., used as part of a globally-defined fallback procedure for when an error occurs), this command allows you to retrieve the type of the last failure handled and place it into a new or existing variable.

Get Step Data

Retrieve the number or name of the current step and place the result into a new or existing variable.

Get User Data

Retrieve the Username or User ID of the user running the current wizard and place the result into a new or existing variable.

Get Wizard Data

Retrieve the ID or name of the current wizard and place the result into a new or existing variable.

Go To Step

Move immediately to the step you specify.

Raise Wizard Error

  • Pause the currently running wizard;

  • Display a short customized message to the end user; and

  • Give the user the option to resume or quit the wizard

Resume Error

Designed to work in conjunction with Nintex's fallback features (i.e., an action or series of actions you have defined for when an error occurs), this command instructs the wizard to return to the default procedures for handling an error after performing the fallback procedures you have defined.

Set User Interrupt Mode

Select whether or not to pause a wizard when the end user clicks the mouse or uses the keyboard while it's running.

Show Message

Display a customized message to the end user (or request basic information from the user) while a wizard is running.