Show Message

Display a customized message to the end user (or request basic information from the user) while a wizard is running. Here's a sample:

  1. Required: Enter the text of the message you'd like to display

  2. Optional:

    • Title – Enter the text to appear in the title bar of the message

    • Icon – Choose the icon to appear in the message (from the following options):

      • None (default)

      • Error

      • Question

      • Warning

      • Information

    • Buttons – Choose the buttons available to the user for responding to the message (from the following available options):

      • OK (default)

      • OK / Cancel

      • Yes / No / Cancel

      • Yes / No

    • Result – Enter the name of the variable into which you'd like to place the result (i.e., the button selected by the user in response to the message)

When should I place the Show Message result into a variable?

While placing the result of Show Message into a variable is optional, there are times when it can be particularly useful:

  • When the flow of the wizard is based on the user's response (for example, when the response is used in combination with the If Else command)

  • When you want to log the user's response to review and analyze later

However, when the message is used solely to provide the user with information, it is generally not necessary to place the result into a variable.