Flow Commands

Refer to the table below for a detailed overview of each command and its respective functionalities:

Command Description

Complex If Else

Compare the values of one or more variables with other specified values to determine whether one or more conditions are TRUE or FALSE.

Global Functions

The Global Function feature lets you create a customized self-made advanced command that contains of a set of advanced commands of your choice.


Group a series of commands into a single unit – making it easy to view, manage, and use.

If Else

Compare the value of a variable with another specified value to determine whether a condition is TRUE or FALSE.


Repeat an action or series of actions for as long as any/all of the defined conditions are TRUE.

Loop: Break

Exit a Loop before it reaches its defined conclusion (i.e., though the conditions for continuing the loop are still TRUE).

Loop Items

For each item in a string of items stored in a variable (an "array"):

  • Place the individual item into a new or existing variable; and

  • Perform a specified action or series of actions

Loop: Restart

Return to the first logical step of a Loop (i.e., evaluating the condition(s) for continuing the loop) without completing the defined actions for the current item.

Loop Table

For each row of a table stored in a variable:

  • Place the current row into a new or existing variable

  • Optionally place the row number into a new or existing variable; and

  • Perform a specified action or series of actions

Multi-Value If Else

Compare the value of a variable with one or more other values to determine whether each condition is TRUE (i.e., the values are equal) or FALSE (i.e., the values are unequal).


Pause command execution for a specified time.