Loop Table

For each row of a table stored in a variable:

  • Place the current row into a new or existing variable

  • Optionally place the row number into a new or existing variable; and

  • Perform a specified action or series of actions

After completing the action(s) for the last row, the wizard exits the loop and moves on.

Step 1 - Identify the table

The first step in using the loop table command is to identify the table and define a few settings.

  1. Enter the name of the variable in which the table is stored.

  2. Enter the delimiter that separates each row of the table.

  3. Enter the name of the variable into which you'd like to place the row.

    Why? Since the action(s) in the loop will be performed on each row of the table (one at a time), it makes sense to first place the row into a variable, then perform the defined actions on the value of that variable.

  4. Indicate whether to place the current row number in a variable; and

    If so, enter the name of the variable in which to place it.

Step 2 - Define the actions

Upon adding the loop table command to your wizard, you will notice that it becomes an empty "container" within the Editor Pane, waiting for you to fill it with instructions:

  1. Enter the action(s) the wizard should take for each row in the table.

    • You can do this by dragging the required Advanced Command(s) directly into the container.

Break that loop!

Under certain conditions, you may want to break and/or restart the loop created by the LOOP TABLE container. Make this happen by using the Loop: Break and/or the Loop: Restart command (usually within an If Else command).