Excel Worksheet Actions

With this command:

  • Retrieve information about the worksheets within an Excel file and store it in a new or existing variable.

  • Perform basic worksheet actions (rename, move, delete, etc.).

You don't need Excel installed to use or run this command.

  1. Enter the name of the Excel file on which you want to perform a worksheet action:

    • Enter a variable.

      To use a variable in this field, enclose its name between two $ signs (e.g., $MyVar$). When the wizard is executed, the variable name will be substituted with its corresponding value.
    • Enter text.

    • Click Browse and select the Excel file from which you would like to delete cell values.

  2. (Optional) Select Unlock file with password for password-protected files.

    Enter the password in the field that appears.

  3. Select the worksheet action you would like to perform:

    • Get Worksheet Name: Retrieve the name of the worksheet at a specified position.

    • Get Worksheet Position: Retrieve the position of the worksheet with a specified name.

    • Get Worksheet Count: Retrieve the total number of worksheets in the file.

    • Insert Worksheet: Insert a blank worksheet in the specified position.

    • Move Worksheet: Move a worksheet from its currently specified position to a new position.

    • Duplicate Worksheet: Duplicate the worksheet at the specified position.

    • Rename Worksheet: Rename the worksheet at the specified position.

    • Delete Worksheet: Delete the worksheet at the specified position.

  4. Provide additional information as required (fields will vary by the worksheet action selected).

  5. Expand the Error handling option to provide instructions to the wizard on how to manage encountered errors.

    For more information on error handling, see Error handling.

  6. (Optional) Select Enable timeout monitoring.

    For more information on timeout monitoring, see Timeout Monitoring.