Timeout Monitoring Support for Advanced Commands

By default, the Advanced Commands are designed to run until process completion. However, if the process is interrupted, the execution of the command might enter an endless loop state. Process interruptions can be caused by various reasons, such as browser crashes, application 'Not Responding', and blocking by another application.

You can prevent such endless loop states and gain a better control over the process by enabling the Timeout Monitoring setting for the supporting advanced commands.

Monitoring Types

  • Built-in (hard-coded; fixed)

  • Manually enabled through the settings of the advanced command in Nintex Studio.

See Availability.

For advanced commands, you can control and configure only the timeout monitoring that can be manually enabled.


To enable Timeout Monitoring for an Advanced Command:
  1. Open the Advanced Commands view > Double click or drag the relevant Advanced Command > Expand Error handling.

  2. Check "Enable timeout monitoring".

  3. Set the amount of time in seconds (0-9999) for the process to raise an error and terminate.

    The default value is 1800 sec (30 min).

  4. Set the error text message that raised upon termination.

    The default value is TIMEOUT_ERROR.

Timeout Monitoring Availability


Advanced Command

Monitoring Type

Excel Commands

  • Convert Excel to CSV

  • Query from Excel

  • Copy from Excel

  • Paste to Excel

  • Delete from Excel

  • Create new excel file

  • Excel Worksheet Actions

  • Excel Column Actions

  • Excel Row Actions

  • Run Macro

Manually enabled

Window Commands

Control Window State

Manually enabled

External Program Commands

Run Javascript on Page


  • 5 seconds in FireFox/Chrome


HTML Commands

  • Get HTML table

  • Get HTML object text

  • Get HTML object value

  • Get HTML object

  • Set HTML object value

  • Does HTML object exist

  • Click on HTML object

  • Scroll to HTML object

  • Extract from HTML table/list


  • 5 seconds in Chrome/FireFox