AI-Powered Document and Text Analysis Commands

Refer to the table below for a detailed overview of each command and its respective functionalities:

Command Description

Azure Licenses

Using AI Booster advanced commands requires a license obtained directly from Microsoft via the Azure Cognitive Services website. At the time each such command is executed (at wizard runtime), the license is validated via the Internet.

Convert to Text (SmartScan+)

Convert an image or PDF file to text using the ABBYY recognition engine (OCR) and place the text into a new or existing variable.

Convert to Text (Tesseract)

Convert an image or PDF file to text using the Tesseract recognition engine (OCR) and place the text into a new or existing variable.

Does Word Exist (MS Azure)

Check whether a specified word (or one of a set of specified words) appears in a printed or handwritten document.

Does Word Exist (SmartScan)

Check whether a specified word (or one of a set of specified words) appears in a scanned document.

Form Recognizer

Analyze the contents of a scanned file to extract key pieces of structured data for each recognized form.

Get Date/Time

Retrieve a date (and time, if it appears) from a scanned document.

Get Receipt Data

Extract relevant data from scanned sales receipts (such as transaction time/date, merchant data, taxes/totals, etc.)

Get Selection Element State

Determine whether a check box, radio button, or similar selector in a scanned document is selected (checked) by searching for it next to a specified word (the "label word").

Get Text (MS Azure)

Place text from a printed or handwritten document into a variable.

Get Text (SmartScan)

Place text from a scanned document into a variable.

Get Value

Retrieve a value from a scanned document by searching for it next to a specified word (the "label word").

OCR: Documents

Analyze a file containing scanned documents for the purpose of performing a sequence of actions on each document.

OCR: Printed and Handwritten Text

Analyze the printed and handwritten text of a scanned file for the purpose of performing a sequence of actions on each page.

Save as Image

Save a scanned document as an image file.

Save to Excel

Save text from a scanned document into an Excel spreadsheet.

Text Analytics: Analyze Sentiment

Analyze the sentiment of a given text and return the result as a score from 0% to 100% (negative to positive).

Text Analytics: Detect Language

Analyze a text and detect its language; provide confidence level of the result.

Text Analytics: Identify Key Phrases

Analyze a given text and return a list of detected key phrases.