Get Value

Retrieve a value from a scanned document by searching for it next to a specified word (the "label word").

This command can be used only within an OCR: Documents container.

  1. Enter all possible label words (separated by commas).

  2. Choose where the value to be retrieved appears in relation to the label word (right side, left side, above, or below); and

    Indicate whether to search for the value in the entire line in which the label appears.

    • If the option to read the entire line is not selected, only the area in close proximity to the label word will be searched.

  3. Indicate whether you wish to allow close matching of the label word(s); and

    the level of accuracy required for the close match to be accepted.

  4. Select whether the retrieved value should be treated as text or a number.

  5. Enter the name of the variable into which to place the retrieved value.

  6. Instruct the wizard how to handle any errors encountered. Read more about error handling.