Get Receipt Data

Extract relevant data from scanned sales receipts (such as transaction time/date, merchant data, taxes/totals, etc.)

This command can be used only within a Form Recognizer container.

  1. Select from the dropdown list the field from which to extract data, or select to extract data from all available fields.

  2. Choose whether numeric data should be returned as text, values, or both.

  3. Specify the delimiter(s) by which the returned values should be separated:

    • The data from each specified field is returned, separated by the field delimiter.

    • When data is returned as both text and values, the 2 types of data are separated by the result type delimiter.

      This field is enabled (and required) only when you have elected a value of Both for the Result type in 2

  4. Enter the name of the variable into which to place the results.

  5. Instruct the wizard how to handle any errors encountered. Read more about error handling.