Using SmartObjects to Expose SharePoint List Data

In this tutorial, you learn how to expose SharePoint list data using a SmartObject. This tutorial introduces basic K2 Five for SharePoint data and forms concepts. This tutorial does not have a workflow component.

If you want to learn more about the design of the application in this tutorial, see Using SmartObjects to Expose SharePoint List Data - Design.

For this scenario we use sample users. You can create your own test users to work with. Depending on the type of scenario you build, you may need to configure specific security settings such as Designer authorization for these users. For more information about managing your environment see the Administer section.


1. Confirm the SharePoint App is Active
2. Create a Contact List
3. Create Application Elements for the Contact List
4. Create a SmartForm from the Contact SmartObject
5. (Optional) Clean up your K2 environment by deleting the application artifacts

First Step: 1. Confirm the SharePoint App is Active