What's New in K2 Cloud Update 7 Fix Pack 13

The following bugs have been fixed in this Fix Pack:

  • When you deploy a package using Package and Deployment, and then edit the workflow in the Workflow Designer, a "Missing reference at SmartObjectField. Error: While trying to resolve the following reference and error occurred: reference not found." error occurred.
  • When you integrate with the CRM Service Broker and use the CRM SmartObject Update method to update the CRM Entity owner (OwnerID) property, it did not update.
  • When you have a default Workspace configured in Management>Users>Custom Workspace and you try to open the Workspace, the default Workspace did not open. Instead, another Workspace opened.
  • When using Azure Active Directory (ADD) groups in your K2 roles and making use of the opt-in SyncEngine, removing a user from the ADD group didn't remove the user from the [Identity].[IdentityMember] table and still showed in the K2 Role.