What's New in K2 Cloud Update 17
This topic describes new features, improvements, behavioral changes and known issues for Update 17 released in May 2022.

OAuth Store Encrypted Value : For added security, you can use the Store Encrypted Value option in resource type parameter configuration to encrypt sensitive information for parameters such as a client_secret.
Workflow Designer
Performance improvements:
- Dragging and searching of steps
- Working with the rule designer

- K2 DocuSign Integration
DocuSign has announced a change for authentication techniques by deprecating legacy authentication and OAuth 1.0 protocols. Since August 2021, any new API applications integrating with DocuSign must use the OAuth 2.0 authentication flow. By October 4, 2022, all existing DocuSign customers and partners integrating with DocuSign must be updated to use OAuth 2.0, including applications already in production. For more information on the changes, see DocuSign’s blog at https://www.docusign.com/blog/developers/october-2022-oauth2-required. In Nintex K2 Cloud Update 17 Fix Pack 9, we updated our integration to the OAuth 2.0 standard. If you use the K2 Integrator Key, you will need to configure your own personal Integrator Key for enhanced security. The steps are documented in the DocuSign topic, and the DocuSign Go-Live steps are at https://developers.docusign.com/docs/esign-rest-api/go-live/. There are two known issues related to the DocuSign integration. See the Known Issues section below for details.

- The Style Profile Designer is not available in Internet Explorer (IE), as it uses CSS custom properties (CSS variables) which is not compatible with Internet Explorer. We suggest you use a modern browser for the Designer, such as Google Chrome.
- Download the enhanced Package and Deployment tool from https://<runtimeurl>/Management/Remote. Once downloaded, log a ticket with Nintex Customer Central to provide your public IP address ranges to K2 Operations. This allows access to your K2 Cloud environment from your network. Please see the Package and Deployment Considerations topic for further considerations about working with the Package and Deployment tool.
If you are using K2 for SharePoint, you must run through the K2 for SharePoint registration wizard after upgrade. See the following steps:
- Click the K2 for SharePoint app from the Site Contents page or Quick Launch menu of the app catalog site and run through the Registration Wizard by clicking the Registration Wizard link in the Administration section to register the app with your K2 environment's URL. (If you do not see the Registration wizard, make sure you are on the app catalog).
- (This step is only required if there were changes to the K2 for SharePoint app. See the K2 for SharePoint release notes for information about previous releases and the latest version.)
Deploy the app to one or more site collections using the Manage App Deployments page in SharePoint. A link to this page is provided on the K2 for SharePoint settings page. It is recommended you do this by paths rather than individual URLs, but individual URLs give you more control regarding which site collections have K2 integration. You should deploy as a SharePoint Administrator if you are deploying to multiple site collections.

- Issue:
When editing an existing OAuth/Static DocuSign Feature Instance via Management and entering an incorrect UserID, the instance will be updated but will present an error when an execution is attempted to DocuSign which requires the UserID.
Error message states:Error: SmartObject Server Exception: {"error":"invalid_request"}.
When attempting to create a new OAuth DocuSign Feature Instance using an incorrect UserID the same error will be presented on the DocuSign Service Broker configuration Step. - Issue: When you create a new OAuth DocuSign Feature Instance and the OAuth section details (ClientID, UserID, Authentication Service Url, Scope, RSA Private key) are all correct but REST API URL or the AccountID is incorrect, clicking OK will take you to the Feature Instance configuration screen and fail with a validation message stating that the REST API URL or the AccountID are incorrect.
- Issue: When you correct the REST API URL or the AccountID value but you add the incorrect values for OAuth section and click OK, the Feature Instance configuration will succeed as the token for your OAuth DocuSign Feature Instance has already been created. Only when the token expires or is deleted will the validation for OAuth section activate again. When you edit an existing OAuth DocuSign Feature Instance where the token has not expired yet, you will also be able to add the incorrect values into the OAuth section and validation will not appear.

- All bug fixes in K2 Cloud Update 16 Fix Packs 1-16.
- When you have an anonymous form with a Calendar control and you try to type a date, a "the date is invalid or in an incorrect format" error occurred.
- Performance enhancement for forms using multiple SmartObject methods returning large amounts of data.
- When using the "apply the changes made to the row on the editable list view" rule action on a form, and the refresh button to save values, it did not behave as expected.
- When using the Export to Excel control on an Editable list view and the data contains a special character such as “&”, the special character did not export correctly to Excel.
- When editing a workflow and configuring an Email reminder on a workflow task step, a “Cannot convert value ‘’ to Int32.” error occurred when starting an instance of the workflow.

The following Fix Packs apply to this version of K2 Cloud. To determine the version and Fix Packs applied to your environment, please see the KB article KB003537: How to determine the installed K2 software version, Cumulative Updates, and Fix Packs for K2 Platform and K2 Cloud
Fix Pack | Release Date | Details |
Fix Pack 15 | November 2022 |
Fix Pack 14 | October 2022 |
Fix Pack 13 | October 2022 |
Fix Pack 12 | September 2022 |
Fix Pack 11 | September 2022 |
When configuring an email reminder on a Task step and using the Infinite setting in the Repetitions field, the reminder was only sent once. Follow the steps below to successfully apply the fix:
Fix Pack 10 | September 2022 |
Fix Pack 9 | August 2022 |
Fix Pack 8 | August 2022 |
Fix Pack 7 | August 2022 |
Fix Pack 6 | August 2022 |
Fix Pack 5 | August 2022 |
Fix Pack 4 | July 2022 |
Fix Pack 3 | July 2022 |
Standard validation patterns such as Email Address and Characters Only are reset when your environment is upgraded. To keep your changes, we recommend you create a new validation pattern. For more information about creating a new pattern, see Creating a custom pattern
Fix Pack 2 | June 2022 |
When you apply the fix, the Process History database table will only contain the 3 latest saved entries. If you require historical records of this table, we suggest you leave the key value as "false". This will ensure that the Process History database table retains all previously saved entries.
Note that this will cause the database to continue growing and may cause slow performance.
Fix Pack 1 | June 2022 |
For a list of previous K2 Cloud and K2 Cloud Updates and Fix Packs see the What's New topic.