the Designer - the Designer is a browser-based design tool enabling you to easily create reusable components such as simple to advanced SmartObjects, views, and forms and to integrate these with workflows. Learn more...
Workflow Designer - Visually design complex or simple workflows without code, incorporate business rules and drive processes with escalations and reminders. Real time workflow validation helps you build smart usable workflows from the start. Learn more...
Authorization Framework - Secure your K2 environment by controlling who can see, use and run K2 SmartObjects, Views, Forms and Workflows. Learn more...
Management - Maintain your K2 environment by performing administrative tasks such as creating roles, assigning rights to users, controlling access to K2 artifacts, managing workflows and resolving workflow errors. Learn more...
Workspace - Use the Workspace to review and respond to your K2 tasks, access workflow and form data, review progress using reports, and manage your out of office redirect of tasks to other users. You can even create custom workspaces which are a set of links, pages, SmartForms, and external web sites that provides easy access to your most-used business functions. Learn more...
Reports - Reporting on your processes is now far easier through the out -of- box workflow reports, build your own reports with reporting controls or integrate with third-party tools like Power BI using the OData API. Learn more...
OData API - SmartObjects can be exposed as OData services to allow third party tools (such as Microsoft Power BI and Microsoft Excel) or developers to consume the data returned by SmartObjects in a common format. You can build custom reports or other interfaces that represent the data returned by SmartObjects. Learn more...
Workflow REST API - Manage workflows, workflow instances, and tasks in custom ASP.NET pages, custom apps, and third-party tools (such as Microsoft Flow) using the Workflow REST endpoints. Learn more...
Opening an external link in a custom Workspace causes a blank page to display instead of the linked page. These requests are being blocked by the browser due to a failure to establish a trusted CORS relationship between your web browser and the hosting system. CORS is a configuration option that must be set on the host, and that K2 has no influence over. The custom Workspace is opening these pages in an iFrame which requires CORS. Workaround:
Do not link to pages on hosts which are not configured to trust the K2 environment as a CORS requestor.
Open the URL for the page in another browser tab.
Create a SmartForm containing a link to the page that you wish to display, and link the Custom Workspace to that SmartForm.
When accessing the Workflow REST API a system error occurs when the service is first loaded and the AppPool account used during installation has not been granted permissions to the AllowedOrigins SmartBox SmartObject. Workaround: Add the AppPool account to the API Administrators list in he Management Site > Integration > APIs
The following error stating "No Anti-Cross Site request Forgery cookie found in request" is known to occur when using K2 for SharePoint in Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.xxxxx. The error is caused when Internet Explorer deletes all cookies for the site you are on while the browser is open. When SmartForms makes another request K2 detects that the cookie is no longer present and blocks the request with the error. Workaround For more information on the error and the workaround see KB002062.
When creating a new Connector and Connection in Flow, it may take several minutes before that connection can be successfully used to create a Flow step. An error stating “Could not retrieve values. Network request failed” will display when attempting to perform a Flow step that requires a connection to K2, such as selecting a Workflow to start in the Start Workflow step. The error is caused by a delay between the creation of the connection and the functionality working on Microsoft Flow.
Workaround Wait a few minutes and try the Flow step again. Waiting a few minutes after creating the connector and building your first flow allows the connector and its functions to appear and be selected in a new flow.
The Workflow REST and OData APIs do not not function against a SQLUM configuration, only AD and AAD user managers.
Workaround There is no known workaround at this time.
When creating a workflow in a specific browser, for example Internet Explorer, offline changes in the local browser storage can be created if you navigate away from the browser either by closing the tab, changing the URL or closing the browser without correctly closing the workflow. When the workflow is opened in a different browser, for example Chrome, then modify, save and correctly close the workflow. When the workflow is then reopened in the original browser, in this case Internet Explorer, the browser will try and apply the offline changes but these are no longer valid as the workflow has been modified and this could corrupt the workflow.
Clear the browser cache where the offline changes exist, ensure the cookies and site data checkbox is checked.
Best practice is to always use the same browser to create and modify workflows in or close the workflow correctly by selecting File > close in the ribbon.
An unresolved error message displays in the error bar when a task that has no actions is linked to a Decision step with custom added outcomes, the error occurs when actions are added to the task and the custom actions are deleted. Workaround