Workflow Server

The Management Console in K2 Workspace is superseded by the K2 Management Site and you should use the K2 Management Site to administer your K2 environment, rather than Management Console in K2 Workspace. (In certain cases you may need to use the Management Console in K2 Workspace to perform tasks that are not exposed in the K2 Management Site.)

The Workflow Server node allows for the management of various workflow properties, such as Server Rights, Processes, Users, Worklists, Error Profiles, String Tables, Working Hours and Archiving. In addition, right-clicking the Workflow Server node will expose additional, system-level configuration settings.

Nodes Description
Server Rights Configures Admin, Export, and Impersonate Rights for a K2 environment by User, Role, or Group.
Processes Lists the Processes deployed on the selected Server, allowing the user to configure permissions, start and stop Instances, select the default Version.
Users Configures users settings such as process rights, server rights, and working hours.
Worklist Presents a search function for Worklists, allowing the administrator to Redirect and/or Release active or open Worklist items
Error Profiles Allows administrators to Retry/Repair failed workflows.
String Table Configures the String Table on the Server level.
Working Hours Configuration Allows administrators to create and configure Working Hours and Zones.
Archiving Allows administrators to archive or restore process reporting data..