SharePoint User Management Wizard Navigation

SharePoint User Management Wizard - Wizard Navigation

To start the SharePoint User Management Wizard, select this wizard from the Events Templates and drag the event onto the design canvas or onto your activity.

SharePoint User Management Event Wizard - Welcome Screen SharePoint User Management Event Wizard - Event Name and Action Wizard Navigation Wizard Navigation Wizard Navigation Delete SharePoint Group Wizard Navigation Wizard Navigation

Feature What it is
Welcome Starts the process of the User Management Event Configuration
Event Name and Action The Event Name and Action screen provides a central area to select the type of action required from the User Management Event Wizard
Add SharePoint Users and Groups Adds new users and groups to either a SharePoint Group, Site, List, Library, Folder or List Item
Remove SharePoint Users and Groups Removes existing users and groups from either a SharePoint Group, Site, List, Library, Folder or List Item
Create SharePoint Group Creates a new SharePoint Group
Delete SharePoint Group Deletes an existing SharePoint Group
Manage Permissions Manages User and Group Permissions automatically as part of the workflow
Reset Inheritance on a site, list or library Resets the Inheritance used in SharePoint on a site, list or library
See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)